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Saturday, May 24, 2014


There is much speculation and belief that prior to an incarnation into a life here on earth, we choose our loved ones.

Apparently, it is believed that we incarnate numerous times with many of the same loved ones and people that are imperative to our spiritual growth while here on earth.

While I can not say for certain whether or not it is true, I do have my own opinion, and I have to admit that I have in fact wondered if it is perhaps true. 

I don't know about you, but I have met people during my life, and immediately felt an instant connection. At other times, it is an instant familiarity with someone. Is it because I have known them before, perhaps in another incarnation? Who knows, but I think it's possible.

My brother had an experience many years ago that made him question this belief too. One night, during the Christmas holidays while sound asleep, he awoke slightly and noticed a child sitting on the foot of his bed. My brother was startled because he knew he was awake and knew that he was in fact looking at a child sitting on the foot of his bed.

He had no idea who the child was. While looking at the child, the child smiled and said, "Merry Christmas Daddy." Then, the child simply vanished.

My brother was startled and a bit weirded out. It didn't make any sense to him either. Who was that kid? While my brother had hopes of settling down one day, marrying and eventually having a child, he was not in a relationship at the time. He also had no immediate plans of having a child any time soon.

So, my brother was left wondering if perhaps he had been visited by the spirit of his child who simply was not yet born, but would be one day. My brother hung onto that experience and never forgot any part of it, including what the child looked like.

Fast forward a few years, and my brother was married. A few years later and he and his wife were blessed with a healthy, beautiful baby boy. And, oddly enough, as their little boy grew, by about the age of two, their son looked exactly like the child that visited my brother only a handful of years ago.

Even more odd was what my nephew told my brother a couple of years ago. 

When he was around 4 years of age, my nephew began talking one day out of the blue about how he remembered being in heaven before he was born. He also told my brother that he was the one who decided who his mommy and daddy would be. He said that he had told God who he wanted his mommy and daddy to be and that he had pointed them out to God. 

When talking about how he had pointed them out to God, he even referred to a t-shirt that my brother used to always wear, and a night shirt that my brother's wife used to always wear, long before he was even born.

Coincidence? Perhaps, but I really don't think so, and neither does my brother.

"Souls are poured from one into another of different kinds of bodies of the world."
~Jesus Christ: Gnostic Gospels~

Copyright © 2014 A Haunted Life

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