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Thursday, August 1, 2013

~The Conjuring- My Thoughts~

For anyone that isn't aware, there is a movie currently playing in theatres entitled 'The Conjuring'.  It is a film that is based in part, on a family's experiences with ghosts while living in what is believed to be a house that is haunted. The family is the Perron family.    

The eldest child who is now grown, decided to write a book about the many odd experiences that she, and all of the other members of her family experienced while living in that house.

The story for the movie however is told from the perspective of the two paranormal investigators that were involved with investigating the case.

The house is very old, and has a history that includes deaths and suicides as well as a murder on the property.  It also has a history of being haunted. The Perron family were not the first to experience any ghostly or paranormal phenomena while living there, nor were they the last.  Previous owners of that house that lived there also experienced odd, ghostly phenomena.  And even the current owners today admit that they too have experienced odd happenings in the house, and of seeing ghosts.

Because I am curious about anything to do with ghosts and the paranormal, I have looked into, and read with much interest, some of the personal accounts that the Perron family members reported to have experienced.  I have also watched a few videos.  While visiting and browsing various web-sites, I have come across numerous comments from people; who like me, are very interested in this story, and this type of topic.

The one thing I can not understand though, is how quickly many people are willing to quickly jump to the conclusion that the entire thing is "likely fake", and "simply made-up".  "Hoax" is a word I've seen used rather frequently.

While I realize that you can't just blindly trust someone fully and question nothing.  I can't understand what it is that people want or expect from someone that claims to have experienced seeing or talking with ghosts.

For instance, I look at myself and my own experiences.  There is absolutely no way I can possibly prove that any of my experiences of seeing deceased loved ones and other spirits, and communicating with them did in fact truly occur. Yet I know for certain what I experienced, and how I felt when it occurred.  Yet I have no way of proving it.

With all of the technology we have, science still can not adequately analyze and/or study ghosts, or even prove that they do or do not exist.

I know from experience that it takes quite a bit of courage to admit to, and talk openly about experiencing any ghostly activity.  While it is becoming more accepted and people aren't as likely to simply chalk someone up to being crazy when they report seeing ghosts, they are however still likely to question the validity and truth about it.

I personally have no idea as to what actually occurred with the Perron family while they lived in that house, nor does anyone else. One thing I do know though, is that while some of their claims may sound far-fetched and possibly made-up to some people.  I too have experienced things that sound completely ridiculous and made-up.  Yet the experiences truly did occur.  I most definitely experienced it.

So what is one to do when they have experiences and share them, yet have no way to prove they really did or did not happen?

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life


  1. So what is one to do when they have experiences and share them, yet have no way to prove they really did or did not happen?

    I think you just have to be careful who you tell. But, I've noticed that a lot of people with experiences like these don't have anyone who understands that they can talk to so I and a few others started a psychic support forum here:


    It is a moderated forum so if someone wants to talk about their experiences they can do it in a psychic friendly place without pseudoskeptics.

    Also, I've found that Spiritualist churches are good places to meet other people with psychic experiences and an interest in psychic phenomena.


    Otherwise I would advise other people to do what I do: I post to my blog and web site and various places on the internet without revealing my name.

    If I was going to write a book or a movie I would use a pseudonym and then just try to ignore any negative publicity.

    Some people seem to like the intense debates over proof of the phenomena ... but I don't.

    1. I agree, you really do have to be choosy about who you decide to reveal these types of things to.

      Thanks for the link for the psychic support forum, I will definitely be checking it out.

      I agree with you about writing a book or doing a movie, I too believe I would try and remain anonymous as well. And you would most definitely have to ignore any of the negative publicity about it.

      Like you, I don't like intense debates trying to prove or disprove any of this type of phenomena either. My feeling is that I share my experiences here on my blog, and people can take from them what they wish. I know that people will dispute things I'm saying and will doubt some of what I am sharing, but that is completely up to them.
