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Thursday, May 10, 2018

~Love from the other side~

So many times I have an experience and the rational part of my mind tries to explain it away, but sometimes I simply can not find an answer and I am left wondering if I have in fact had an actual spiritual encounter. This experience is a perfect example of what I am saying.

When my daughter was pregnant, I had a very vivid dream about her unborn baby.

In that dream I met up with a deceased family friend. He was sitting at what looked like some type of a bistro table. Seated on the floor beside him was a baby sound asleep in an infant car seat. I immediately knew that the baby was the baby my daughter was carrying.

Of course I was overcome with emotion when I saw that family friend. I was filled with sadness over his sudden passing but was so incredibly happy to see him. As I began to walk towards him, I looked up and off into the distance, and I saw that standing behind him and the baby were many, many people. I instinctively knew that all of those people were the souls of the countless loved ones on the other side, and they were there seeing the soul of the baby off as he prepared to leave the other side and cross into this realm.

I became even more emotional when I saw my grandparents standing among all of the people. I was so overcome with emotion that I began crying.

I was astounded at the love emanating from my grandparents and all of the other souls, as well as the expression of immense love on their faces. The enormity and force of the love was indescribable. It made me cry even harder. I simply could not believe the love they all felt for this child. In fact I still to this day can not talk about that dream without getting emotional.

In the dream, I asked the family friend if I could see the baby, to which he replied, "Of course." I instinctively knew however, that I wasn't allowed to pick the baby up, that I could only look at him.

I then bent down and pushed back the canopy on the infant seat, and moved the blanket down that was covering the baby and laying just below his chin. While crouched down I got to have a good look at the baby. It was at that moment that I knew what my daughter's baby was going to look like. I also discovered at that time that it was in fact a boy (which both my daughter and I somehow just instinctively "knew" from the moment we found out she was pregnant).

I began buying various items such as clothing for the baby shortly after we learned of the impending arrival, and I proceeded to buy what one would label as "boy" clothing. I purchased lots of pastel coloured clothing, but mostly a lot of blue. One day my Mom asked me, "What are you going to do if it turns out to be a girl." I said, "Trust me, it's a boy." My Mom however was going with her gut instinct and bought some pink sleepers. Both my daughter and I told her she was wasting her money because it was a boy. Lol

After I had that dream I immediately told my daughter and the rest of our family all about it. I tried so hard to describe what I knew the baby was going to look like. The thing that stood out to me the most was the shape of the face and it's little mouth.

Oddly enough, a short time later while browsing through various photos on Pinterest, I came across a picture of a reborn doll that closely resembled the baby I saw in the dream. I showed my daughter, as well as my Mom and husband, and told them how much that doll resembled the baby I saw in my dream. I told them that it wasn't exact but that the face shape and mouth were so close.

Because the features were so similar to what I saw in my dream, I saved the picture in an album on my Pinterest so that we could compare after the baby was born.

Somehow I completely forgot about that picture until coming across it last night while cleaning up and deleting various pictures on some of my Pinterest boards.

I'm not sure how or why, but comparing the two pics I can't help but wonder if perhaps I did in fact somehow pay a visit to the other side and was given the opportunity to see my unborn grandson.

Judge for yourself.

The first picture below is the picture of the reborn doll, the one on the bottom is a photo of my grandson taken the night he was born.

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