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Sunday, November 30, 2014

~White Noise~

Due to my love and constant desire to read and gather information, I have recently come to a realization about something. 

Many who investigate hauntings and attempt to study and prove the possibility and existence of spirit communication, use something known as "white noise" to aid in their ability to communicate with spirits. 

While there is still much debate, there is strong belief amongst many investigators regarding the use of white noise and its ability to aid in spirit communication.

What is white noise you ask? According to Wikipedia, "in signal processing, white noise is a random signal with a constant power spectral density." Huh?

Basically, it is a random, non-descript static sound that is produced by various electronic devices. The sound covers and combines all wavelengths and frequencies. In that way, it is like the colour white, which is a combination of all colours, hence the name "white" noise.  

Some examples of white noise include the radio or television static when set to an empty channel. Another example of white noise is the hum of an electric fan while it is on and running.

The supposed theory behind white noise is that somehow it provides the energy or raw material that an entity needs in order to form communication. Some ghost investigators believe that white noise acts like an attractor and it draws in entities to an area like moths to a flame. 

What I find so interesting is
that there has always been a fan on in my room while I sleep at night. My parents started this right from the time I was born. 

So, could that be the reason for my numerous experiences of being visited in my bedroom at night by spirits? Could that be why at times I have not actually seen a spirit, but could hear them chattering away to me? 

To this very day I still sleep with a fan on at night. The sound aids in lulling me to sleep.

Another interesting thought is that everyone in my immediate family and in my extended family on my dad's side uses a fan at night, and it is family members on my dad's side that have also experienced sightings, visits from spirits.

So, is it simply the white noise from a fan that has been the cause of those visits and communications?  Is it the white noise from the fan that has aided in their ability to appear and communicate?

I have no idea, but it is definitely something to consider and think about.

In Love and Light,

Copyright © 2014 A Haunted Life