I don't know where the knowledge or ability comes from, but when I step into a home I can sense things, and pick up certain energies.
How I am able to do so I honestly can not say. It is not something I control or even have to focus on. I am simply flooded with thoughts, images and feelings, which at times can be really intense.
This brings me to the experience I had regarding a friends home a few years ago.
A close friend of mine and my husband's had purchased a home and had been living there only a short time when his teenage son awoke one night to see someone standing in the doorway of his bedroom.
At first, his son thought it was his dad (my friend), but once he realized it wasn't, he was terrified. All he saw was the dark outline of someone, but what terrified him the most was that he was quite certain that he had no idea who the person was, he had never seen them before.
This experience occurred a few more times and it terrified him so much that he began sleeping in another room of the home, refusing to sleep in his bedroom.
My friend contacted my husband and I and spoke to us about all of it, and asked if I'd come out to his house and see if I could pick up anything or sense something, to which I happily agreed.
Upon entering his home I immediately felt a strong sense of someone present that previously lived in the home. I sensed an older gentleman. I could sense that he was very kind, and he had done a lot of work renovating the home over many years, and took much pride in that house.
I sensed that he was definitely not "evil" or a danger, but a very kind, loving soul. I also sensed that he was well aware of the fact that he had passed, but he loved his home and appeared quite happy to hang around there.
He was however, a bit concerned with some things that had been occurring in the home that he had observed. These were things surrounding my friend's teenage son, the same son that saw a figure in his bedroom doorway a handful of times.
I headed down to the basement, to the bedroom of my friend's son, and sat and talked with him. I began talking to him about the things that the former owner of the home was communicating to me. About what he had seen, and things that had concerned him. In fact, that was why he had appeared. He had not appeared out of malice or to scare anyone, he was simply watching over my friend's son.
As I was talking with my friend's son about everything, he began to get very emotional. His eyes welled up with tears. He couldn't believe I knew the things I knew. At first it really creeped him out. However, after we spoke, he completely understood the feelings of the previous owner and why he had appeared. He no longer feared seeing him.
He called his dad (my friend) down to his bedroom where he and I were sitting and talking, and told him of the things I had told him and discussed with him. My friend was amazed and rather speechless over how I could possibly have known all of what I knew. He asked me, "How do you know all that?" I told him, "I don't know, the thoughts simply come to me."
Either way, my friend and his son were astounded that I knew about such very personal things, including conversations that had taken place between the two of them when it was only the two of them present in the house at the time.
At their urging, I communicated with the older gentleman that lived in the home previously. I told him exactly what my friend and his son had asked me to tell him. I told him that they were fine with him being in the home, but they wanted him to please refrain from doing anything that may scare them. Things like opening and closing cupboards as he had been doing. They also wanted him to stop turning lights off and on. After communicating with the former owner, I did a house cleansing with Sage.
A few weeks later, my friend informed my husband and I that he and his son had not experienced any further problems in the home or any scares. His son had also not seen anyone in his bedroom doorway at night.
Our friend also informed us that he had been able to talk with some of his neighbours and was able to verify what I told him. He discovered that the previous owner was an older gentleman who lived there with his wife. They lived in the home for many years, and the gentleman had done much work on the house over the course of the many years that they lived there. Their children were all grown.
My friend was able to verify that the previous owner took much pride in his home, given all the work that he had put into it. And, just as I had sensed, he was a very kind man. My friend discovered that all of the neighbours thought very highly of him, and were saddened when they learnt of his passing. After his passing, his wife decided to sell the home. It was my friend who then bought the home.
"We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey."
Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life
Throughout my entire life, as far back as I can remember, I have had experiences that one could label "paranormal". Through my experiences, I have come to the realization that there is far more to this world and this universe of ours than we can possibly even begin to imagine. I very much believe without a doubt, that when our physical body dies, the part of us that makes us who we are; our energy, our essence lives on.
If you would like to reach out to me or wish to share a personal experience, I would love to hear from you!
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Thursday, November 14, 2013
~Haunted House~
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