When my oldest son was all of 2 or 3 years of age, he woke up one day and began talking about "the dark shadow people" that came into his room the night before and kept waking him up.
He said that he didn't like them because they were bad. He also said that they wouldn't stop talking and wouldn't leave him alone.
My mom asked him what they said to him, and all of a sudden in a really creepy deep voice my son said, "Open the door." His response really creeped my mom out, it made the skin on the back of her neck crawl.
There were a few more mornings where he woke up tired and due to lack of sleep was easily agitated. When I asked him what was wrong, he told me he was tired and couldn't sleep because the dark shadow people were in his room again. Again he talked about how the shadow people were all talking and when he told them to leave they wouldn't go, and they wouldn't shut up.
During this time, I used to frequent a metaphysical shop that was not far from my home. I loved going into that store, so did my kids. The energy in that place was just so calming, and the people that owned and ran the store were really nice. I, like many other customers felt like we could just hang out there and talk to them for hours. And the best part was that they never pushed you into buying anything. They were completely fine with people simply browsing and not purchasing anything.
So, after my son's claims about these dark shadow people, I headed down to that shop. I was browsing their many books when the owner approached me, and after exchanging hello's, asked me if there was anything in-particular I was looking for. I began telling him about my son and his annoying "visitors" at night.
The owner began telling me about his own son that was now grown, but how he had experienced something similar when he was younger. He then began talking to me about how he believed that because children are so young and innocent, that they can easily see spirits. He said that in his experiences, he has found that sometimes the not-so-nice spirits will come through to children as well, especially if they're receptive to it.
He then talked to me about energy and portals etc., and told me that I should do a "cleansing" to rid the house of these energies and stop them from coming through. I have to admit, I wasn't totally buying everything he was saying but I figured, what the heck, what have I got to lose?
I purchased some sage, as well as a couple of candles.
A couple of days later, when no one was in the house I performed my little "ritual" of cleansing the house with sage. I lit the candles and said my little prayers etc., as instructed.
I had to admit, afterwards I did feel a change in the energy in the house. It felt much more calmer and relaxed.
The very next morning, my son woke up, came out to the living room and was in a fantastic mood. I asked him if he slept okay. He said he slept great, he then said, "The shadow people are gone. We closed the door."
My mom was sitting in the living room with me. Her and I exchanged glances. My mom knew all about the sage "cleansing" I did, but my children knew nothing about it. Yet from my son's comment, it was as if he knew all about it.
So I asked him, "What do you mean buddy?" My son said, "You closed the door, they can't bother me no more."
The burning of sage leaves
Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life
Throughout my entire life, as far back as I can remember, I have had experiences that one could label "paranormal". Through my experiences, I have come to the realization that there is far more to this world and this universe of ours than we can possibly even begin to imagine. I very much believe without a doubt, that when our physical body dies, the part of us that makes us who we are; our energy, our essence lives on.
If you would like to reach out to me or wish to share a personal experience, I would love to hear from you!
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Thursday, May 23, 2013
~The Dark Shadow People~
ghostly sounds,
haunted happenings,
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