Given all of my experiences, I don't scare all that easily. Last night however, I had a rather good scare. In fact I had the ever living shit scared out of me, and I have to admit that I haven't been as scared as I was last night in a very, very long time. It was the type of scare that made the hair on the back of my neck stand on end and kicked my heart rate up almost immediately.
I have been fighting a horrible cold and chest infection and was feeling really tired. I decided to head to bed a bit early at around 7 p.m. I fell into a deep sleep rather quickly. At one point I woke up and turned onto my right side. I had no idea what time it was. As I settled onto my right side, I felt my husband snuggling in behind me like he always does. I then felt that familiar feeling of when he rests his hand on my hip. I snuggled back into him as I snuggled into my pillow and began to fall back asleep.
Within a few minutes I heard my husband breathing really loudly and snoring softly. He is a loud snorer and normally when he starts snoring I gently nudge him and he will turn on his left side away from me so that he isn't facing me, and his snoring therefore isn't so loud.
As soon as I heard him begin breathing deeply and softly snoring, I gently nudged him with my left elbow. However, he didn't turn over. I gently nudged him again, a bit harder. Again, he didn't turn over. He then began snoring louder. While still laying on my right side, facing away from him, I reached my left hand back and poked him. Still he continued to snore.
Just then, I heard my husband outside our bedroom door talking. My eyes immediately flew open. What the hell was he doing in the hall? And if he was in the hall, who the hell was laying in bed with me? I immediately looked to my left and saw the dark outline of a man laying in bed beside me. Panic stricken I yelled out for my husband and immediately turned on the lamp beside my bed. I looked to the other side of the bed and saw nothing. There was no one there.
I flew off the bed and whipped open the bedroom door to find my husband across the hall in our son's room. I called out to him, "Didn't you hear me yell for you?" My husband walked out of our son's room where he had been putting our youngest son to bed and said, "No, why? What's wrong?" As I headed into the washroom I told him, "Oh nothing, I just awoke to find some man laying in bed with me." My husband laughed and said, "What?"
As I came out of the washroom and headed back into my bedroom, I found my husband sitting on our bed. He smiled when he saw me and said, "What happened?" I said, "Never mind, I'll tell you about it tomorrow, I'm too tired to talk right now." I then headed back into my bed, layed down, and fell fast asleep again. Thankfully when I awoke again later throughout the night, the only man I found in bed with me was my husband.
Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life