Many years ago, I had a dream that was not like a typical dream but more logical and clear, and it felt as if I was truly experiencing it.
In the dream, I suddenly found myself in a kitchen.
I could tell from the tiles on the floor, and the style of the fridge, stove and the design of the kitchen, that the kitchen looked like something from the 1940's or 50's.
In front of me was a table with chairs. Just to the left of it was a back door that was open. I could see through the door and all I could see for miles and miles was grassy hills.
Just then, to the right of me a woman came into the kitchen. There was a door on the kitchen and it swung open, inwards toward the kitchen. The woman was about my height and kind of stout. She was wearing an apron and was very friendly. She smiled at me and said hello. I said hello back and could not help but wonder who she was or where I was.
She headed to her counter just to the left of me, and was in the process of working on some dough. I assumed she was baking a cake or perhaps a pie. She asked me if I would like to sit down and I said, "No thank you." Just then, through the back door a man walked in. He sat down at the table.
I immediately recognized him. He was my husband's uncle who had died a year or so prior. He was a nice man, very kind. I was very saddened when we got the news that he had passed.
He said hello to me, and I said hello to him. He then sat down at the table. I could see from the look upon his face that he looked worried.
He then began telling me all about his wife. He said that she had cancer, but she didn't know it. He also told me that it was a cancer that could easily be treated, but she needed to stop avoiding a visit to the doctor and that she should just go. He then rambled on about how stubborn his wife could be.
He then told me about his brother's wife that was going to be diagnosed with cancer. He told me that she would not make it. He was very sad for his brother, and said that he knew it was going to be a very difficult time for his brother.
The older woman in the kitchen then said that it was no use to worry and stress about these things, that God would take care of it.
Right at that point I awoke from the dream. I then woke up my husband and told him about it.
From what I told him and had described, he told me that I had just described his grandma and the kitchen in her old house. It was the house she and his grandpa lived in.
His grandpa died when he was only 9 or 10 years of age. As his grandma got older, the house became too much for her to take care of and so she sold it. She then moved into a seniors home. She died when my husband was a teenager.
I never met his grandma and have never seen her home, and have certainly never been inside of it or seen the inside of it.
A couple of days later while visiting my in-law's with my husband, he told his mom all about the dream I had. She looked surprised and said to me, "That's my mother -in-law you described, she always wore an apron and was forever baking."
She asked me to describe in more detail what the kitchen looked like, so I did. My mother-in-law looked very shocked. She told me that I had described everything correctly, right down to the style of the kitchen, including the tiles on the floor.
mother-in-law then went and looked for a picture of my husband's grandma.
She brought me a picture and I looked at it. It was a picture of an old
lady with grey hair, that was rather small and skinny, very frail
looking. She didn't look at all like the woman in my dream.
I said, "I don't think that's the same lady, the lady in my dream was about my height and rather stout, her hair was also not grey, but more of a dark, dirty blonde colour.”
My mother-in-law then told me that her mother-in-law was stout when she was younger, before her husband died, and only had grey hair the last few years of her life. She said that prior to that, she used to dye it her natural colour which was a brownish/blonde colour.
My mother-in-law then left the room and came
back with a photo album. She turned to a page in the photo album and showed
me a picture of a woman. I was surprised, the woman looked exactly like
the woman from my dream and I told her that. My mother-in-law smiled and
said, "That's my mother-in-law."I said, "I don't think that's the same lady, the lady in my dream was about my height and rather stout, her hair was also not grey, but more of a dark, dirty blonde colour.”
My mother-in-law then told me that her mother-in-law was stout when she was younger, before her husband died, and only had grey hair the last few years of her life. She said that prior to that, she used to dye it her natural colour which was a brownish/blonde colour.
My husband then told his mom more about my dream, including the conversation I had with his uncle and the concern he had about his wife and his brother's wife. My mother-in-law took it all very seriously and believed without a doubt that her deceased brother-in-law and deceased mother-in-law had communicated with me. She believed I had in fact somehow visited her mother-in-law’s old house.
She then informed my husband and I that her sister-in-law had been having some problems with recurrent urinary and bladder infections, but she wouldn't go back to the doctor. She told me that she was going to call her and tell her about my dream and tell her to get her butt to the doctor.
A few weeks later, my mother-in-law called to inform me that her sister-in-law had bladder cancer, but the doctor had told her that she was lucky it was diagnosed when it was. Her cancer was completely treatable because they caught it so early. And sure enough, it was treated and she has remained cancer free.
My husband's other aunt ended up being diagnosed with cancer shortly after my dream as well. Her and her husband were on vacation when she kept experiencing stomach pain. Once they got back home from their vacation, she made an appointment to see her doctor. She believed it was her gallbladder.
However, it was not her gallbladder, and she was diagnosed with leukemia. She started chemotherapy immediately and fought hard, but eventually she lost her battle. She died a year later.
Copyright © 2014 A Haunted Life

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