The one question that comes up the most is, "Why?" Another one is, "How?" "How does one see or communicate with spirits?" "Why does this experience only happen to some people and not others?"
To be completely honest, I have no idea why it is that some people experience things of a "ghostly" or "paranormal" nature, yet others do not. As for the answer to how one communicates with spirits, I can only speak about what works for me.
I have often wondered if perhaps the ability to see and/or communicate with spirits is simply an innate ability that we all have, but some are a little more stronger in their abilities. One could think of it as just another skill, and like all skills, some people are a little better at it than others. But it is an ability we are all capable of.
Another possible explanation that I think is quite plausible is the fact that spirits communicate with us quite often. We are surrounded by spirits. The only problem is that far too many of us are simply too busy or caught up in our day to day existence, and so we fail to notice the subtle signs or communications when they do occur.
Perhaps that is why the people who take time for themselves and take a break from the daily grind are usually the ones that have these experiences. Quieting our environment and our mind is the most effective way to open ourselves up to spirit. Yep, that's right, I'm talking about meditation.
For anyone that has tried it, meditation is not such an easy task. It truly takes practice to learn to completely quiet our mind. It's an ability that truly takes much practice. It is no easy feat to sit still and simply let our minds be, to empty our mind of any and all thoughts and/or worries. But once one masters the ability to meditate, you really do find an inner peace. You also begin to discover that you really can open yourself up to the spirit world.
Another possible explanation that I think is relevant is how tuned in one is to their emotions. I have been told, and I am well aware of the fact that I can easily pick up on someones emotions.
I am also a very sensitive person. Things that most people would find a bit sad or disheartening, will weigh very heavy on my heart and bring me to tears. I am a soul that feels things at a very deep level.
So, is that why I am able to be in a place and can easily pick up on emotions that were perhaps experienced and have been somehow imprinted there? Can places and/or objects truly "hold" or become "imprinted" with emotions?
I honestly can't answer that because I have no idea, but one thing I do know is that many other people who believe they are able to pick up on the former energy and/or emotions from an object and/or place say that they too are a highly sensitive soul, one who strongly feels things at a tremendously deep level.
So, perhaps that also plays a significant part of one's ability to sense and/or see/communicate with spirits.
Either way, we are all souls here on a journey. It is imperative that while on this journey we continue to evolve spiritually. I believe that part of our quest is to ignite that inner light that is within us and let it burn brightly. The more light there is, the less darkness there will be.
As light beings, we need to share our inner light with others and in doing so we will find the path that will eventually lead us that much closer to finding our connection to our Creator.
In Love and Light,

Copyright © 2014 A Haunted Life
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