If you would like to reach out to me or wish to share a personal experience, I would love to hear from you! You can email me at; myextremelyhauntedlife@yahoo.com

Thursday, June 24, 2021

~She is still with Me~

Back in May of 2019, my family received an extremely devastating blow.

My beautiful grandson Liam who was only going to be turning 3 years old the following month, was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD).

DMD is a muscle wasting disease that is terminal, there is no cure. 

It affects all muscle which includes the heart and respiratory system, including the lungs and diaphragm.

It predominantly affects boys, and boys with DMD are typically wheelchair bound by the age of 13.

They slowly lose the ability to use their legs and arms, and they eventually require assistance to breathe because the diaphragm weakens as well.

Death can occur at any age from complications associated with the disease such as rapid muscle breakdown (rhabdomyolysis) which can cause kidney damage and/or failure.

Death can also occur at any time due to respiratory infection and/or failure.

Any fall or blow to the body can result in fat embolism syndrome, which can be deadly.

But typically the cause of death in boys with DMD is due to heart failure. Life expectancy is only into the late teens, early 20s with the average age being 27.

It is such a devastating disease and my words fail to convey just how devastated we were after receiving this diagnosis for Liam. 

While waiting to receive the results of Liam's genetic testing, my daughter (Liam's Mom) and I had prayed endlessly.

We went to church and lit candles.

We prayed and pleaded with God.

We pleaded with God and begged that if Liam had to have Muscular Dystrophy that he have Becker's Muscular Dystrophy, since Becker's is a milder form of Muscular Dystrophy.

Boys with Becker's can walk for much longer, and life expectancy is much older as well, into the 40s and 50s. 

However, our prayers had been futile, and when we received the diagnosis for Liam it felt as though someone tore into my chest and violently ripped my heart out and smashed it into a billion pieces.

The pain and heartache ripped into me, deep down into the center of my core. My soul was completely shattered.

I kept it together and stayed strong for my daughter after we were told of Liam's diagnosis. My husband and I held my daughter as she sobbed, but the moment we arrived at my parent's home, and my Dad swept my daughter into his arms as she wept, I excused myself and said I needed to go for a walk. 

I exited my parent's home and my husband followed quietly behind me.

I got into our vehicle on the passenger side and asked my husband to drive. He asked where, I said, "Anywhere".

As soon as my husband backed our vehicle out of my parent's driveway and we had driven a few houses past my parent's home, and I knew that my daughter could not see me, I completely broke down.

Giant sobs escaped from my throat and completely wracked my body. I could not control it. The heartache and anger I felt just poured out of me and I wailed.

My husband just sat there beside me, not saying a word as he pulled our vehicle over to the side of the road. 

I then began screaming at God. Through tears, I looked up and out through the front windshield of our vehicle into the sky and just began screaming and swearing profanities at God. I had never in my life been so angry. I felt so let down. 

As I have stated in many of my posts on this blog, I have never in my life doubted the existence of a higher power or a "god". It has always been a "knowing" at a soul level so deep that I truly can not explain it.

But now, I felt lied to. I felt like a devastated child who had just discovered their parents had been lying to them about Santa being real.  

My sobbing was coming from such a deep part of me. It felt as though my sobs were coming from the depths of my soul, and as I screamed more profanities at God I could not quell the shaking that had overcome my entire body. Even my voice was shaking as I screamed and yelled. I was emotionally broken right at soul level.

The next few days were a blur as the reality of Liam's diagnosis sunk in and we began looking at what his future would now entail.

The next few months we were busy with escorting my daughter and Liam to numerous specialists appointments, to provide my daughter with every bit of the emotional support she needed.

We held my daughter up as she mourned the loss of the future she thought her son would have.

We held her as she wept, while she processed her son's new reality. A reality that she had no choice but to come to terms with. It was such an incredibly difficult time. 

During that time I was spiraling down and into such an incredibly dark place. I was becoming more and more angry with God.

Throughout my entire life I had experienced so many things that everyone including myself had always believed was "unexplainable" and those experiences had confirmed for me a strong belief in a life or existence existing after this earthly one.

But if there really is an existence beyond this earthly realm and "God" did truly exist, how could he/it permit my beautiful grandson to have such a horrific, debilitating disease?

Why does any child have to suffer with a terminal disease?

Why would a loving, benevolent God permit that? How could God allow it?

Perhaps I had been wrong all this time.

Maybe all of my experiences that I believed were "paranormal" were merely wishful thinking on my part.

Perhaps there was nothing for us after our physical body dies, and there really was no "god" or higher Consciousness. 

Although, as angry as I felt, deep down in the depths of my soul the idea that there really was no "god" or higher "consciousness" did not feel true or sit "right" with my soul.

Despite my immense anger, I still very much believed deep down, in an afterlife and a loving Creator.

But why, why did our beautiful Liam have to endure this? 

How were we as a family going to endure this?

How were we expected to live a full, happy life, knowing that we will lose Liam far too soon? 

One night I was still feeling so incredibly broken and completely abandoned by "God".

I had spent so many nights crying. Crying over Liam's diagnosis and what that entailed. Crying for my daughter, knowing what she was going to have to endure.

My heart and soul truly felt as though they both just could not possibly break any further.

On that particular night I was feeling so incredibly alone and abandoned because I had not had any reassuring dreams from either of my grandparents that everything was going to be okay, like I typically had experienced during any rather difficult time in my life. 

I was feeling so completely broken and was feeling heartache right into the very depths of the core of my soul. 

While laying in bed and crying, I then thought of the beautiful dreams I have had about my grandparents, where it was as if they had truly come to me in my dream to comfort and console me. If I had ever needed that, now was the time. 

I then thought back to my childhood and the beautiful memories I hold close to my heart. I thought of my grandparents, my beloved Nana and Papa, and their home that holds so many of my wonderful childhood memories.

I then began to cry harder.

I yearned for those carefree days and of seeing my grandparents who I loved so dearly.

I miss them terribly and their words of wisdom and felt like if I ever needed them and their wisdom it was now. I then began crying even harder. 

Through my sobs I spoke out loud into the empty darkness of my bedroom and told my Nana and Papa that I really, really needed them.

I told them how I was feeling so alone and lost and did not know if I could find my way back.

I confided to them that I was terrified because I had lost my faith in God and I needed to know that I hadn't been wrong, that God is in fact real. 

I then asked into the darkness, "Nana, Papa, have I truly been visited by you and other loved ones?"

I then asked my grandma through tears and sobs, "Nana, are you really here? Can you please show me that none of what I have experienced was mere wishing on my part?"

I then sobbed even harder and pleaded as I said, "I need to know that you are still with me and I need a sign that Liam is going to be okay, that you are with us and watching over him, and me. I feel so alone right now, and I need to know that I am not alone. Please give me a sign." 

I then laid in bed for some time crying. My heart was broken and it truly felt as though my heart could not take much more. 

A day or so later I woke up and began scrolling through Instagram. I had only scrolled past a few photos when one popped up that immediately caught my attention.

It was a drawing of a grandma sitting in a chair by a fireplace.

Standing beside the grandmother on either side was a little girl and a little boy. Another little boy sat playing on the floor with toys. 

I was stunned to say the least because the lady in the picture looked EXACTLY like my Nana!

She was even wearing pearls as my Nana always did!

What was also so shocking was that the fireplace in the photo resembled the fireplace my grandparents had in their living room in their house from my childhood. The same house that holds so many of my fond memories. 

The photo was accurate because my Nana absolutely loved children and doted on all of her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. My Nana was also forever baking and cooking and always wore an apron. 

I was suddenly overcome with so much emotion and began crying. But then an odd calmness came over me and I just knew without a doubt that my grandparents are still with me. I felt reassured that I am not alone.

I knew that my Nana heard me and had sent me my sign. I felt so calm and such an overwhelming feeling of love. The tears still fell though because I was overcome with emotion.

As the tears continued to fall I just sat in awe staring at the photo. I could not believe how much the lady drawn in the picture resembled my Nana. 

I called out to my husband. When he came into the room I immediately showed him the photo.

My husband never met my Nana, but he has seen pictures of her. I then pulled up an old photo of her and compared it to the photo that came up in my Instagram feed, my husband was speechless. 

I sat down on my bed as I cried some more.

I looked around the room and out loud I thanked my Nana.

I then cried harder. I had been feeling completely broken and had needed a sign, and she sent it.

That sign helped me tremendously and enabled me to find my way out of the darkness. 

I now realize that this is Liam's journey, and while I may not understand it, it is what it is and I am grateful to be able to walk his journey with him.

I am committed to making wonderful memories each and every day.

I realize that each day with our loved ones is a gift to be treasured and thankful for. 

A photo of my Nana

The photo that came up in my Instagram feed

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

~Welcome Home~

Just recently I had an experience that really shook me to my core and invoked so many feelings. I can't even properly articulate how I felt after this experience. But it definitely verified for me that there is more to just this life. There is much more than just this realm in which we exist.

Some of what I felt was sadness, and that was from feeling the loss of losing loved ones. I was overcome with so much emotion that I broke down and cried. It wasn't a sadness that brought me to tears, it was the overwhelming love and knowing that our loved ones carry on and are still very much with us after they pass from this realm.

My aunt was very ill. She had been battling cancer and unfortunately there was nothing more the doctors could do for her. It was only a matter of time, and she was being kept comfortable. She was at home as she had requested, and was receiving round the clock care from her daughter and nurses.

I went to bed one night, and while laying in bed I had my eyes closed and began to relax. As I did, I could feel myself drifting off. As I continued to relax, I saw a whitish haze. Soon that haze began to clear and slowly colours and shapes of things began to come into focus.

Soon, I realized that I was standing on my grandparents old street. I was on the opposite side of the street and off in the distance I saw their home. I looked around and saw that everything in the neighbourhood looked just as it did when they lived there. Everything was just how I remembered it.

I had been by my grandparents old home recently and everything in the neighbourhood has changed, it looks nothing as it did in my childhood when they lived there.

So, while in this dream or vision I was having, I reveled in the fact that everything looked just as it did when I was a kid when they lived in that house. I just stood there looking around, taking it all in.

The colours were so vivid and everything just looked so beautiful. It took my breath away when I saw how the sunlight was trickling through the trees and bushes in the huge field beside their house. It was as if the light was glistening. It was just so indescribably beautiful.

I looked back towards their house again, and I then saw my grandma down on her knees in front of the house working in her garden. Tears immediately began to well up in my eyes when I saw her. She looked just as she always did when I was a kid and she was working in her garden. I was so happy to see her that I wanted to just run to her.

But, just as I was about to step off the curb I saw my grandpa step out of the front porch. He looked at me and held his hand up. I wasn't sure if he was waving hello or not, but it looked almost as if he was holding up his hand to tell me to stop and not step forward.

I wondered if perhaps he was trying to tell me not to step out onto the road because a car was coming. So, I turned slightly and looked back over my left shoulder to make sure no cars were coming. Just as I would have done back in the day when playing outside their home and down the street and I was heading back to their house.

However, the street behind me did not continue on and onto a main street as it did in real life. Instead, the street just kind of ended, and then there was grass, trees and rolling hills. There were flowers and trees all along the rolling hills.

There were clouds up in the sky and the sky was so clear and such a beautiful blue. Because everything was so beautiful and the colours were so vivid, I began to get emotional and wondered for a brief moment if I had died and was now standing in heaven. Tears began spilling out of my eyes and running down my cheeks.

I turned back towards my grandparents home and again I saw my grandpa hold up his hand as if to tell me to stop and not come any closer. He then waved hello at me and was smiling. I began to cry, I wanted to run to him and my grandma so badly. I just wanted nothing more than to throw my arms around them and tell them how much I love them and how much I have missed them. I wanted to sit down with them and tell them about all of the things that have happened in our family since they both passed.

But I knew that I was not to take another step. I then sat down on the curb and cried. While looking towards my grandparents home and watching my grandma working in her garden I saw my grandpa walk down the front steps of the house. My grandma then stood up and wiped the dirt from her knees. They both headed to the walkway at the front of their house and into the driveway. All sorts of people were walking up the driveway to greet them.

Everyone was so happy to see my grandparents and each other. Everyone was smiling and hugging each other. I also noticed that all of the people walking up the driveway to the house were carrying what appeared to be plastic tupperware containers with food. There were so many people and they were bringing so much food. I couldn't believe how many people there were, and the people just kept coming, carrying tons of food.

As I continued to sit on the curb of the sidewalk, I saw my grandpa peer around everyone and smile at me. I could see he was emotional, and I could feel the happiness he felt at seeing me and I could feel his love. It was so overwhelming.

I waved to him and felt sad that I couldn't go over and join everyone. I couldn't understand what it was they were so happy about but it was evident that they were all happy to see each other, and that they were celebrating something. I really wanted to join them and was so sad that I couldn't.

Suddenly everything started to fade out and I found myself laying in the dark in my bed. I just laid in my bed crying, allowing myself to feel all of the emotions I had felt. But mostly I was crying because of how overwhelmed I felt at the love I had felt emanating from my grandpa. And I truly felt heartbroken that I couldn't hug my grandpa and grandma and spend some time with them.

The next day I told my husband about the dream. I could barely speak while telling him about it because I was overcome with so much emotion. I could still feel the immense love I felt from my grandpa. I also felt the sadness over not being able to hug them and talk with them. I could barely talk through my tears.

As I was telling my husband about all of the people showing up, I told him, "They were obviously celebrating something." Just as I said that I was overcome with this sudden "knowing" that they were all coming together to celebrate my aunt's homecoming to the other side.

I said to my husband, "Oh my God. They're all getting together to celebrate to welcome my aunt home."

My husband just looked at me and said, "You think so?" I told him, "I know so, it was so vivid and real, I don't believe it was just a dream. It felt as though I truly almost crossed over to the other side."

I was so overcome with emotion that I began to cry harder.

While talking to my dad later in the day, I told him about my dream.

The following day I was talking to my mom and she told me, "It must be only a matter of time for your aunt."

I asked her why, and she told me that my aunt was now talking about seeing people that weren't there.

I asked my mom what exactly had happened, and my mom told me that my cousin had called earlier and had spoken to my dad. She told my dad that while she was in the kitchen at my aunt's home, she over heard her mom (my aunt) talking to someone as she lay in her bed in the bedroom.

There was no one else in the house with them. It was only my cousin and her mom (my aunt).

My cousin entered the bedroom and asked her mom who she was talking to. My aunt told her that there were all sorts of people coming in and out of her room and they were all bringing food. She told my cousin that she had never seen so many people or so much food. She also said that the people were all so happy to see her and many of them she didn't even recognize.

When my mom told me that I said, "Are you kidding me?" I then began crying.

My mom just sat on the other end of the phone, listening to me cry. I think she thought I was crying over the fact that the end was so near for my aunt. And while that did sadden me, I was crying because I couldn't believe that my aunt was seeing what I had seen in what appeared to be a very vivid dream.

My mom asked me, "Are you okay?"

Finally I gathered my thoughts and asked my mom, "Did dad not tell you about the dream I had?" My mom said, "No, what dream?"

I then proceeded to tell my mom about my dream. My mom could not believe it. What a coincidence that I would have a dream about people meeting up with my grandparents, bringing food for what I believed had to do with my aunt passing. And my aunt tells my cousin that she was being visited by all sorts of people that were bringing food.

I still do not know what to make of it, and while typing this out I was overcome with emotion, and I am crying while typing this. I can still feel the love I felt at seeing my grandparents, and I can still feel the love I felt emanating from my grandpa.

My aunt ended up passing and while I was saddened over her passing, I have taken comfort in knowing that she is at peace and is reunited with all of her loved ones. I very much believe that my grandparents (her mom & dad) have met up with her on the other side too. I don't question that for even a second.

Copyright © 2019 My Extremely Haunted Life

Thursday, May 10, 2018

~Love from the other side~

So many times I have an experience and the rational part of my mind tries to explain it away, but sometimes I simply can not find an answer and I am left wondering if I have in fact had an actual spiritual encounter. This experience is a perfect example of what I am saying.

When my daughter was pregnant, I had a very vivid dream about her unborn baby.

In that dream I met up with a deceased family friend. He was sitting at what looked like some type of a bistro table. Seated on the floor beside him was a baby sound asleep in an infant car seat. I immediately knew that the baby was the baby my daughter was carrying.

Of course I was overcome with emotion when I saw that family friend. I was filled with sadness over his sudden passing but was so incredibly happy to see him. As I began to walk towards him, I looked up and off into the distance, and I saw that standing behind him and the baby were many, many people. I instinctively knew that all of those people were the souls of the countless loved ones on the other side, and they were there seeing the soul of the baby off as he prepared to leave the other side and cross into this realm.

I became even more emotional when I saw my grandparents standing among all of the people. I was so overcome with emotion that I began crying.

I was astounded at the love emanating from my grandparents and all of the other souls, as well as the expression of immense love on their faces. The enormity and force of the love was indescribable. It made me cry even harder. I simply could not believe the love they all felt for this child. In fact I still to this day can not talk about that dream without getting emotional.

In the dream, I asked the family friend if I could see the baby, to which he replied, "Of course." I instinctively knew however, that I wasn't allowed to pick the baby up, that I could only look at him.

I then bent down and pushed back the canopy on the infant seat, and moved the blanket down that was covering the baby and laying just below his chin. While crouched down I got to have a good look at the baby. It was at that moment that I knew what my daughter's baby was going to look like. I also discovered at that time that it was in fact a boy (which both my daughter and I somehow just instinctively "knew" from the moment we found out she was pregnant).

I began buying various items such as clothing for the baby shortly after we learned of the impending arrival, and I proceeded to buy what one would label as "boy" clothing. I purchased lots of pastel coloured clothing, but mostly a lot of blue. One day my Mom asked me, "What are you going to do if it turns out to be a girl." I said, "Trust me, it's a boy." My Mom however was going with her gut instinct and bought some pink sleepers. Both my daughter and I told her she was wasting her money because it was a boy. Lol

After I had that dream I immediately told my daughter and the rest of our family all about it. I tried so hard to describe what I knew the baby was going to look like. The thing that stood out to me the most was the shape of the face and it's little mouth.

Oddly enough, a short time later while browsing through various photos on Pinterest, I came across a picture of a reborn doll that closely resembled the baby I saw in the dream. I showed my daughter, as well as my Mom and husband, and told them how much that doll resembled the baby I saw in my dream. I told them that it wasn't exact but that the face shape and mouth were so close.

Because the features were so similar to what I saw in my dream, I saved the picture in an album on my Pinterest so that we could compare after the baby was born.

Somehow I completely forgot about that picture until coming across it last night while cleaning up and deleting various pictures on some of my Pinterest boards.

I'm not sure how or why, but comparing the two pics I can't help but wonder if perhaps I did in fact somehow pay a visit to the other side and was given the opportunity to see my unborn grandson.

Judge for yourself.

The first picture below is the picture of the reborn doll, the one on the bottom is a photo of my grandson taken the night he was born.

Copyright © 2018 My Extremely Haunted Life

Sunday, October 4, 2015

~Little One~

Had a rather odd, disturbing experience recently.

I was lying in bed, really tired but half awake when I heard the door to my bedroom open and then close.  I then heard the sound of little feet running into my room.

I automatically assumed it was my youngest son because whenever he wakes up in the morning he will come into my bedroom to let my husband and I know that he has woken up if one of us isn't awake already.

On this particular day, which was a weekend, my husband wasn't home.  He had woken up early to go help a friend move some furniture.

I was really tired and remember thinking about my son, "Ugh, why does he have to wake up so early?"

Since I was so tired I didn't even open my eyes and said, "Why don't you get into bed with mommy and sleep for a bit more buddy?"  Which my son will do when it's real early.

I then felt someone touch my big toe and wiggle it slightly.  I assumed my son was horsing around, since he has done that type of thing before and so I thought nothing of it.

While still laying there with my eyes closed I then felt the bottom corner of the bed go down on the side I was laying on.  Again I assumed it was my son who was crouching down to "hide" like he has been known to do and has done.  He'll then pop back up, hoping to scare me.

I was so tired that I said, again without opening my eyes, "Come on buddy, I'm really tired, come lay with mommy for a bit."

I then felt the bed right beside me go down, like it does when someone is leaning on it.  I then felt someone crawl over me.  I felt the weight of their little body.

Assuming it was my son, I thought nothing of it and proceeded to reach over and pull the covers down on the side of the bed he was heading to.  As I did, I said, "Here ya' go."

I then opened my eyes, expecting to see my son sitting beside me on the bed, waiting to crawl underneath the covers beside me.  But, there was no one there.

I immediately sat up.  Where was my son?  Who the hell had just crawled over me?!

I had felt the distinct weight of someone crawl across me!  I had felt the bed go down too!

It wasn't large like my husband's body would be, or another adult.  It was like a child.  I even grunted a little with the weight of it when they crawled over me, as I do/have done when one of my children crawls over me, putting their weight on me.

I was really creeped out.  I called out my son's name.  No answer.

I got up off the bed and looked to the other side of the room on the floor, hoping to see him crouched down hiding.  Nothing.  There was no one there.  There was no one in the bedroom with me.

I slowly opened up my bedroom door and peered out.  I looked across the hall to my sons room, only to find their bedroom door closed.

I walked over, opened their door and saw both of my boys in their beds sound asleep.  I walked over, put my hand on one and then the other.  Both of them were breathing slow and regular as one does when in a deep sleep.

I was completely dumbfounded to say the very least.  And more then a little creeped out.

I headed back to my room, still exhausted.  I layed down in my bed and wondered about what I had just experienced.  I wondered if perhaps I'd dreamt the entire thing.

But I knew damn well I hadn't.  I had clearly heard the bedroom door open and then close.  I had heard the distinct sound of footsteps.  Little footsteps.  The kind you hear when a child runs across a floor.

Had I just been visited by a child spirit?  Exhaustion got the best of me and  I fell back asleep.

A short time later I heard my bedroom door open and again I heard the distinct sound of footsteps into the room.  Child-like footsteps.

I then heard what sounded like the sound of a child speaking softly.  I then heard what sounded like someone shuffling through the things in my bedside table drawer.

I thought nothing of it and assumed it was my eldest son looking for my cellphone.  That is because when he wakes up, he likes to go on it and play games and stuff.  I then assumed, after hearing some more shuffling around in the drawer that he was looking for the phone charger since that is where I keep it.  I assumed he couldn't find it.

While still laying in my bed on my back and with my eyes closed, I put my hand out and said, "You had the phone last night and you came in and got the charger remember?  You have it."

As I said that I felt a small hand take mine.  The hand was so cold that it startled me.  I said, "My God", and asked, "Why is your hand so cold?"  As I said that last part I opened my eyes, expecting to see my son standing there.  There was no one there.

I sat up.  There was no one in my room.  My bedroom door was still closed.  Yet I had heard it open.  Again, I had heard the sound of little feet.

I tried to reason that perhaps I had been lucid dreaming.  But I know I was awake enough to hear what I heard.  I also distinctly felt a hand in mine.  Yet there was no one there!

I immediately grabbed the phone and called my husband, telling him everything I had just experienced and wanted to know when he'd be home.  The experience really frightened me.

Copyright © 2015 My Extremely Haunted Life

Sunday, August 30, 2015

~Spirit Protection~

Many years ago, when my eldest was all of 2 years of age, we began experiencing many odd things in our home.

It had all began when she started talking about this "nice man" that she claimed would appear to her.

You can read all about it here; http://myextremelyhauntedlife.blogspot.ca/2013/05/the-nice-man.html

Anyway, my husband and I did not own the home we were living in at the time.  We were simply renting, and I was concerned about our stove since it appeared in my opinion to be heating up much more than it should.  It would heat up way too quickly and much too fast.  It was an older stove and I believed it very much needed replacing.

I would place a small pot of water on a burner on the lowest setting and the burner would become flaming hot red, with the water at a rolling boil in only mere seconds.

I had mentioned this to my dad and on this particular day he had dropped by and my husband had intended to show him what I was talking about.  However, after my husband had placed a small pot of water on the burner, he became distracted and ended up leaving the house with my dad and I and our two small children in tow to run some errands.

After mere minutes of entering the store we had headed to, my husband piped up that he had forgotten that he had placed a pot of water on the stove to show my dad and hadn't turned it off.

All of us left the store immediately, fearing the worst.

We were back home within minutes and raced to the kitchen.  We found the burner was still turned on, and the pot of water sitting there.  The burner however was ice cold to the touch.

From the time my husband placed the pot of water on the stove and turned it on, and we had returned, a good 30 minutes had passed.

Both my husband and I were dumbfounded and my dad even found it strange.  He said for the amount of time it was on, it should have become at least somewhat warm.  But there wasn't even a hint of warmth.  It was stone cold.

Over a period of days, I tried to see if it would happen again.  I would turn one of the burners on to see if it wouldn't heat up.  But it never happened.  The stove did as it had been doing.  I would turn a burner on and within seconds the thing would be extremely hot, even if it was on the lowest temperature setting.

One day my daughter overheard me talking with my dad on the phone about it.  I had told him how I found it really odd that the burner remained cold that day, despite being on for so long.  I then said, "Gee, I guess someone was watching over us."

I got off the phone and my daughter informed me that it was probably the nice man.  According to her, he was there to be with her and watch over her.

Maybe so, but I was more than happy when a few weeks later our landlord replaced the old stove with a brand new one.

Copyright © 2015 My Extremely Haunted Life

Sunday, November 30, 2014

~White Noise~

Due to my love and constant desire to read and gather information, I have recently come to a realization about something. 

Many who investigate hauntings and attempt to study and prove the possibility and existence of spirit communication, use something known as "white noise" to aid in their ability to communicate with spirits. 

While there is still much debate, there is strong belief amongst many investigators regarding the use of white noise and its ability to aid in spirit communication.

What is white noise you ask? According to Wikipedia, "in signal processing, white noise is a random signal with a constant power spectral density." Huh?

Basically, it is a random, non-descript static sound that is produced by various electronic devices. The sound covers and combines all wavelengths and frequencies. In that way, it is like the colour white, which is a combination of all colours, hence the name "white" noise.  

Some examples of white noise include the radio or television static when set to an empty channel. Another example of white noise is the hum of an electric fan while it is on and running.

The supposed theory behind white noise is that somehow it provides the energy or raw material that an entity needs in order to form communication. Some ghost investigators believe that white noise acts like an attractor and it draws in entities to an area like moths to a flame. 

What I find so interesting is
that there has always been a fan on in my room while I sleep at night. My parents started this right from the time I was born. 

So, could that be the reason for my numerous experiences of being visited in my bedroom at night by spirits? Could that be why at times I have not actually seen a spirit, but could hear them chattering away to me? 

To this very day I still sleep with a fan on at night. The sound aids in lulling me to sleep.

Another interesting thought is that everyone in my immediate family and in my extended family on my dad's side uses a fan at night, and it is family members on my dad's side that have also experienced sightings, visits from spirits.

So, is it simply the white noise from a fan that has been the cause of those visits and communications?  Is it the white noise from the fan that has aided in their ability to appear and communicate?

I have no idea, but it is definitely something to consider and think about.

In Love and Light,

Copyright © 2014 A Haunted Life

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


 The one question that comes up the most is, "Why?"  Another one is, "How?"  "How does one see or communicate with spirits?"  "Why does this experience only happen to some people and not others?"

To be completely honest, I have no idea why it is that some people experience things of a "ghostly" or "paranormal" nature, yet others do not.  As for the answer to how one communicates with spirits, I can only speak about what works for me. 

I have often wondered if perhaps the ability to see and/or communicate with spirits is simply an innate ability that we all have, but some are a little more stronger in their abilities.  One could think of it as just another skill, and like all skills, some people are a little better at it than others.  But it is an ability we are all capable of.

Another possible explanation that I think is quite plausible is the fact that spirits communicate with us quite often.  We are surrounded by spirits.  The only problem is that far too many of us are simply too busy or caught up in our day to day existence, and so we fail to notice the subtle signs or communications when they do occur.

Perhaps that is why the people who take time for themselves and take a break from the daily grind are usually the ones that have these experiences.  Quieting our environment and our mind is the most effective way to open ourselves up to spirit.  Yep, that's right, I'm talking about meditation.

For anyone that has tried it, meditation is not such an easy task.  It truly takes practice to learn to completely quiet our mind.  It's an ability that truly takes much practice.  It is no easy feat to sit still and simply let our minds be, to empty our mind of any and all thoughts and/or worries.  But once one masters the ability to meditate, you really do find an inner peace.  You also begin to discover that you really can open yourself up to the spirit world. 

Another possible explanation that I think is relevant is how tuned in one is to their emotions.  I have been told, and I am well aware of the fact that I can easily pick up on someones emotions. 

I am also a very sensitive person.  Things that most people would find a bit sad or disheartening, will weigh very heavy on my heart and bring me to tears.  I am a soul that feels things at a very deep level.

So, is that why I am able to be in a place and can easily pick up on emotions that were perhaps experienced and have been somehow imprinted there?  Can places and/or objects truly "hold" or become "imprinted" with emotions? 

I honestly can't answer that because I have no idea, but one thing I do know is that many other people who believe they are able to pick up on the former energy and/or emotions from an object and/or place say that they too are a highly sensitive soul, one who strongly feels things at a tremendously deep level.

So, perhaps that also plays a significant part of one's ability to sense and/or see/communicate with spirits.

Either way, we are all souls here on a journey.  It is imperative that while on this journey we continue to evolve spiritually.  I believe that part of our quest is to ignite that inner light that is within us and let it burn brightly.  The more light there is, the less darkness there will be.

As light beings, we need to share our inner light with others and in doing so we will find the path that will eventually lead us that much closer to finding our connection to our Creator.

In Love and Light,

Copyright © 2014 A Haunted Life