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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

~The Little Christmas Tree~

One year at Christmas time, my family and I all headed to my aunt and uncle's home to get together to celebrate the holidays.

My grandma had sold her home a few years prior, and was living with my aunt and uncle and their two children.

As soon as we all arrived at my uncle's home, my grandma was right there at the front door to greet us all.

She was very happy to see everyone, as she always was, and she greeted all of us with a 'Merry Christmas' and a big hug and kiss, just as she always did.

After I took off my boots and coat, she started telling me all about what she got for Christmas, then she said, "Come here, let me show you."

She took me by the hand, and I followed her to her bedroom. She had all sorts of boxes all over her bed and on her dresser. The boxes contained the many presents she had received.

She started telling me about the various gifts, showing them to me and telling me who they were from. I couldn't believe all the gifts she had, and she still hadn't opened all the gifts from me, my brother and my mom and dad yet. I told my grandma that and she laughed saying that we all spoil her. And she was probably right, for we all loved her very much.

My grandpa had passed away 6 years earlier. As I have stated in my many other posts here on my blog, his death left a huge void in our family. He was very much loved by all of us, and was terribly missed.

After he passed away, my grandma had him cremated and had his ashes placed into a beautiful marble urn. She kept that urn on a dresser in her bedroom, along with a really nice photo of my grandpa that had been taken many years ago. It was an 8x10 photo and it sat in a nice frame.

I noticed that my grandma had a small Christmas tree on that dresser. The tree was decorated and had little mini lights on it. I told her that I thought the tree was really pretty. My grandma said, "Yeah, I wanted to put something there. I figured since he can't be here, I'd get a little tree and decorate it for him and keep it beside his ashes."

My grandma walked over to the dresser that the tree and his ashes and photo were sitting on. She looked at the photo of my grandpa, pointed at it and said, "You should be here you old bugger."

Immediately the lights on the little tree went out. My grandmother looked at me, then looked back at the tree and said, "What the hell?"

Then, as quickly as they had turned off, the lights turned back on again. My grandma looked at me and then looked back to the photo of my grandpa. She smiled and said, "Well you old bugger.  You are here aren't you?"

The lights on the tree turned off again and then turned back on again.
My grandma looked at me and said, "Do you see that, he's here with us."

Again the lights on the tree went off and then came back on again.

My grandma turned again to his photo and said, "You silly old bugger, I miss you so much, I wish I could see you. You know damn well you're the one screwing with the tree aren't you?"  Again the lights turned off.

My grandma looked at me and said, "Well that's not very nice. I think the lights on the tree look pretty, don't you?"  I said yeah. My grandma looked at his photo and said, "Leave the lights on." Just then the lights came back on.

My grandma looked at the photo of my grandpa and said, "Alright, that's enough you old bugger, you're scaring the hell out of your granddaughter."  My grandma then looked at me and laughed. I guess she could tell by my face that everything I was seeing kinda' spooked me a little. Actually I think I was more surprised than actually spooked.

My grandma finished showing me everything she had received for Christmas and then asked me if I'd like a cup of tea. I said sure. She said, "Let's go see who else wants tea."

We started to head out of her bedroom and as we did she turned the light off, but left the lights on that were on the little tree. She looked back at the photo of my grandpa and said, "And no more funny business, leave the tree lights on." And with that we walked out to the family room and into the kitchen where everyone was now sitting and talking.

My grandma told my dad and my uncle all about the lights on the tree going out, and her conversation with my grandpa's photo. My uncle and my dad didn't really say anything. My grandma then said, "And if you don't believe me, you can ask her (while pointing to me), she was right there."

My dad and my uncle both looked at me. My uncle said, "Really? That happened?" I nodded my head yes and told him that if I hadn't been there to see it myself, I wouldn't have believed it. My grandma then said to my dad and my uncle, "See, don't worry, your dad is still with us."

Everyone became quiet and just sorta' smiled to themselves. Everyone still missed him very much, and I think it made everyone feel good knowing that he was still very much with all of us.

I have discovered since then, that my grandma used to see deceased relatives.  It didn't bother her one bit. To her it was a normal occurrence. She also experienced many dreams where loved ones would appear to her and communicate with her and give her messages. 

So, I can either take comfort in that and believe that perhaps this ability of being psychic or intuitive runs in our family. Or, I can wonder if perhaps we're all just simply crazy and that craziness runs in our family.  

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

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