If you would like to reach out to me or wish to share a personal experience, I would love to hear from you! You can email me at; myextremelyhauntedlife@yahoo.com

Sunday, May 5, 2013

~The Haunted Jewelry Box~

While visiting my great-grandma (on my mom's side), when I was all of 6 or 7 years of age, she gave me a beautiful jewelry box. Inside of it was a music box that played a very pretty tune. I did not know the name of the song, nor can I remember how the tune went. 

When my great-grandma gave me the jewelry box she told me to promise to take good care of it because it was very, very old. So, I eagerly accepted the jewelry box and promised to take good care of it.

I'm not sure exactly how long I had the jewelry box but it wasn't for very long when I had an experience that scared the hell out of me.

I was laying in my bed after being tucked in and kissed good-night by my parents. I was simply laying in my bed staring up at my ceiling, thinking about things. I always slept with two lamps on in my room.  I liked my room nice and bright while I slept.

I began to feel very tired and so I closed my eyes. Within minutes of closing my eyes I felt the very distinct feeling of someone being in the room with me. I layed there with my eyes closed thinking that my parents had come back into my room to check on me and make sure I was sleeping, which they were known to do. 

While laying there with my eyes closed, it felt like forever. I finally began to laugh and knew I was busted because I wasn't asleep. I slowly opened my eyes expecting to see my mom or dad standing there, but instead, standing in front of my dresser, crouched over the jewelry box was a old lady in all black, with a black veil over her head and face. She was looking in the jewelry box. I immediately closed my eyes. I was terrified. I was then overcome with exhaustion and fell asleep. When I woke up in the morning I immediately recalled what happened the night before. I got out of bed and found my mom in the kitchen. I told her about my experience and told her to get rid of the jewelry box. I told her that I wanted nothing to do with it.

My mom told me that she did not want to throw it out because it was very old. I told her I did not want it in our house. My mom told me that she would put it away. I did not like that idea. So, without telling her, I put the jewelry box into a shopping bag and placed the bag in my closet. Later that day I threw the bag into the trash.

Thankfully I never saw that creepy old lady, or whatever it was, again.

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

I have searched and searched for years to try and find a jewelry box that looks like the one I had. I had searched books about collectibles and antiques. When the internet came into existence, I searched and searched. I was finally able to find one. 

This jewelry box is very similar to the one my great-grandmother gave me.  Of course the one I had was a different colour, more of a dark burgundy. Other than that, the outside as well as the inside is almost identical. 

I have yet to learn anything about the possible age of these makes of jewelry box.

If you think you have any information regarding this jewelry box, I would love to hear from you. You can e-mail me at; A_Haunted_Lifee@yahoo.com

A tremendous thank-you to Leonie for contacting me! Leonie sent me some photos of a jewelry box that look exactly like the one that I had. 

The only difference is that the inside of the one Leonie owns was modified. However, I'm going to print up the pictures that were sent to me of the outside of the box and take them to an antique shop that I frequent. The man that owns it is really nice and very helpful. Hopefully he can give me some info.

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

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