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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

~Such Disregard~

This particular dream or "vision" I had was a rather upsetting one.  It was also very vivid, and the emotion I felt was very strong. 

After having it, it felt to me as though I was simply recalling a long lost memory that had occurred many, many years ago.  Yet, obviously I have never experienced anything even remotely similar to it during my life, at least not in this lifetime anyway.

One night I was laying in my bed, recalling the events of my day.  I was lying on my back with my eyes wide open in my darkened bedroom, simply staring up at my ceiling.

As I relaxed, I noticed that everything began to become rather fuzzy or blurry.  I was then enveloped in what I can only describe as a white haze or fog.  Suddenly, things within my vision began to come into focus. 

I then realized that I was walking along a path outside somewhere.  The night sky was dark and what little light there was, was being given off by the light of the moon.  While walking along very quickly, I looked up into the night sky.  There were millions of stars in the sky.  It was beautiful.

I suddenly became aware of the fact that I was cold.  The air was cold and I could see my breath. I was in my bare feet and wearing what appeared to be a white hospital gown or something similar.  It was not a comfortable fabric and was rather stiff.  While walking, I looked down at my feet and noticed that there was a bit of snow on the ground.  My conscious mind wondered where the hell I was and why wasn't I wearing a coat and some shoes?

I then noticed that I wasn't alone. There were people walking along ahead of me and people following behind me.  We were being ushered along by soldiers holding large guns.  I was nervous but angry.  Why I was angry I have no idea, but I knew that I was angry at these soldiers. 

While being ushered along with all the others, I could hear that some women were crying softly.  That seemed to only anger these soldiers more. 

Finally we came to a bit of a clearing amongst a forest or wooded area.  We were ordered to stop.  We were then ordered to remove what we were wearing.  I was enraged.  I felt like every last shred of decency I had was being destroyed by these monsters in uniform. 

While undressing, I was aware of the fact that I was a woman.  My hair however had been cut off very short, almost in a buzz cut.  I then noticed that all of the other people with me were women as well.  They too had very short, shaved hair. 

I quickly removed the gown or whatever it was I was wearing and tossed it over into the pile with all the others as instructed.  I was not embarrassed that I was naked, nor did I feel any shame.  I also did not feel any fear.  I only felt immense anger at these soldiers.

I knew what was coming  but I was not afraid at all.  I was ready.  I felt like my body had been abused and I was physically exhausted, but I felt that emotionally they would never break me.  I knew that I was a spirit simply housed in a physical body, and my spirit, the essence of who I was, was much stronger than my physical body.  I also knew that dying was not the end and I was not afraid.

The soldiers began shouting at us to turn around.  I immediately turned to face the other way, with my back to these men.  I then heard the sound of gun shots.  It startled me and I jumped.  I looked up at the night sky, and remembered thinking that even amongst evil, beauty still exists.  I then heard shots again and everything went black. 

Next thing I knew, I was standing off to the side in this clearing.  I was now observing the situation.  I saw my dead body laying on the ground.  I had been shot in the head.  I was well aware of the fact that I had been killed and was now dead.  I felt very sad. 

While standing there looking on, I saw many bodies laying exactly where they had fallen after being shot by these soldiers.  I then saw one of the soldiers pick up the arms of my dead body.  He dragged my body over to a pile of other dead bodies and simply tossed my body in amongst them.

I was very angry and very sad.  I was a person, a human being that this soldier cared nothing about.  He and the others appeared to have complete disregard about taking our lives.  They also showed zero respect to our dead bodies, and that really saddened me.

Suddenly, it felt as though I had been thrown down into my bed.  I immediately sat up and was wide awake.  I had tears streaming down my cheeks from what I had witnessed.  I layed back down in my bed and thought about it for a long time.  I couldn't help but wonder what the hell that vision or "memory" was all about. 

Had I just relived a moment from a past life? 

The memory of it all was so real, so vivid and it truly felt as though I was simply remembering and reliving something from my past.

I immediately wrote this experience down into my dream journal, where I have tucked it away with many of my other odd visions and/or dreams.

That vision has made me often wonder, if it was in fact a memory of a past life, perhaps that is why I am so staunchly against any forms of discrimination in this current lifetime.  I abhor intolerance of other people of any kind.  I am a soul that is continually attempting to shift and tear down the various old paradigms.  I have been told that I have a warrior spirit because I stand up and fight for what I believe to be right and just.

"Reincarnation is essential to enable the soul to evolve to its Divine Light."
R.F Goudy - Reincarnation; A Universal Truth

Copyright © 2014 A Haunted Life

Reincarnation is essential to enable the soul to evolve to its Divine right.
Read more at http://www.notable-quotes.com/r/reincarnation_quotes.html#g404bJElU2iHFd3F.99
Reincarnation is essential to enable the soul to evolve to its Divine right.
R.F. GOUDEY, Reincarnation: A Universal Truth

Read more at http://www.notable-quotes.com/r/reincarnation_quotes.html#g404bJElU2iHFd3F.99
Reincarnation is essential to enable the soul to evolve to its Divine right.
R.F. GOUDEY, Reincarnation: A Universal Truth

Read more at http://www.notable-quotes.com/r/reincarnation_quotes.html#g404bJElU2iHFd3F.99

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