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Sunday, August 4, 2013

~An Image Of My Son~

One year for Christmas, I decided to have a family picture taken of my husband and I with our two little girls at a portrait studio. The picture ended up turning out quite well. I was rather happy with it. Everyone was looking at the camera and smiling nice natural smiles.  I was so happy with the photo that I ordered Christmas cards with that photo on it to send out to family and friends. I also purchased an 8 x 10 of the picture.

When I received the photo and Christmas cards, I went out and bought a really nice picture frame with a mat to frame the photo. I then hung the photo up on the wall. As soon as I looked at the photo hanging on the wall I immediately stepped back while looking at it and said to my husband, "You know what, something is missing from that photo."

My husband said, "Nothing is missing, it's a good picture." I shook my head no and said, "No, our little boy is missing. He should be sitting right here." I then pointed to a vacant spot in the bottom of the picture. My husband said, "What?"  I said, "Yep, I picture a little boy with lots of dark wavy hair, blue eyes, in fact he's going to look just like Ashley (our oldest daughter)." In my minds eye I could clearly picture my little boy perfectly and what he would look like.

My husband just said, "Hmm, I don't know about that." At the time, he was quite happy with our two little girls. But after my vision and seeing a little boy in the picture, I insisted that I knew we would eventually have a boy. I was also beginning to feel like I really wanted to have another child. I longed for the little boy that I knew I was meant to have.

And, after hanging up that family picture, I continually envisioned that little boy I knew I was to have one day every single time I looked at the picture. My husband however, would insist that he couldn't see it happening.        

I even told my parents about my vision of my baby boy that was yet to even be conceived. My dad joked, asking if the baby would look like him, since both of my girls and I, all resemble my dad. It`s funny how genetics works. I looked just like my dad, then when I went on to have children of my own, they too looked just like my dad. My mom used to joke that it was because my dad is bossy and his genes are too.

Sure enough, a little over a year after having our family picture taken, I gave birth to our third child. It was a boy. A beautiful little boy with lots of thick, dark hair. He looked exactly like my oldest child when she was born, but he had much more hair.

When my son was approximately 6 months old, just before his first Christmas, I decided to take all three of my children to have their photo taken at a portrait studio. It was after we had picked up the photos, and were back at home when my husband asked me, "How do you do it?"

I asked him what he was talking about. He then said, "Remember when you said that you pictured our son and what he would look like?" I said, "Yeah."

He said, "And remember I told you I didn't think we would have another child, I couldn't see it happening, but you insisted it would happen." I said, "Yeah."

My husband then said, "Well, not only did you get pregnant, but we did have a boy. And look at those pictures." I asked him why when I had already seen them. He told me to look at them again.

I pulled the photos out from the envelope they were in and looked at them. My husband said, "You pictured a little boy with thick, dark wavy hair, blue eyes, and you said he'd look just like Ashley. All of that came true." I looked at the photos, laughed and said, "Well, what can I say, he was obviously meant to be born."

My husband asked me, "But how could you possibly know what he would look like?" I told him I had no idea, I just saw it. My husband just shook his head in disbelief.

How could I have possibly known that I would go on to have a boy?  How could I have even guessed at what he would look like?  I already had two girls and while one had dark wavy hair, the other had light blonde hair that was very curly.  I could have easily gone on to have another girl, or a boy that had blonde hair like my youngest daughter.  As well, red hair runs in my husband's family.  We could have had a child with red hair.

But instead, I went on to have a boy that looked exactly as I had envisioned.  I believe it's because my heart just knew.  I loved him even before I conceived him.

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

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