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Saturday, September 13, 2014

~Voices and Knockings~

While I realize that there are numerous accounts of the negativity that is associated with the use of Ouija boards, I am not quite certain as to whether or not I truly believe a lot of it. 

The only reason I say that is because I am basing my opinion on my own personal experiences with using a Ouija board.  I have used the board a number of times and I have never experienced anything negative at the time I was using the board, or after.

And while I am not quite sure if I truly believe that Ouija boards really do enable us to communicate with spirits, I have to admit that I have had experiences that led me to believe that while using the board that I may have actually been communicating with a spirit and/or spirits. 

I had also never experienced anything that would lead me to believe that a spirit was trying to manifest and/or communicate by moving or knocking items over, at least not until this particular incident.

This experience occurred after the use of the board by my two daughters and some of their friends.

My eldest daughter decided to purchase a Ouija board after the planchette for my board went missing.  I had purchased one many years ago and my daughters would sometimes ask to use it when they had friends over.

So, one night when they had a group of friends over, my daughters and their friends decided that they wanted to use the board.  My eldest daughter eagerly got out her new board and along with her sister and some of their friends, they headed down to our basement to use it.

According to both of my daughters and a couple of their friends, they heard what sounded like people whispering while using the board.  This scared all of them and so they decided to end the session and headed back upstairs.

After telling me what they experienced, my youngest daughter informed me that the spirit that came through the board claimed to be a deceased relative of mine and he gave them his name.  Neither of my daughters knew him, they had never even met him.  My daughter also said that he had made it very clear that he wanted me to know he was here, with me.

After she informed me of all of that I replied with, "Hmm, well that's nice.  Hopefully he's watching over all of us and keeping us safe."   I really didn't give it much thought.

The next day my youngest daughter was sitting in the living room with me and we both heard what sounded like banging on our back door.  It sounded a lot like the noise our dog makes when she paws at the back door.  I assumed, as did my daughter, that someone had let our dog out into the backyard and she was letting us know that she wanted back in.

Just as both of us stood up to head to the back door I said, "It's okay, I'll go."  I then headed to the back door.  I opened the inside door and could see through the screen door that our dog wasn't there.  I didn't bother opening the screen door but simply called out to my daughter and asked if she had let the dog out. 

My daughter approached me and said, "No, I thought you did."  I told her that I hadn't and by looking through the glass in the screen door, we could both see that our dog was not in the back yard.

Just then we both heard our dog come trotting down the stairs from upstairs where the bedrooms are.  Many times when our dog is laying upstairs in one of the bedrooms, she'll come down when she hears either the back door or front door open. 

Both my daughter and I just looked at each other.  My daughter then said, "If it wasn't the dog, then what was that noise?"  I shook my head and said, "I honestly have no idea." 

My daughter and I then headed back to the living room to watch t.v.  A few minutes later we heard the banging on the back door again.  I immediately got up, as did my daughter. 

We both headed to one of the living room windows and pulled the curtain back.  We both peered into the backyard and also looked to the back door to see if something or someone was there.  Yet, there was nothing, no one there.  There was no animal or person at the back door or in our backyard anywhere.

Both my daughter and I looked at each other, feeling a little weirded out by it.  Again my daughter asked me what I thought it was and what could have done it.  Again I told her I had no idea.  We both turned and headed back into the living room again.

Suddenly we heard a loud banging on our front door.  We both bolted to the door.  My daughter whipped the door open only for us to discover that there was no one there.  We were surprised to say the very least.  Who was it or what was it that did the knocking?

There was no way that it was someone simply playing games by knocking on the door and then running away.  We got to the door so quickly after the knock that there was nowhere any one could have gone so quickly after knocking on the door, we would have seen them. 

My daughter looked creeped out and said, "Mom, what the hell is going on?"  I then thought about her and the others using the Ouija board the previous night.  I looked at her and said, "Great, I hope you guys didn't stir something up when you used the board."

My daughter said, "Well it's your family member, tell him to knock if off cuz he's scaring the shit out of me."  I couldn't help but laugh.  I then called out that family member's name and told him that I got the point. I told him that if he wanted me to know that he is very much with me, I get it.  I then asked him to stop with all the knocking.

And, I am happy to report that we haven't experienced any strange knocking or banging on any of our doors since.

Copyright © 2014 A Haunted Life


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