If you would like to reach out to me or wish to share a personal experience, I would love to hear from you! You can email me at; myextremelyhauntedlife@yahoo.com

Friday, April 25, 2014

~Picking Fluffies~

Due to experiences that had occurred when my eldest child was all of two years of age, I had begun reading; with tremendous interest, whatever I could get my hands on about reincarnation. 

I read book after book and found myself intrigued by the numerous stories, especially stories of children who talked about "another" life and/or family. 

I was rather fascinated by stories of children that recalled moments and events from history that at their young age would have no way of knowing. 

I was amazed when I read that some children have even been able to recall names of places they have never been to, as well as names of people that once walked the face of the earth many, many years before they were even born; which when investigated were completely accurate.

During this time, my daughter was about two and a half years old. Months prior, she had developed a red, peeling rash on the tips of all of her fingers. 

I had taken her to our family doctor numerous times who insisted that it was eczema. The doctor prescribed cream after cream, but none of them worked. 

The doctor eventually sent my daughter to see a Dermatologist, a doctor specializing in diseases and afflictions/infections of the skin. 

The Dermatologist was dumbfounded and couldn't understand why the creams our family doctor had prescribed had not worked. She said that every single cream our doctor had prescribed were known to be highly effective at treating the eczema my daughter had.

The Dermatologist did not want to prescribe anything stronger, so she encouraged me to keep applying the cream our family doctor had prescribed, in hopes that it would work.

In the meantime, my poor daughter had to deal with having red, inflamed skin on the tips of all of her fingers that continually cracked and bled. But, she was a trooper, ever willing and eager to allow me to put anything on her skin in hopes that it would clear it up.

One evening, while she was in the bath, I was washing her hair. She was playing with one of her Barbie dolls and singing away. I was suddenly aware of the song she was humming and singing. I had heard the song before but couldn't remember where. 

It really wasn't surprising since there was always music playing in our house. I either had the radio on, or I was playing C.D's. I was always singing along to one song or another. I was also always singing songs to my daughter, and had been since I was pregnant with her.

All of a sudden it dawned on me, my daughter was singing an old slave song. I remembered learning that song in school when I was just a kid, while learning all about Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad. 

I knew the song, and I knew for a fact that I had never sang that song to my daughter, and I certainly did not teach it to her. Where could she have possibly heard it?

At a loss for words I said to my daughter, "Wow. That's a really old song. Where did you hear it? Did Nana teach you that song?"

Without even looking up from her Barbie my daughter said, "No mommy. I learned that song before.  We sang it while we picked fluffies."

Having no idea what she was talking about I said, "Fluffies?  What are fluffies?" 

She said, "Fluffies that grow outside." 

I still had no clue what she was talking about.

She then looked at her little fingers and said, "That's why my fingers are all pinkly" (that's what she called the dry, cracked, 'peeling' skin).  She then went on to tell me that she would cut her fingers "on the sticks when picking the fluffies".

Still not understanding what she was talking about, I simply left it at that and finished washing her hair.

A few days later while visiting at my parents home, I mentioned the conversation with my daughter to my mom. My mom's eyes immediately went big and she said, "Could she be talking about picking cotton?" 

I was startled and quite surprised. I said, "Holy shit! I never thought of that! Do you think that's what she's talking about? Really?"

My mom then asked me how the hell my daughter who wasn't yet 3, could possibly know an old song that slaves used to sing. She also said, "And how the hell would she know about picking it, and cutting her fingers on the branches and stuff?"

I couldn't believe it. I had to admit, I thought that perhaps my mom was right. I was amazed, and actually kind of scared. It was a little bit creepy, and rather sad to me.

That night while laying with my daughter and reading her a bedtime story I asked her about picking the fluffies. But before I did, I went into the washroom and brought out a cotton ball. 

I would buy and keep bags of cotton balls up in the cupboard in our bathroom, and use them to take my eye make-up off at bedtime.

I sat down on my daughter's bed and said, "Remember how you were telling me about picking fluffies?" She nodded her head yes. I said, "Did they look like this?", and I handed her the cotton ball.

She took it, held it and told me that it was kind of like the fluffies, but that the fluffies had "pokey" things on them, and sometimes the pokey things were sharp. She then asked me, "Don't you remember Mommy?"

I told her that no, I didn't remember. And the truth was I didn't. I had no clue what she was even talking a bout. 

She then explained how she hated picking the fluffies because the pokey things hurt and cut her fingers, making them bleed. She also told me that it was so hot outside when we picked fluffies.

I was speechless.

I told her not to worry about it anymore, bent down, tucked her in, and kissed her good-night.

While laying in my own bed that night, I suddenly recalled some information that I had come across while reading up about reincarnation and children. 

Somewhere, I had read about cell memory and how it is believed that our cells in our body can retain information or "imprints" from our soul memory, from previous incarnations. 

I had read that birth marks and other skin anomalies are believed to actually be retained cell memory from a previous incarnation.

I had also read somewhere that it is suggested that we can talk to our child while they are asleep to reach their sub-conscious. 

While talking to them, we can reassure them that they are safe and can let go of the past, that they are in a new life and a new body.

I had read accounts where parents had supposedly done this and to their astonishment their child's port wine stain, and/or other birthmark(s) slowly faded until it was gone. Eventually there was no indication that the birthmark or port wine stain ever existed.

I thought about my daughter and everything she had said and wondered if talking to her, to her sub-conscious while she was asleep, might help heal the skin on her fingers.

At first I thought it was a stupid idea and just lame hocus pocus crap, but then a voice inside me thought, "Who cares? What have you got to lose? The poor kid has tried prescription after prescription.  What's the worst that could happen? It would either work, or it wouldn't."

My mind was made up. I got up off my bed and headed to my daughter's bedroom. I slowly opened her door and found her sound asleep. 

I quietly entered the room and laid down beside her. I got really close to her and I whispered very quietly into her ear.

I called her name and then said, "Can you hear me? Can you hear mommy?" She moved her head slightly so I asked her again, "Can you hear me?  Tell me if you can hear me?" I heard her give a faint, "Mmm hmm."

I can't recall exactly what I said to her word for word, but I basically told her that she was in a new life, and safe. That she was now in a new, healthy body. I told her to let her current physical body heal, and to let her body release any physical hurts from any past lives. I told her that the things from before could no longer hurt her now. 

I then asked her, "If you heard everything I said, say yes." My daughter then mumbled a faint, "Yes."

I kissed her and told her how much I loved her. I then quietly got off of her bed and left the room.

The next morning when she woke up her fingers actually looked better than they had in months. 

And I swear to God, I would not have believed it if I hadn't seen it for myself, but the second morning she woke up, her fingers were completely healed. 

My daughter is 19 now, and has never had any problems with eczema or skin rashes appearing anywhere on her body since.

"I did not begin when I was born, nor when I was conceived.  I have been growing, developing, through incalculable myriads of millenniums.  All my previous selves have their voices, echoes, promptings in me..."
~Jack London~

 freshly picked cotton


 Copyright © 2014 A Haunted Life

Thursday, April 24, 2014

~The Apocalypse~

I have had various dreams, or what I like to label as "visions" of visiting with deceased loved ones while in a dream-like state. 

I have awoken at night, and while fully awake, have seen deceased loved ones standing at the foot of my bed. 

I have also had visions and/or flashbacks of what I believe could possibly be moments from past lives. 

The one thing however, that has only occurred a handful of times, are dreams or "visions" of the end of the world. 

Like my other odd experiences, these "visions" appear to be very real, extremely vivid, and tend to play out and I can do nothing to control them.

The reason I mention that is because since I was a very small child, I have had the ability to control my dreams. 

I'm not quite sure how it occurs, but for as long as I can recall, while asleep and dreaming at night; my subconscious is fully awake and I find myself telling myself that I am dreaming. 

Whenever I have begun to have a scary or unpleasant dream, the conscious part of my mind says, "Hey, I don't like this dream", and I am able to control the dream. 

I am also able to wake myself up from a bad dream. I will be having a nightmare and think to myself, "I don't like this dream", and I find myself thinking, "Wake up", and then I do. 

The dreams I consider to be "visions" are completely different. They play out and it is as if I am simply an observer watching, just as when one sits back and watches a movie. 

I can not control these very vivid visions no matter how much I try, and I can not wake myself up. All I'm able to do is simply watch everything play out, and it is not until the end of the vision that am I able to wake up.

Like my numerous other visions, this one occurred while I was lying in my bed one night. 

Just as I do every night, I was laying in bed, in my darkened bedroom, staring up at the ceiling just thinking about things.

As usual, I noticed that my vision was becoming blurred. I closed my eyes and from behind my eyelids it appeared as if a bright light had been turned on in the room I was in. I immediately opened my eyes assuming one of my children had come into my room and turned on the light, which my kids have done numerous times. 

However, I found myself standing in a line-up with other people, in what appeared to be a convenience store. I glanced to my right and there were large windows. The door to the store was there also and it was a glass door. I could see from looking out those windows and through the glass on the door that it was obviously night time because it was dark outside.

I suddenly took notice, as other people in the store did, that large balls of light were falling from the sky.  Me, and other people that were standing in the line inside the convenience store, headed to the windows to see what was going on.

I suddenly saw a huge black horse come galloping down from the sky, and riding it was what appeared to be the dark silhouette of a man on top of the horse. The man and the horse were huge, at least 20 feet tall.

Somehow, I instinctively knew what it all meant, as did all of the other people in the store.

I began to panic and turned to the man next to me and asked him if he had a cellphone. He said he did and I asked him if I could please borrow it. Without really taking his eyes off of what was going on outside he said, "Yeah, of course", and handed me his phone.

I immediately dialed my house and my mom answered. I knew that she was at my home because she was watching my children. 

I told my mom to please hurry and to put my eldest child on the phone. My mom asked me what was wrong and I told her that I didn't have time to talk and to just please put my eldest on the phone. 

My mom handed the phone to my child and I heard her say, "Here, it sounds serious, your mom needs to talk to you."

As soon as my daughter said hello, I immediately told her, "We don't have much time. The time has come and you need to stay calm. Keep your brothers and your sister calm, as well as your grandma, and stay together. I'll meet up with you guys on the other side. Don't panic, I will find you." My daughter said, "Okay mom." I then told my daughter how much I loved her and hung up the phone. 

I walked back over to the windows where everyone was still standing and watching what was going on outside. I handed the man his phone and thanked him for letting me borrow it.

While looking out the windows I could see that many places in the sky were opening up and bright light was shining from these openings. I instinctively knew that when the next balls of light fell, it would be the death of all of us. Yet I wasn't afraid, I was ready and very happy. I knew I was going to be reunited with my deceased loved ones. 

Sure enough, more balls of light fell and some fell very close to the window I was looking out of.  Immediately there was a flash of incredibly bright light. I felt a slight burn all over my body and everything went black. 

The only way I can describe it, is that it was as if someone had turned all the lights off and everything went completely dark. Then as quickly as everything went dark, it was as if someone turned the lights back on and I could see that I was still standing in the store, along with all the others.

Just then, myself and others walked out of the store. Somehow I knew, as did the others that we were dead.  I knew that I was supposed to head to one of the entrances, openings in the sky.

There were numerous people lined up at these bright openings, and I knew that they were people that were going to be entering heaven, and I was very happy for them. 

I then noticed that there were many others that were not lined up at these large, bright entryways. I knew that they were people that would not be entering heaven. I felt very sad for those people, but I realized that there was absolutely nothing I could do to help them. I knew that they now had to answer to God.

I walked down the street from the store a bit and came upon a very tall woman. She was huge like a giant. She had to be about 15 to 20 feet tall. I instinctively knew that she was one of God's Guardians, sent to help us and guide us. I looked around and could see that there were other Guardians off in the distance in various directions standing about as well.

I approached the female Guardian and asked her where I had to go. She instructed me to go to the opening I was nearest to. I asked her if it was possible to go in another opening because I wanted to go to my children and enter with them. She told me no, that we were to enter the portal nearest to us.

So, as instructed, I walked towards the bright light that was nearest to me. While standing in line, I looked to the tremendous crowds and masses of people that I knew would not be entering heaven and was truly saddened to see that crowd far outnumbered those that were permitted to enter heaven.  

I looked up ahead and saw that the line up I was in was massive. The line-up was at least 10 or 20 people wide, and there had to be thousands ahead of me and just as many behind me.

I finally reached the bright light and entered. It was like walking through a tremendously bright tunnel.  As I neared the end of the tunnel the light seemed to not be as bright because my eyes had adjusted. 

As I came out of the tunnel, I was standing in what appeared to be a massive stadium. There were multiple levels and entrances all over the place. There were large masses of people coming through every entrance.

I heard someone call my name and looked to my left and saw my brother. He was happy and there were tears in his eyes. He explained that he had been at work when everything had happened. 

He looked over my left shoulder and said, "Hey, there's nana and papa." I turned around and saw my grandparents. My heart felt like it was going to burst. I was so happy to see them. 

Also off in the distance standing near them was my sister-in-law and my nephew. They were talking to my sister-in-law's dad.

My brother was about to leave and head over to our grandparents, as well as his wife, their son, and his father in-law. I told him I'd be with him shortly but I wanted to go find my kids first. He smiled, said okay, and then walked away, heading towards our loved ones.

I started walking towards a different entrance. There was someone standing there that was helping to guide people. I asked him where I could find my children. He pointed to an entrance way further down. 

I started heading that way and then I saw my children come walking in, along with my mom. I ran to them and hugged every one of them. I then asked my mom where my dad was and she told me that she had asked one of the guides about him and was told that he had to go through another entry way, and should be arriving any minute.

I then asked my mom if she had seen my husband. She told me no. I told her about running into my brother and seeing my grandparents. My children excitedly asked where my grandparents were because they wanted to meet them. I pointed to the direction of where they were and told my mom to take the kids and I'd meet up with them shortly. I wanted to find my husband.

My mom and kids headed off towards my grandparents, and I went the opposite way in search of my husband.

I was scanning the crowds and becoming more and more upset, wondering if perhaps he was one of the ones that was not allowed into heaven.

I approached another helper that was guiding others and asked him if he had seen my husband. He told me no. Just then someone said, "Wait, isn't that him over there?" 

I looked in the direction the person was pointing and saw the back of my husband.  He was sitting at a table with a man, talking and laughing. 

I immediately knew that the man my husband was talking to was his father, whom I have never met.  His father had passed away when my husband was only 18. I took off running towards my husband, so happy he had made it.

When I reached my husband I threw my arms around him and was in tears, so happy to see him. I was happy because I knew that we were going to be together for all eternity. 

As soon as I threw my arms around my husband, he turned to me and smiled. He said, "Hey beautiful, I'd like you to meet someone." 

Suddenly everything went black and I felt like I was falling backwards. I felt myself land on something soft. I immediately opened my eyes and saw that I was lying in my bed.

John 14:2 - In my Father's house are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you.  I go to prepare a place for you.

Copyright © 2014 A Haunted Life

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

~Such Disregard~

This particular dream or "vision" I had was a rather upsetting one.  It was also very vivid, and the emotion I felt was very strong. 

After having it, it felt to me as though I was simply recalling a long lost memory that had occurred many, many years ago.  Yet, obviously I have never experienced anything even remotely similar to it during my life, at least not in this lifetime anyway.

One night I was laying in my bed, recalling the events of my day.  I was lying on my back with my eyes wide open in my darkened bedroom, simply staring up at my ceiling.

As I relaxed, I noticed that everything began to become rather fuzzy or blurry.  I was then enveloped in what I can only describe as a white haze or fog.  Suddenly, things within my vision began to come into focus. 

I then realized that I was walking along a path outside somewhere.  The night sky was dark and what little light there was, was being given off by the light of the moon.  While walking along very quickly, I looked up into the night sky.  There were millions of stars in the sky.  It was beautiful.

I suddenly became aware of the fact that I was cold.  The air was cold and I could see my breath. I was in my bare feet and wearing what appeared to be a white hospital gown or something similar.  It was not a comfortable fabric and was rather stiff.  While walking, I looked down at my feet and noticed that there was a bit of snow on the ground.  My conscious mind wondered where the hell I was and why wasn't I wearing a coat and some shoes?

I then noticed that I wasn't alone. There were people walking along ahead of me and people following behind me.  We were being ushered along by soldiers holding large guns.  I was nervous but angry.  Why I was angry I have no idea, but I knew that I was angry at these soldiers. 

While being ushered along with all the others, I could hear that some women were crying softly.  That seemed to only anger these soldiers more. 

Finally we came to a bit of a clearing amongst a forest or wooded area.  We were ordered to stop.  We were then ordered to remove what we were wearing.  I was enraged.  I felt like every last shred of decency I had was being destroyed by these monsters in uniform. 

While undressing, I was aware of the fact that I was a woman.  My hair however had been cut off very short, almost in a buzz cut.  I then noticed that all of the other people with me were women as well.  They too had very short, shaved hair. 

I quickly removed the gown or whatever it was I was wearing and tossed it over into the pile with all the others as instructed.  I was not embarrassed that I was naked, nor did I feel any shame.  I also did not feel any fear.  I only felt immense anger at these soldiers.

I knew what was coming  but I was not afraid at all.  I was ready.  I felt like my body had been abused and I was physically exhausted, but I felt that emotionally they would never break me.  I knew that I was a spirit simply housed in a physical body, and my spirit, the essence of who I was, was much stronger than my physical body.  I also knew that dying was not the end and I was not afraid.

The soldiers began shouting at us to turn around.  I immediately turned to face the other way, with my back to these men.  I then heard the sound of gun shots.  It startled me and I jumped.  I looked up at the night sky, and remembered thinking that even amongst evil, beauty still exists.  I then heard shots again and everything went black. 

Next thing I knew, I was standing off to the side in this clearing.  I was now observing the situation.  I saw my dead body laying on the ground.  I had been shot in the head.  I was well aware of the fact that I had been killed and was now dead.  I felt very sad. 

While standing there looking on, I saw many bodies laying exactly where they had fallen after being shot by these soldiers.  I then saw one of the soldiers pick up the arms of my dead body.  He dragged my body over to a pile of other dead bodies and simply tossed my body in amongst them.

I was very angry and very sad.  I was a person, a human being that this soldier cared nothing about.  He and the others appeared to have complete disregard about taking our lives.  They also showed zero respect to our dead bodies, and that really saddened me.

Suddenly, it felt as though I had been thrown down into my bed.  I immediately sat up and was wide awake.  I had tears streaming down my cheeks from what I had witnessed.  I layed back down in my bed and thought about it for a long time.  I couldn't help but wonder what the hell that vision or "memory" was all about. 

Had I just relived a moment from a past life? 

The memory of it all was so real, so vivid and it truly felt as though I was simply remembering and reliving something from my past.

I immediately wrote this experience down into my dream journal, where I have tucked it away with many of my other odd visions and/or dreams.

That vision has made me often wonder, if it was in fact a memory of a past life, perhaps that is why I am so staunchly against any forms of discrimination in this current lifetime.  I abhor intolerance of other people of any kind.  I am a soul that is continually attempting to shift and tear down the various old paradigms.  I have been told that I have a warrior spirit because I stand up and fight for what I believe to be right and just.

"Reincarnation is essential to enable the soul to evolve to its Divine Light."
R.F Goudy - Reincarnation; A Universal Truth

Copyright © 2014 A Haunted Life

Reincarnation is essential to enable the soul to evolve to its Divine right.
Read more at http://www.notable-quotes.com/r/reincarnation_quotes.html#g404bJElU2iHFd3F.99
Reincarnation is essential to enable the soul to evolve to its Divine right.
R.F. GOUDEY, Reincarnation: A Universal Truth

Read more at http://www.notable-quotes.com/r/reincarnation_quotes.html#g404bJElU2iHFd3F.99
Reincarnation is essential to enable the soul to evolve to its Divine right.
R.F. GOUDEY, Reincarnation: A Universal Truth

Read more at http://www.notable-quotes.com/r/reincarnation_quotes.html#g404bJElU2iHFd3F.99