Throughout my entire life, as far back as I can remember, I have had experiences that one could label "paranormal". Through my experiences, I have come to the realization that there is far more to this world and this universe of ours than we can possibly even begin to imagine. I very much believe without a doubt, that when our physical body dies, the part of us that makes us who we are; our energy, our essence lives on.
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Wednesday, January 9, 2019
~Welcome Home~
Just recently I had an experience that really shook me to my core and invoked so many feelings. I can't even properly articulate how I felt after this experience. But it definitely verified for me that there is more to just this life. There is much more than just this realm in which we exist.
Some of what I felt was sadness, and that was from feeling the loss of losing loved ones. I was overcome with so much emotion that I broke down and cried. It wasn't a sadness that brought me to tears, it was the overwhelming love and knowing that our loved ones carry on and are still very much with us after they pass from this realm.
My aunt was very ill. She had been battling cancer and unfortunately there was nothing more the doctors could do for her. It was only a matter of time, and she was being kept comfortable. She was at home as she had requested, and was receiving round the clock care from her daughter and nurses.
I went to bed one night, and while laying in bed I had my eyes closed and began to relax. As I did, I could feel myself drifting off. As I continued to relax, I saw a whitish haze. Soon that haze began to clear and slowly colours and shapes of things began to come into focus.
Soon, I realized that I was standing on my grandparents old street. I was on the opposite side of the street and off in the distance I saw their home. I looked around and saw that everything in the neighbourhood looked just as it did when they lived there. Everything was just how I remembered it.
I had been by my grandparents old home recently and everything in the neighbourhood has changed, it looks nothing as it did in my childhood when they lived there.
So, while in this dream or vision I was having, I reveled in the fact that everything looked just as it did when I was a kid when they lived in that house. I just stood there looking around, taking it all in.
The colours were so vivid and everything just looked so beautiful. It took my breath away when I saw how the sunlight was trickling through the trees and bushes in the huge field beside their house. It was as if the light was glistening. It was just so indescribably beautiful.
I looked back towards their house again, and I then saw my grandma down on her knees in front of the house working in her garden. Tears immediately began to well up in my eyes when I saw her. She looked just as she always did when I was a kid and she was working in her garden. I was so happy to see her that I wanted to just run to her.
But, just as I was about to step off the curb I saw my grandpa step out of the front porch. He looked at me and held his hand up. I wasn't sure if he was waving hello or not, but it looked almost as if he was holding up his hand to tell me to stop and not step forward.
I wondered if perhaps he was trying to tell me not to step out onto the road because a car was coming. So, I turned slightly and looked back over my left shoulder to make sure no cars were coming. Just as I would have done back in the day when playing outside their home and down the street and I was heading back to their house.
However, the street behind me did not continue on and onto a main street as it did in real life. Instead, the street just kind of ended, and then there was grass, trees and rolling hills. There were flowers and trees all along the rolling hills.
There were clouds up in the sky and the sky was so clear and such a beautiful blue. Because everything was so beautiful and the colours were so vivid, I began to get emotional and wondered for a brief moment if I had died and was now standing in heaven. Tears began spilling out of my eyes and running down my cheeks.
I turned back towards my grandparents home and again I saw my grandpa hold up his hand as if to tell me to stop and not come any closer. He then waved hello at me and was smiling. I began to cry, I wanted to run to him and my grandma so badly. I just wanted nothing more than to throw my arms around them and tell them how much I love them and how much I have missed them. I wanted to sit down with them and tell them about all of the things that have happened in our family since they both passed.
But I knew that I was not to take another step. I then sat down on the curb and cried. While looking towards my grandparents home and watching my grandma working in her garden I saw my grandpa walk down the front steps of the house. My grandma then stood up and wiped the dirt from her knees. They both headed to the walkway at the front of their house and into the driveway. All sorts of people were walking up the driveway to greet them.
Everyone was so happy to see my grandparents and each other. Everyone was smiling and hugging each other. I also noticed that all of the people walking up the driveway to the house were carrying what appeared to be plastic tupperware containers with food. There were so many people and they were bringing so much food. I couldn't believe how many people there were, and the people just kept coming, carrying tons of food.
As I continued to sit on the curb of the sidewalk, I saw my grandpa peer around everyone and smile at me. I could see he was emotional, and I could feel the happiness he felt at seeing me and I could feel his love. It was so overwhelming.
I waved to him and felt sad that I couldn't go over and join everyone. I couldn't understand what it was they were so happy about but it was evident that they were all happy to see each other, and that they were celebrating something. I really wanted to join them and was so sad that I couldn't.
Suddenly everything started to fade out and I found myself laying in the dark in my bed. I just laid in my bed crying, allowing myself to feel all of the emotions I had felt. But mostly I was crying because of how overwhelmed I felt at the love I had felt emanating from my grandpa. And I truly felt heartbroken that I couldn't hug my grandpa and grandma and spend some time with them.
The next day I told my husband about the dream. I could barely speak while telling him about it because I was overcome with so much emotion. I could still feel the immense love I felt from my grandpa. I also felt the sadness over not being able to hug them and talk with them. I could barely talk through my tears.
As I was telling my husband about all of the people showing up, I told him, "They were obviously celebrating something." Just as I said that I was overcome with this sudden "knowing" that they were all coming together to celebrate my aunt's homecoming to the other side.
I said to my husband, "Oh my God. They're all getting together to celebrate to welcome my aunt home."
My husband just looked at me and said, "You think so?" I told him, "I know so, it was so vivid and real, I don't believe it was just a dream. It felt as though I truly almost crossed over to the other side."
I was so overcome with emotion that I began to cry harder.
While talking to my dad later in the day, I told him about my dream.
The following day I was talking to my mom and she told me, "It must be only a matter of time for your aunt."
I asked her why, and she told me that my aunt was now talking about seeing people that weren't there.
I asked my mom what exactly had happened, and my mom told me that my cousin had called earlier and had spoken to my dad. She told my dad that while she was in the kitchen at my aunt's home, she over heard her mom (my aunt) talking to someone as she lay in her bed in the bedroom.
There was no one else in the house with them. It was only my cousin and her mom (my aunt).
My cousin entered the bedroom and asked her mom who she was talking to. My aunt told her that there were all sorts of people coming in and out of her room and they were all bringing food. She told my cousin that she had never seen so many people or so much food. She also said that the people were all so happy to see her and many of them she didn't even recognize.
When my mom told me that I said, "Are you kidding me?" I then began crying.
My mom just sat on the other end of the phone, listening to me cry. I think she thought I was crying over the fact that the end was so near for my aunt. And while that did sadden me, I was crying because I couldn't believe that my aunt was seeing what I had seen in what appeared to be a very vivid dream.
My mom asked me, "Are you okay?"
Finally I gathered my thoughts and asked my mom, "Did dad not tell you about the dream I had?" My mom said, "No, what dream?"
I then proceeded to tell my mom about my dream. My mom could not believe it. What a coincidence that I would have a dream about people meeting up with my grandparents, bringing food for what I believed had to do with my aunt passing. And my aunt tells my cousin that she was being visited by all sorts of people that were bringing food.
I still do not know what to make of it, and while typing this out I was overcome with emotion, and I am crying while typing this. I can still feel the love I felt at seeing my grandparents, and I can still feel the love I felt emanating from my grandpa.
My aunt ended up passing and while I was saddened over her passing, I have taken comfort in knowing that she is at peace and is reunited with all of her loved ones. I very much believe that my grandparents (her mom & dad) have met up with her on the other side too. I don't question that for even a second.
Copyright © 2019 My Extremely Haunted Life
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