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Friday, November 8, 2013

~His Other Home~

As a parent, I am more than aware of the fact that children have wonderful imaginations, and they are more than capable of dreaming up all sorts of wild fantasies and tales.

Despite that fact, I very much believe that children, being so young and recent to earth side, have an easier time recalling memories from a previous life.

And yes, I do believe in reincarnation, that we live many lives.  It sounds crazy to some I know, but it is what I believe.

Every one of my children, while still fairly young, would talk of memories, of what appeared to be things they recalled from a previous existence.  Many of the things they spoke of were unusual, things they would have no way of knowing, especially at such a young age.

My youngest child, pretty much from the time he could talk would; from time to time, say that he wanted to go home.  The very first time I ever heard him say it, he was all of two years of age.  He was tired and therefore was becoming rather cranky and whiny as kids often do when they are tired.  While I was gathering his things to get him into bed ie; his pacifier and his "blankie", he began crying and said, "I wanna' go home."

I looked at him, finding the comment rather odd since we had lived in the same home since he was born and he had never known any other home, I said, "What do you mean buddy?  You are home."  While still crying he said, "Not this home, my other home."  I scooped him up in my arms, covered him in kisses and said, "You're tired, lets go to bed."

Later that evening, my husband who had heard our son's comment, told me how odd he thought the comment was.  I agreed and said, "Who knows, perhaps he remembers another home from another lifetime."  My husband, who was only recently beginning to believe in that sort of thing said, "You think so really?  I was actually wondering the same thing."

A few days later and while upset about something, again our son said he wanted to go home.  When my husband and I told him that he was home, again he said, "No, my other home."

As the weeks and months passed, our son told us many times that he wanted to go home.  When we told him he was already home, he would always reply, "No, my other home."  My parents witnessed this quite a few times as well.

As my son's vocabulary grew and he was speaking more and more, we began asking him about this "other home".  He told us, "It was where I lived before this home."

One time I asked him what his other home was like to which he responded, "You don't remember?"  So I told him, "No, I don't remember."  To which he replied, "It was nice, I liked that home."  Then he would insist that he wanted to go back there.  When I asked him why, he would just shrug his shoulders.  He informed us that my husband and I lived there too.

I still remember one time in particular.  He was upset about something and began to cry.  While crying he said, "I wanna' go home."  I hugged him and told him not to cry and said, "You are home buddy."  He then looked up at me, and with the saddest face I had ever seen on him, he said, "No mommy, not this home.  I want to go back to my other home."  Then he said, "Please mommy, can we go back there?"  He insisted that he missed that home and he wanted to go back.

I hugged him so tightly and told him that no, we couldn't go back there, that where we lived now was our home.  He cried and cried, and I just held him and rocked him in my arms.  Eventually he fell asleep.  After that incident, he only mentioned wanting to go back to his other home a handful of times.  He is now five, and it has been well over a year since he talked of his other home and wanting to go back there.  He just suddenly stopped mentioning it.

I look at my son and see what an immense and genuine little bundle of love he is.  He has always greeted my husband and I first thing in the morning with a huge smile, pretty much right from the time he was a baby and began smiling.  He truly is a ray of sunshine.  He has the biggest, most beautiful blue eyes.  Every where he goes people smile at him.  He is so loving and kind.  He is one whose feelings get hurt very easily.

I look at my little boy, and I can see why he would want to go back to his "other home", especially if it is one he remembers that existed on the other side.  With all of the craziness and negativity in this world, I can see how it all could, and probably will, affect someone like my little boy.  But, hopefully he is stronger than all of that, and that there are more souls like him.  Souls with a tremendously bright inner light that will glare throughout this world and banish and destroy any and all darkness that exists.

I look at my son, in fact I look at all of my children, and I see God.  I see the pure love from which we all are a part of and from which we all come.  I see the unconditional love that we are all capable of, if only we would tear down our barriers and look beyond our differences, focusing instead on all of our similarities. And yes, I believe it is possible.  With love, all things are possible.

"Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God."
~John 4: 7-10~

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

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