There have been a few instances in my life where I have seen a ghost/spirit, and because one of my children were present with me at the time, they saw it as well.
But, for the most part, these encounters normally occur when I am by myself. This experience was different than any others because my boyfriend at the time witnessed it as well.
At the time, I was trying to discover where a deceased relative had been buried. He had died long before I was born, and no one in my family knew where he was buried.
The interest in finding out where he was buried all started one night after I was awoken by someone nudging my bed. I opened my eyes to find my grandpa who had passed away approximately six years prior, standing at the foot of my bed.
He spoke to me about many things. One thing he told me, that seemed to be of much importance to him, was where his infant son had been buried.
Back in 1945, my grandma gave birth to their third child, a beautiful baby boy. Unfortunately he was born with spina bifida. Shortly after his birth he developed an infection in his spinal column that eventually spread to his brain. He died only a few short weeks after being born, and no one in my family knew where he had been buried.
From what I had been told while growing up, and what everyone in my family knew, was that he had been buried with someone and because of that, the funeral home was unable to disclose to my grandparents where he was buried.
My grandfather stressed the fact to me however that his son had not been buried with anyone, but was buried all alone. He gave me other information as well and then showed me three numbers.
I couldn't make out if the first number was a 1 or a 7. The two other numbers were a 8 and a 3. So, I wasn't sure if he was showing me the number 183 or 783. I also had no idea what any of it meant. But I knew it was significant.
After speaking with me for some time and telling me about things that would come to pass, my grandpa told me that he had to go. He then simply faded away, and then was gone. I was then very determined to find out the truth about all of it including where my grandparents baby was buried.
I took out the phone book and began calling cemeteries. The third cemetery I called a woman answered and informed me that according to their records, there was a child by that name and date of birth and date of death buried in their cemetery. I also discovered and was able to verify that he was not buried with anyone, he was buried all alone.
The woman I was talking to then went on to tell me that he was buried in an unmarked grave, that there was no tombstone. She said that all that was on his grave was a plot marker and his plot number was 183. I couldn't believe it.
I then went on to tell the woman the entire story, in detail, about how everyone had been told he had been buried with someone and that no one in my family had known where he had been buried.
You can read more about it, including the visit from my deceased grandpa here;
The woman became very quiet. She then said, "That is so touching. Your grandfather loved your grandma so much that he obviously made that story up to help her cope with her loss. He must have known that it would bring her comfort if she believed that her baby had not been buried all alone."
The woman was very, very kind. She encouraged me to come out to the cemetery and said that she would show me all of the information, the documents and papers that they had in their records.
My boyfriend and I eagerly headed out to the cemetery later that afternoon. It was a Sunday and when we pulled into the parking lot of the cemetery office, there were no other cars there. We thought that perhaps they were closed, but when we tried the door, much to my relief, they were in fact open.
When we walked in, we saw a large reception desk straight ahead. Seated behind the reception desk was a young, very pretty woman with tons of thick, curly, dark brown hair that fell to her shoulders. She looked up when we walked in and smiled.
As we approached the desk I smiled and said, "Hi." I didn't even have to tell her who I was or why I was there. She immediately said, "Hi, I have all of the information about your grandparent's baby right here. You'll probably want to see this."
She lifted up a huge, thick black book that from the look of the yellowed pages, was very old. I glanced down at the page it was open to and saw my grandpa's signature, along with lots of other documented information.
While I was looking through the papers, she began to tell us that according to the notes in their records, my grandparents baby had been brought from the hospital morgue to the cemetery and was buried the following day. There had been no funeral service or viewing.
She also showed us documents my grandpa had signed regarding the transfer of the body and the burial. Their records indicated that other than the grave diggers, the only other person present when the baby was buried was my grandpa.
The thought of that made me so sad. I cried and cried. The woman was so kind that she teared up too. She then gave us a map and showed us where in the cemetery he was buried. My boyfriend and I thanked her profusely. She only smiled and said, "Don't mention it."
A few days after visiting the cemetery I spoke with both my dad and my uncle about everything I had discovered. I had also informed them of the dream, seeing my grandpa and everything that he had said to me. Both my dad and my uncle said that they would have really liked to see all of the documents. We all agreed that it would be nice to have copies of all of the various documentation. My uncle then said that it was too bad I hadn't gotten copies of them. I agreed and decided I would go back to the cemetery office and see if I could get any.
So, a few days after that I headed back out to the cemetery. My boyfriend went with me. When we walked in, we approached the desk and noticed that the woman that helped us the last time wasn't there. A man came out of a back room and approached the desk. He smiled and said, "Hi, can I help you?" I began telling him how I had phoned the cemetery about a week ago, looking for some information in regards to the whereabouts of a deceased loved one's place of burial.
I told him about the woman I had spoken with and how she had suggested that I come in and that we had. I then went on to tell him about how helpful the woman had been, and that she had shown us various documents and records, and I was hoping to get copies of them.
The man asked us if we knew the name of the lady that had helped us. Unfortunately we didn't and I told him that. He then asked us what she looked like. My boyfriend and I described her. The man just stood there staring at us. He then told us that he had no idea who had helped us because no one that worked there fit that description.
He asked us what day we had been there and said he would check to see who had been working that day. We told him and he looked up at us and said, "That's impossible, we aren't open on Sundays. Are you certain it was on a Sunday?"
My boyfriend and I looked at each other and looked back at the guy and said, "Yeah, it was on Sunday." Again he told us that we must have been mistaken because they are closed on Sundays. I insisted that yes, it was definitely on Sunday. He looked dumbfounded but proceeded to ask us what information it was that we were looking for.
I told him about the book the lady had shown us and relayed all of the various information from the various records and documents she had shown us.
He looked rather puzzled and then told us that they don't keep any books with paper records/files there. He said that everything gets entered into the computer and all of the old files, any thing on paper is kept at head office.
He bent over the keyboard and computer on the desk and began typing. He then asked me for the name of the deceased as well as his date of birth and when he died. I gave him the name and said, "He was born May 12th, 1945 and died June 5th, 1945."
The man sat down in the chair at the desk and looked up at us. He looked completely puzzled. He told my boyfriend and I, "That is impossible." He then went on to tell us that they don't keep records from that far back in that office.
He also told us that any detailed information like that wouldn't even be in their computer because it was from so long ago. He said that everything would be on paper, in books and files, but those were all kept at the head office.
I didn't know what to say, neither did my boyfriend. I just shrugged my shoulders and said, "Well, I don't know what to tell you, but she showed us all the documents. They were in a large black book", I then proceeded to describe what the book looked like.
He said, "I know the book you are describing, and we no longer use those. Those books contain various documentation and files from many, many years ago, and they're all kept at head office."
I asked, "Well then how did she manage to get a hold of it?"
The guy just looked at me. He began to smile and then said, "You say you came here on a Sunday, yet we aren't open on Sundays. We have a very small staff here, and not one person that works here looks like or even closely resembles the woman you described that helped you. And somehow, this person showed you documents and files that we don't even keep here."
I looked at my boyfriend and then back at the guy and said, "Yeah, your point?" He laughed and said, "I think you experienced some heavenly intervention."
I just stared at him. While still smiling the guy told us that stranger things have happened there and he could tell us tons of stories.
My boyfriend said, "Are you serious?" He said, "I'm very serious."
We were speechless. We thanked him for his time, and he told me how to go about getting copies of the various documents and gave me a business card with the number of their head office on it.
My boyfriend and I walked out of there and didn't say a word to each other. We got into the car and both of us just stared at each other. I said, "Well, son of a bitch."
When I eventually filled my mom and dad, as well as my brother and my uncle in on it, they too were speechless and couldn't believe it.
Over the years, I have looked back on that experience many times. And every single time I think about it, I am still very much left in wonderment.
Recalling that experience also brings me much comfort and reassurance. For me, it has become another experience that has helped to strengthen my belief, that when the physical body dies, our spirit; our true essence of who we are, lives on.
Yet, wherever it is that the soul travels to after death, it is not too far off, because some how, some way, our loved ones are able to come to us in our time of need. Spirits are able to reach out to us and comfort us.
Copyright © 2014 A Haunted Life