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Friday, October 25, 2013

~Ghost Child~

One day, while my three older children were at school, I put my youngest child down for his mid-afternoon nap.

I headed to the living room to tidy up and put away the toys he had been playing with.  I then headed out to the kitchen to wash up a few dirty dishes that were sitting in the sink.

As I stood at the sink washing the dishes I felt someone tug on the back and bottom of my shirt.

Without even thinking I said, "Hold on a sec honey." I then felt the tug on my shirt again.

As I proceeded to finish washing the glass I had in my hand, I suddenly realized that three of my children were at school, and my youngest who was only 5 or 6 months of age and not yet walking, was asleep in his crib.

So, who the hell had just tugged on my shirt?  I slowly turned around, expecting to see a small child standing there, but of course I saw no one.  

I stood there for a few moments at my kitchen sink, thinking about what I had just experienced.  I knew for certain that some one or some thing had tugged on my shirt.

It was familiar to me because my older children had done the very same thing to me various times when they were smaller and all of 1 or 2 years of age.  Yet there was no one there.  At least not anyone that I could see.

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