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Thursday, August 1, 2013

~Cemetery Ghosts~

I am posting a photo that I find quite interesting.  First a little background info...

Three or four years ago, my husband had decided he wanted to go and visit the grave of his grandma and his mom.  My oldest daughter really wanted to go and asked if she could borrow the camera.  She wanted to take photos at the cemetery.  She was hoping to catch a ghost on film.

My daughter finds the entire topic of ghosts really interesting.  I believe her curiosity has occurred due to all of the rather unusual experiences I, as well as many others in my family have had, including my daughter.

So, I gave her the camera and we all piled into our car and headed to the cemetery.

Once we arrived at the cemetery, I helped my husband place some flowers on the grave.  My daughter immediately began snapping photos.  She would just aim and shoot.  I told her to pay attention to where she was aiming the camera.  I told her to look and to be certain there was no one around, so that if something did show up on film, that it wasn't simply someone that happened to have been in the cemetery at the time she snapped the photo.

She agreed and began snapping away again.  After placing the flowers on the grave site, I walked with her a little bit around the cemetery.  Where we were, you could see quite a distance off into the cemetery and there was no one around.

When we got home, I uploaded all of the photos my daughter had taken onto our computer.  There were a few that appeared to have caught something.  But on further examination of the photos, I figured out that it was simply the reflection of the sun off of a shiny tombstone.  And in one of the others, it was simply the way the shadow of a tree was reflected in the shot.

One picture however struck me as odd.  I was with my daughter when she took this photo.  My other daughter was there too, and we saw for ourselves that when this photo was taken, there was no one there.

However, in the photo it looks like a person, a child perhaps? wearing a blue helmet and a yellow jacket, riding a bike or something.  And just to the right of that appears to be a man walking, who is wearing jeans and a black jacket.  His legs at the bottom, seem to simply disappear into the grass.

I have posted the original photo, and I have also posted some photos where I have altered the colour so that you can see it a bit more clearly.  I have also posted a photo where I have outlined what it is I'm seeing in the pic.

I would appreciate any and all feedback from anyone as to what they think it could be.

This first photo is the original photo.  It is a bit grainy because I have enlarged it.

Here I have altered the colours a bit so you can see what I'm seeing, a bit more clearly.

Here I have outlined what looks to me like a person in a blue helmet, wearing a yellow coat, riding a bike. And to the slight right of that, I see what looks like a man that is walking.  He looks to be wearing a black jacket and jeans.

Here again I have altered the colours slightly so you can see it a bit more clearly.

And again...

And again, here is the original.

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

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