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Thursday, May 29, 2014


Is it truly possible to be psychically connected to those we love? I've read many theories about this, but it is due to some experiences that I have had that I believe it is quite possible.

I have experienced this with both my eldest daughter and my dad.

There were a number of times where I would injure myself, not seriously; and without even knowing anything about it, my eldest daughter would come home from school and immediately ask what had happened. 

And of course, me being completely surprised at how she could have possibly known, would ask her what she was talking about. She would tell me that while at school she had suddenly had a feeling that something was "wrong" with me, or that something "had happened", and she demanded to know what it was. I had to admit, it was odd.

Yet, I too experienced this feeling with her. There were times when her and I were not together and I would immediately get a gut feeling that something was wrong. It was not until later that I would discover; while it was nothing serious, she had fallen and hurt herself. 

Most recently, some years ago, while going through a very harrowing time, I was not in a good place emotionally. I was in an abusive marriage and it had drained me of all hope. I was so drained that I was just about ready to give up the fight. I had given up on life and had convinced myself that the world would be a far better place without me in it.

I had even convinced myself that my children did not need me and would be much happier without me in their lives. Ridiculous I know, but I truly believed it. In fact, looking back I can't believe I ever believed that. I am ashamed to admit that while I had been blessed with excellent health, I didn't care. I truly did not care if I died. 

But you see, that's the thing about depression, it takes you to a depth you never thought possible. You can't even begin to imagine how horrible depression can be and how deep down it will take you until you go through it.

It was during this time that my parents were very worried about me, especially my dad. Looking back I can see just how difficult it must have been for them to watch me suffer like I was. 

Anyway, I was laying in my bedroom one afternoon and thinking about the various things that were occupying my mind. All of a sudden, as clear as day, I heard my dad say my name in a very concerned tone. 

I immediately turned over to look to my bedroom door. I assumed that he had come into my room. However, there was no one there. No one had come into my room. Yet, I distinctly heard my dad call my name. 

It startled me to say the very least, and I laid there for the longest time wondering what exactly I had heard, and why I had heard it.

It wasn't until a few hours later when my dad came by and told me that he had been thinking about me while at work and how worried he had been. 

He would call me every single day just to check in with me, and I would always answer the phone. We wouldn't really talk long, he would just call and ask me how I was doing. He'd ask me if I was still hanging in there, and encourage me to do so. He would then tell me how much he loved me and how much he and my family, especially my children needed me. 

But, that particular day I hadn't bothered to answer the phone. I just didn't feel up to talking. So, when he had called and I didn't answer the phone, he became very concerned.

Another incident with my dad occurred just a few years ago. I suddenly had this "knowing" that something wasn't right. I had a feeling that something was wrong. I immediately became worried and had no idea why. Just then the phone rang. I immediately grabbed it and said hello.

On the other end was a man. He began to explain that he was a paramedic, and that he was calling about my dad. He told me that while my dad seemed okay, he had experienced a fainting spell and they were taking him to the hospital to have him seen by a doctor, just to make sure he was okay. He told me that my dad had told him to call me, because I'm a nurse.

So, while I really have no explanation for these experiences, all I can say is that I happen to believe that we are somehow connected emotionally and psychically to our loved ones.

"Invisible threads are the strongest ties."
Frederich Nietzsche~

Copyright © 2014 A Haunted Life

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