If you would like to reach out to me or wish to share a personal experience, I would love to hear from you! You can email me at; myextremelyhauntedlife@yahoo.com

Sunday, November 17, 2013

~Not My Husband~

 Given all of my experiences, I don't scare all that easily.  Last night however, I had a rather good scare.  In fact I had the ever living shit scared out of me, and I have to admit that I haven't been as scared as I was last night in a very, very long time.  It was the type of scare that made the hair on the back of my neck stand on end and kicked my heart rate up almost immediately. 
I have been fighting a horrible cold and chest infection and was feeling really tired.  I decided to head to bed a bit early at around 7 p.m.  I fell into a deep sleep rather quickly.  At one point I woke up and turned onto my right side.  I had no idea what time it was.  As I settled onto my right side, I felt my husband snuggling in behind me like he always does.  I then felt that familiar feeling of when he rests his hand on my hip.  I snuggled back into him as I snuggled into my pillow and began to fall back asleep.
Within a few minutes I heard my husband breathing really loudly and snoring softly.  He is a loud snorer and normally when he starts snoring I gently nudge him and he will turn on his left side away from me so that he isn't facing me, and his snoring therefore isn't so loud. 
As soon as I heard him begin breathing deeply and softly snoring, I gently nudged him with my left elbow.  However, he didn't turn over.  I gently nudged him again, a bit harder.  Again, he didn't turn over.  He then began snoring louder.  While still laying on my right side, facing away from him, I reached my left hand back and poked him.  Still he continued to snore. 
Just then, I heard my husband outside our bedroom door talking.  My eyes immediately flew open.  What the hell was he doing in the hall?  And if he was in the hall, who the hell was laying in bed with me?  I immediately looked to my left and saw the dark outline of a man laying in bed beside me.  Panic stricken I yelled out for my husband and immediately turned on the lamp beside my bed.  I looked to the other side of the bed and saw nothing.  There was no one there. 
I flew off the bed and whipped open the bedroom door to find my husband across the hall in our son's room.  I called out to him, "Didn't you hear me yell for you?"  My husband walked out of our son's room where he had been putting our youngest son to bed and said, "No, why? What's wrong?"  As I headed into the washroom I told him, "Oh nothing, I just awoke to find some man laying in bed with me."  My husband laughed and said, "What?" 
As I came out of the washroom and headed back into my bedroom, I found my husband sitting on our bed.  He smiled when he saw me and said, "What happened?"  I said, "Never mind, I'll tell you about it tomorrow, I'm too tired to talk right now."  I then headed back into my bed, layed down,  and fell fast asleep again.  Thankfully when I awoke again later throughout the night, the only man I found in bed with me was my husband.
Copyright  © 2013 A Haunted Life

Thursday, November 14, 2013

~Haunted House~

I don't know where the knowledge or ability comes from, but when I step into a home I can sense things, and pick up certain energies.

How I am able to do so I honestly can not say.  It is not something I control or even have to focus on.  I am simply flooded with thoughts, images and feelings, which at times can be really intense.

This brings me to the experience I had regarding a friends home a few years ago.

A close friend of mine and my husband's had purchased a home and had been living there only a short time when his teenage son awoke one night to see someone standing in the doorway of his bedroom.

At first, his son thought it was his dad (my friend), but once he realized it wasn't, he was terrified. All he saw was the dark outline of someone, but what terrified him the most was that he was quite certain that he had no idea who the person was, he had never seen them before.

This experience occurred a few more times and it terrified him so much that he began sleeping in another room of the home, refusing to sleep in his bedroom.

My friend contacted my husband and I and spoke to us about all of it, and asked if I'd come out to his house and see if I could pick up anything or sense something, to which I happily agreed.

Upon entering his home I immediately felt a strong sense of someone present that previously lived in the home.  I sensed an older gentleman.  I could sense that he was very kind, and he had done a lot of work renovating the home over many years, and took much pride in that house.

I sensed that he was definitely not "evil" or a danger, but a very kind, loving soul.  I also sensed that he was well aware of the fact that he had passed, but he loved his home and appeared quite happy to hang around there.

He was however, a bit concerned with some things that had been occurring in the home that he had observed.  These were things surrounding my friend's teenage son, the same son that saw a figure in his bedroom doorway a handful of times.

I headed down to the basement, to the bedroom of my friend's son, and sat and talked with him.  I began talking to him about the things that the former owner of the home was communicating to me. About what he had seen, and things that had concerned him.  In fact, that was why he had appeared.  He had not appeared out of malice or to scare anyone, he was simply watching over my friend's son.

As I was talking with my friend's son about everything, he began to get very emotional.  His eyes welled up with tears.  He couldn't believe I knew the things I knew.  At first it really creeped him out. However, after we spoke, he completely understood the feelings of the previous owner and why he had appeared.  He no longer feared seeing him.

He called his dad (my friend) down to his bedroom where he and I were sitting and talking, and told him of the things I had told him and discussed with him.  My friend was amazed and rather speechless over  how I could possibly have known all of what I knew.  He asked me, "How do you know all that?"  I told him, "I don't know, the thoughts simply come to me."

Either way, my friend and his son were astounded that I knew about such very personal things, including conversations that had taken place between the two of them when it was only the two of them present in the house at the time.

At their urging, I communicated with the older gentleman that lived in the home previously.  I told him exactly what my friend and his son had asked me to tell him.  I told him that they were fine with him being in the home, but they wanted him to please refrain from doing anything that may scare them.  Things like opening and closing cupboards as he had been doing.  They also wanted him to stop turning lights off and on.  After communicating with the former owner, I did a house cleansing with Sage.

A few weeks later, my friend informed my husband and I that he and his son had not experienced any further problems in the home or any scares.  His son had also not seen anyone in his bedroom doorway at night. 

Our friend also informed us that he had been able to talk with some of his neighbours and was able to verify what I told him.  He discovered that the previous owner was an older gentleman who lived there with his wife.  They lived in the home for many years, and the gentleman had done much work on the house over the course of the many years that they lived there.  Their children were all grown.

My friend was able to verify that the previous owner took much pride in his home, given all the work that he had put into it.  And, just as I had sensed, he was a very kind man. My friend discovered that all of the neighbours thought very highly of him, and were saddened when they learnt of his passing. After his passing, his wife decided to sell the home.  It was my friend who then bought the home.

"We are not human beings on a spiritual journey.  We are spiritual beings on a human journey."

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

Saturday, November 9, 2013

~The Voices~

From about the age of four or five years of age, my eldest daughter began talking about voices that she claimed she would hear in her bedroom at night while sleeping.  

According to my daughter, there were nights when she would be asleep and would get woken up by the sound of people talking in her bedroom.  

She said that the voices weren't loud, but they were loud enough that it would wake her up.  

She said that whenever she opened her eyes the talking would stop, but as soon as she closed her eyes and began to fall back asleep, she would hear the sound of people talking again. She was not scared by any of it whatsoever, just mostly annoyed.  What annoyed her the most was that she never saw anyone, she only heard them.

It struck me as odd because my younger daughter slept in the same room with her and said that she never heard any voices or heard people talking.  But she was claiming to see a little girl in their bedroom some nights.  Apparently my younger daughter would awaken through the night to find the little girl sitting on the floor in their bedroom, playing with my daughters toys.

I found all of it to be rather strange, and that was because it appeared that I had some sort of "sensitivities", or what one would label "psychic abilities".  From the time I was a small child, I was able to see and communicate with spirits.  I too would hear the sound of chatter while sleeping in my bed at night.  The big difference between my daughter and I however, was that whenever I opened my eyes, I would find someone standing in my room, near my bed.  It was usually a deceased loved one.

I was then usually given information and some insight about things that had occurred, or would come to pass. Things that I had no possible way of knowing anything about.  For the most part however, it was usually just a loved one that had passed on and who simply wanted to say hello and ask me to pass on a message to someone in the family.

My parents were well aware of my rather odd and rare ability, as was my brother.  My husband knew all about it too. Both of my daughters however, knew nothing about any of it.  So, when they began displaying possible signs of being "sensitive" as well, I along with my parents and my brother, found all of it rather interesting to say the very least.

As for my husband, he found it all interesting but was for the most part, completely creeped out by all of it. He was under the wrong assumption that all spirits were creepy and something to be feared.

And his fear definitely got the worst of him one night.

It was shortly after midnight and I was exhausted, yet I was still up.  I was a nursing student at the time and I was up studying and working on a paper.  I was down in the basement, sitting at the computer typing when I heard my husband yell out my name from upstairs.  It startled me because he called out so loudly and he sounded really upset.

I immediately got up from the computer and ran up the stairs to him.  I found him standing at the top of the stairs outside of our daughters bedroom, just standing there, looking petrified.  As I approached him I asked him what the hell was wrong and why he screamed for me so loudly like he had.  I asked him if the girls were okay and he nodded his head yes  He walked towards me and took me by the arm.  We headed downstairs to the living room.

When we reached the living room he turned towards me and said, "I just had the shit scared out of me."  He said, "I have never been so terrified in my life like I was just now."

Feeling tired and a bit cranky, I was starting to feel rather annoyed with him.  I still had studying to do, and had hoped to work some more on my paper. I said, "What the hell is this all about?  What is your problem?"

He said, "I know that for you it's no big deal, you're used to this kind of thing.  Personally I don't understand any of it and I definitely don't want any of it."

Staring at him and feeling even more annoyed with him I said, "What the hell are you talking about?"

He then told me that he had been in bed asleep and woke up to go to the wash room.  After going to the wash room, he decided to go into the girls room to check on them.  As he approached their bedroom door he said that he heard what sounded like a bunch of people talking and it was coming from our daughters bedroom.  He said it was distinct and was definitely the sound of chatter, and it was definitely coming from within their bedroom.

He said that he opened their bedroom door and as soon as he did the talking immediately stopped.  He said that it really creeped him out.   He walked into their room, and walked over to our younger daughters bed. He saw that she was sound asleep, so he covered her up and bent down to give her a kiss.  He then approached our older daughters bed and saw that she too was sound asleep.  He said that he then bent down to give her a kiss too, but as he did he said that he heard the sound of talking again.

He said it terrified him because the voices and talking were coming from somewhere around and just a little bit above our daughters bed, right within the room.  He said it was like he had walked up to a group of people that were talking. He couldn't believe that he was hearing it because there was no one in the room with him.

I said, "So what did you do then?"  He said, "That's when I ran out of the room and yelled for you."

I began laughing and said, "Well, she said that she has heard people talking in her room at night, I guess she wasn't kidding."  He said, "Well I'm glad you find it funny and can joke about it. Why the hell would I hear it?"  I told him I had no idea why, and I really didn't.  I told him that I guess he had just happened to pick up on it.  He then said, "Well, if this is what it's like for you guys to hear spirits and stuff, I definitely do not want it."

I asked him what he was so afraid of, and he said, "Remember the movie The Exorcist?"  I said, "Yeah, why?"  He said, "Remember how freaky she looked when she was possessed?  Well, I just picture ghosts and spirits looking all scary and shit like that."   I rolled my eyes and said, "Give me a break.  Of all the ghosts I've ever seen, not one of them looked scary.  They just look like ordinary people.  And besides, why are you so quick to associate ghosts or spirits with evil scary stuff?  How do you know that the voices aren't simply her loved ones that have gathered around her and are simply watching over her?  Or perhaps it's her guardian angels?"  He said, "Well I don't know."  I said, "Exactly, so calm the hell down."  I then told him, "You need to seriously lay off watching scary movies."

"Make yourself familiar with the angels, and behold them frequently in spirit; for, without being seen, they are present with you."
~St Francis de Sales~

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life


Friday, November 8, 2013

~His Other Home~

As a parent, I am more than aware of the fact that children have wonderful imaginations, and they are more than capable of dreaming up all sorts of wild fantasies and tales.

Despite that fact, I very much believe that children, being so young and recent to earth side, have an easier time recalling memories from a previous life.

And yes, I do believe in reincarnation, that we live many lives.  It sounds crazy to some I know, but it is what I believe.

Every one of my children, while still fairly young, would talk of memories, of what appeared to be things they recalled from a previous existence.  Many of the things they spoke of were unusual, things they would have no way of knowing, especially at such a young age.

My youngest child, pretty much from the time he could talk would; from time to time, say that he wanted to go home.  The very first time I ever heard him say it, he was all of two years of age.  He was tired and therefore was becoming rather cranky and whiny as kids often do when they are tired.  While I was gathering his things to get him into bed ie; his pacifier and his "blankie", he began crying and said, "I wanna' go home."

I looked at him, finding the comment rather odd since we had lived in the same home since he was born and he had never known any other home, I said, "What do you mean buddy?  You are home."  While still crying he said, "Not this home, my other home."  I scooped him up in my arms, covered him in kisses and said, "You're tired, lets go to bed."

Later that evening, my husband who had heard our son's comment, told me how odd he thought the comment was.  I agreed and said, "Who knows, perhaps he remembers another home from another lifetime."  My husband, who was only recently beginning to believe in that sort of thing said, "You think so really?  I was actually wondering the same thing."

A few days later and while upset about something, again our son said he wanted to go home.  When my husband and I told him that he was home, again he said, "No, my other home."

As the weeks and months passed, our son told us many times that he wanted to go home.  When we told him he was already home, he would always reply, "No, my other home."  My parents witnessed this quite a few times as well.

As my son's vocabulary grew and he was speaking more and more, we began asking him about this "other home".  He told us, "It was where I lived before this home."

One time I asked him what his other home was like to which he responded, "You don't remember?"  So I told him, "No, I don't remember."  To which he replied, "It was nice, I liked that home."  Then he would insist that he wanted to go back there.  When I asked him why, he would just shrug his shoulders.  He informed us that my husband and I lived there too.

I still remember one time in particular.  He was upset about something and began to cry.  While crying he said, "I wanna' go home."  I hugged him and told him not to cry and said, "You are home buddy."  He then looked up at me, and with the saddest face I had ever seen on him, he said, "No mommy, not this home.  I want to go back to my other home."  Then he said, "Please mommy, can we go back there?"  He insisted that he missed that home and he wanted to go back.

I hugged him so tightly and told him that no, we couldn't go back there, that where we lived now was our home.  He cried and cried, and I just held him and rocked him in my arms.  Eventually he fell asleep.  After that incident, he only mentioned wanting to go back to his other home a handful of times.  He is now five, and it has been well over a year since he talked of his other home and wanting to go back there.  He just suddenly stopped mentioning it.

I look at my son and see what an immense and genuine little bundle of love he is.  He has always greeted my husband and I first thing in the morning with a huge smile, pretty much right from the time he was a baby and began smiling.  He truly is a ray of sunshine.  He has the biggest, most beautiful blue eyes.  Every where he goes people smile at him.  He is so loving and kind.  He is one whose feelings get hurt very easily.

I look at my little boy, and I can see why he would want to go back to his "other home", especially if it is one he remembers that existed on the other side.  With all of the craziness and negativity in this world, I can see how it all could, and probably will, affect someone like my little boy.  But, hopefully he is stronger than all of that, and that there are more souls like him.  Souls with a tremendously bright inner light that will glare throughout this world and banish and destroy any and all darkness that exists.

I look at my son, in fact I look at all of my children, and I see God.  I see the pure love from which we all are a part of and from which we all come.  I see the unconditional love that we are all capable of, if only we would tear down our barriers and look beyond our differences, focusing instead on all of our similarities. And yes, I believe it is possible.  With love, all things are possible.

"Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God."
~John 4: 7-10~

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

Friday, October 25, 2013

~Ghost Child~

One day, while my three older children were at school, I put my youngest child down for his mid-afternoon nap.

I headed to the living room to tidy up and put away the toys he had been playing with.  I then headed out to the kitchen to wash up a few dirty dishes that were sitting in the sink.

As I stood at the sink washing the dishes I felt someone tug on the back and bottom of my shirt.

Without even thinking I said, "Hold on a sec honey." I then felt the tug on my shirt again.

As I proceeded to finish washing the glass I had in my hand, I suddenly realized that three of my children were at school, and my youngest who was only 5 or 6 months of age and not yet walking, was asleep in his crib.

So, who the hell had just tugged on my shirt?  I slowly turned around, expecting to see a small child standing there, but of course I saw no one.  

I stood there for a few moments at my kitchen sink, thinking about what I had just experienced.  I knew for certain that some one or some thing had tugged on my shirt.

It was familiar to me because my older children had done the very same thing to me various times when they were smaller and all of 1 or 2 years of age.  Yet there was no one there.  At least not anyone that I could see.

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life


Monday, September 30, 2013

~Helping The Dead Cross Over~

*this is a follow-up from a previous post, 

So, what is one to do if they believe that they do have a legitimate haunting on their hands?  What do you do if you suspect that there is a spirit in your home?  

Enter such a query into a computer and you will see pages upon pages of web-sites offering information on how to deal with such a thing.  You will even find countless paranormal investigators that will offer to help you, but keep in mind that many charge quite a bit of money to do so.

You will also find self proclaimed psychics willing to rid your home of ghosts, and many of them charge varying amounts of money for their services too.

So what do you do, especially if you seriously need/want help but are afraid of seeking the assistance of someone requiring payment for fear of being scammed and/or ripped off?

First of all, think about what it is you are experiencing, and ask yourself in all honesty, can any of what you are experiencing be rationally explained?  

For example, my dad worked as a Stationary Engineer with our city's school board for over 30 years.  Many late nights while working all alone in some of the old schools, many guys would hear loud banging or what sounded like loud, heavy walking throughout the building.  

One could have easily creeped them self out believing it to be ghosts.  Even my dad got freaked out a few times thinking someone else was in the empty school with him. But as my dad came to discover, it was simply the old water pipes expanding and contracting, as well as the older boiler systems kicking in.  

I remember as a young girl going with my dad some times when he would go in to work for overtime, and the sounds were indeed very creepy.  My dad was used to it, and he would get a good laugh over the newly hired guys that would call him up at home some nights, while they were at work.  They would call him up, truly freaked out about all of the noises they were hearing throughout the building, since they were there all alone.    

Another thing I recommend, is to think about what it is you are experiencing, as well as who else has experienced something.  Think about these experiences, does it appear that something or someone is trying to communicate something to you?  

Another thing to note is, are these experiences scary or frightening?  Do you feel threatened, or is your fear of the unknown simply getting the best of you?  Perception is very important.  

A perfect example of this was the neighbours my parent's had a handful of years ago. They moved into the house right next door to my parents.  One day, the man living there approached my dad and asked what my dad knew about any previous owners of the home.  

He wanted to know if anyone had ever died in the home.  My dad told him about the older gentleman and his wife that had lived there previously, all of their children were grown and no longer lived there.

My dad then proceeded to tell him about the day that the wife suffered from a stroke and was rushed to hospital.  She died in hospital some days later.  The husband lived in the home for only a few years after his wife died. Then, one day the man suffered a massive heart attack while in the home by himself.  He was found a few days later by a close family friend.  

Anyway, the neighbour informed my dad that he and his wife, including their children were forever hearing strange voices in the home when no one was there.  It was really creeping the guy out.  

His wife on the other hand was not bothered by it one bit.  Her belief was that it was probably someone that lived in the home at some time and they had simply chosen to come back there, and she was fine with that.  

Her feeling was that as long as the spirit wasn't bothering her or her kids, she didn't care if it was in the house.  The man on the other hand was completely different, he wanted any and all spirits to be removed from the house.  He was really terrified.  

So, as you can see there are instances when what appears to be frightening at the time, is not frightening at all.  

While our emotions tend to get the worst of us, sometimes people reflect on an experience or various experiences much later, when they are more calm and can be much more rational, and they realize that it really was not a frightening experience.  

Think about my parent's neighbours, why was their neighbour so terrified over hearing voices and soft chatter in the house?

I find that in most cases, once people reflect on their experiences they come to realize that what they experienced appears to simply be a lost spirit that is trying to communicate with them or get their attention.  

But for some strange reason, too many people are far to eager to jump to conclusions and wrongfully assume that whatever it is that they are experiencing is due to some dark, malevolent entity or a demon. When in reality it is more than likely, just a spirit that is trying desperately to communicate with some one, anyone that will listen.

Can you imagine what it would be like to not know that you are dead?  Or even worse, you have figured out that you are dead, yet you have no clue what to do or where to go.  What if there was no bright light, and you were stuck amongst the living, people that could not see you or hear you?  Can you imagine?

Now imagine how you'd feel if whenever you tried to somehow communicate to the living, they misinterpret whatever it is that you are trying to communicate to them, and in doing so, rather than try and help you, or understand what it is you want or need, they fear you and try to rid their home of you?

I think it is important for people to keep in mind that many times when people experience doors opening and closing or hear what sounds like someone walking the floors, it could simply be a soul that lived in that house before and they loved that home and are happy to stay there.  They are also no threat to you whatsoever. They are not interacting with you, they are simply going about their merry way as they always did and you may simply be hearing them from time to time.

It is the same with people that experience odd smells in their home of flowers or perfumes or perhaps tobacco smoke, smells that can not be attributed to anyone currently living in the home.  All they are experiencing is the possible smell associated with a spirit.  In my experiences it is nothing to fear.  It simply is what it is.  It also can give you a heads up that perhaps a spirit is present, but this is not necessarily a bad thing or something to be feared.

Another thing to keep in mind when hoping to rid your home or some other haunted place of a spirit, is that the spirit may not want to leave.  If a spirit is quite content to stick around, I doubt any amount of pleading or demands that it must leave will do any good.  

One thing I do find helpful however, is to simply pray for that soul.  Pray that other spirits will come through and help that spirit cross over and leave the earthly realm that they are still in.  Pray for that soul to be lovingly guided by any and all of its deceased loved ones, so that they can finally and truly be at peace.

As for using religious items, if you find them comforting that is fine, but keep in mind that religious items such as crosses or crucifixes do not always have any effect whatsoever on a spirit.  You could be dealing with a spirit whose religious beliefs are completely different than yours.  Remember, not everyone is a Christian, and not everyone believes in God.  

The spirit you are trying to deal with may be an atheist.  Now think about that for a moment.  Think about the foolishness of reading parts of the Christian bible out loud to a spirit that is an atheist, or a soul that followed the teachings of Buddhism or perhaps Sikhism.  Perhaps the soul you are trying to communicate with followed the teachings of Wicca or Witchcraft, then what?  

See my point?

In my own personal experiences, I have found that nothing works better than simple, good old-fashioned communication.  I have also found that having respect for the deceased does wonders too.  I think respect is imperative.

I believe that at times, people have this false sense of grandiosity, that we are somehow bigger or stronger than spirits and we can boss them around.  Right.  That type of attitude does not work on the living so what the hell makes people believe that it would work on someone who is simply without a physical body and is in spirit form?  

Now, I realize that you could be dealing with a spirit that does not speak your language, but I have found that what I have done has always worked.
*and in saying that, if anyone attempts any of my suggestions, it is my utmost hope that it is just as effective for them too.

First off, before talking to a spirit, I like to burn Sage.  I like it because it is known for its effective purifying energies.  It is an herb that has been held sacred by Native American Indians for centuries because of its ability to remove negative spirits and impurities.

I prefer to use a bundle of Sage since it gives off a nice amount of smoke, and you want to sage your entire house, or the place you are hoping to remove the spirit from.  You can purchase incense that are scented with Sage, but I find that they are much too small.  They burn nicely too, but do not last all that long.  You also have to worry about the ash that falls off of the incense.  Whereas with a bundle of sage, you light it and get a nice billow of smoke going.  Depending on the size of the bundle of sage, it will burn for hours, which is more than enough time for you to walk through every room of your house.

Another good thing about the Sage bundle, you can carry the Sage bundle around by itself, or you can simply leave it in a fireproof bowl and carry that around room to room, allowing the smoke to billow throughout.

Before I begin saging, I will first call out to any possible spirits that may be present.  My conversation usually goes something like this, "Are there any spirits in this house?  Is there any one in this house that has been trying to communicate?  I want you to know that you are no longer alive, you are now in spirit form."  I will then say something like, "Perhaps you weren't aware that you have passed on and I am very sorry.  I am very sorry if you are scared and confused."    

If people residing in the house have been scared by what they believe is a ghost, I may say something like, "You may not realize it, but you have been scaring the people that now live in this house."  I will then inform the spirit that the people that are currently living in the house, or whoever the people are that now own the house would really like it and would very much appreciate it if they could please stop scaring them.  I will then ask the spirit to stop doing whatever it is that scares the current occupants of the house eg; slamming doors, moving things etc.

I will then sit down and pray, talking out loud.  I may pray the Our Father prayer and speak out loud and ask God to please send an angel or some loved ones to help the spirit find peace.  I ask for assistance for that spirit, for God to help that spirit go to wherever the spirit needs to go so that it can be at peace.

Next, I close my eyes and visualize a tremendously bright light, and envision the spirit going to the light.  I then speak to the spirit and ask them if they see the bright light that is associated with dying.  I ask them if they see that tunnel with the light at the end.  I then encourage them to go towards the light and remind them that their earthly time is finished and they have loved ones waiting for them in that light.  I tell them that our Creator is loving and compassionate and forgiving.  I tell them that they are loved.  I then ask God to have pity on that soul, and to forgive them of any wrongdoing that they believe they may have done in their life.  

I will then go and open all of the windows and doors.  With the burning Sage in hand, I walk from room to room and around in each room.  I simply allow the smoke from the burning Sage to billow throughout each room.  I focus and envision any and all negative energy leaving the house room by room.

Once I have walked through every single room in the house, I then go and close all of the windows and doors.  I then walk the house with the burning Sage again.  This time I focus on positive energy.  I envision a bright light filling up every room of the house.  I will often ask God/our Creator, to protect me and my home, as well as all of my loved ones that live in my home, and any loved ones that may enter into my home.  If it is someone else's home then I ask God to protect them and their home, including any and all of their loved ones living in the home, or anyone that may enter their home. 

Once I have walked through every room of the house and allowed the smoke from the Sage to billow throughout, I am finished.  I may sit and allow the Sage to continue to burn until it is finished and goes out.  I then take whatever is left and ensure it is no longer burning by pouring water over it.  I then take it and bury it somewhere on the property.  

And there you have it, that's all there is to it.  And as I stated earlier, I have done this numerous times not only for myself but for others as well, (and no, I have never charged a dime!).  When doing frequent Sage cleansing simply to cleanse my home of any negativity, I omit the part where I communicate with any spirits.

I have to say that I always find the energy in my home after a cleansing to be much more calmer.  When I have done other's homes, they too say that they notice a definite shift in the energy of their home, that it feels more calm and centred.  

As for any "ghostly" activity, I am then usually told that once I have cleansed the person's home, the activity stops, or is no longer threatening in any way.

Now, as I said, this little "ritual" has always worked for me, it may not work for everyone.  If you follow my example and try if for yourself but you find it does not work, or you truly believe you have something very malevolent in your home, or you feel threatened, I would highly recommend contacting someone that is a professional when it comes to this type of thing.  I would recommend either a priest or clergy from whatever church you belong to, or a professional paranormal investigator.

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

Saturday, September 28, 2013

~Dogs & Spirits~

The one thing that has always left me in awe and bewilderment and still does to this very day, is whenever my dog appears to be happy to see someone and greets them, yet there is no one there.  

Whenever someone arrives at our house, especially if it is my husband or I, or one of our children, our dog will stand up if she was laying down and appears very excited.  She immediately begins wagging her tail rapidly while looking at the person that has just come through the door or into the room.  She will also go over to where the person is standing and will sit down and look up at that person, all the while her tail is wagging like crazy.  

At times, if she is laying beside me on the couch and someone comes into the room, she will immediately begin wagging her tail as soon as she sees them, and while she may not get up, she continues to wag her tail and will look up at them as they approach her.  If the person pats her on her head or speaks to her, her tail wags even faster.  She will continue to sit beside me wagging her tail like crazy while looking up at whoever it is that just came into the room.

The odd thing is, I have seen her act this way numerous times, even though no one has come into the room, at least not that I can see.  However, I see that familiar wag of her tail and how she looks up at whoever it is she is greeting, yet no one is there.  

I have to admit that the first time she ever did that, her and I were home alone, and it actually creeped me out quite a bit.  Now I find that whenever she does this, I am no longer creeped out by it.  I find that I am left more in wonderment and awe at the thought of who it is she is seeing.

My dog has not only done this in front of me, but my children and my husband have seen her do it as well. Both of my daughters hate when it is late at night and they are up alone with the dog watching t.v and she does it, it creeps them out quite a bit.  Neither of my sons have ever been fazed by it, they'll simply smile, rub her head and say, "Who's here? Who do you see?"

Watching my dog's behaviour, I am convinced without a doubt that she definitely sees and senses spirits. She obviously sees what we do not.  Based on numerous stories I have read and hearing other people's accounts, I believe that all dogs can see and sense spirits. 

The dog that I previously owned, as well as the dog my parents had when I was much younger, would do the exact same thing.  There were times when they would appear happy to see someone. They would look up at something, wagging their tail ferociously, yet there was no one there.  

"Not every person knows how to love a dog, but every dog knows how to love a person."

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

~An Angel In Scrubs~

Many years ago I was admitted into the hospital.  I had been experiencing very bad pain in my abdomen and the pain got so bad that I headed to the nearest hospital's emergency department.

Once at the hospital, various doctors assessed me, and every single one of them was stumped.  They could not figure out what was causing me such intense pain. They had ordered various blood tests, an ultrasound as well as an x-ray of my abdomen, yet still had no diagnosis.

After some discussion with his colleagues, one of the doctors suggested laproscopic surgery of my abdomen.

A laproscopic surgery is considered "minimally invasive" since only a few small incisions would need to be made in my abdomen.  Through the tiny incisions, the doctor would place various thin tubes into my abdomen, including a tube with a very tiny camera attached at the end.  The camera in that tube would allow the doctor to look inside my abdomen and hopefully help him discover the cause of all the pain I was having.

The surgery only took about an hour, and afterwards I was transferred straight to recovery.  Once I was considered stable, I was transferred to a hospital room.  As soon as I arrived in the room, my nurse walked in and introduced herself.  She seemed very nice.  She then proceeded to hang a small i.v bag onto my i.v pole and informed me that the doctor had ordered antibiotics for me to be given through my i.v.  I then told her that I was allergic to penicillin, I had an anaphylactic reaction to it many years ago.  My nurse smiled at me and said, "Don't worry, I know all about your allergy."  She then told me what medication the doctor had ordered and informed me that it was perfectly safe for me to have it.

I was exhausted from all of the pain medication I had been given, and I was beginning to have pain again. My nurse immediately gave me some pain medication through my i.v.  Within minutes it eased the pain and made me even more sleepy.  I then fell into a deep sleep.

A short time later I awoke.  My room was rather dark, with only a bit of light coming through the window, but it was enough light so that I could see in the room.  I looked to the wall at the foot of my hospital bed and saw the clock that was hanging on the wall.  It was almost midnight.

I then noticed a man dressed in white scrubs standing at the head of the bed right beside me .  I could see that he was doing something with my i.v.  I watched him for a few minutes and then asked him if everything was okay.  I then asked him if I was being given another medication.

The man looked at me and smiled and said, "Everything is just fine, I'm not giving you any medication, just trying to remove all of the air and blood that is in your i.v tubing."  He explained that my i.v medication had finished infusing and the other bag of i.v fluid should have began infusing but the bag was empty.  So, because of that, the blood in my veins began backing up and into the tubing.  As well, air had gotten into almost the entire length of my i.v tubing.

I then asked him where my other nurse was and asked him if he was my new nurse.  He smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm here to take care of you.  You can think of me as your guardian angel."  I laughed and he smiled.

I began to think that it was a good idea he had come into my room when he did.  I was well aware that air in i.v tubing could be dangerous because air entering into your veins and into your circulation can cause an air embolus, which can be deadly.

I just layed there in my hospital bed and watched him continue to do what he was doing.  He finished removing all of the air in the tubing and had flushed all of the blood through my i.v tubing as well. He then hung a brand new i.v bag up for me and it began to infuse.

I was exhausted and could barely keep my eyes open.  When he was finished he said, "There, all done."  I smiled and thanked him.  He smiled back and said, "No problem, now you try and get some rest."

I immediately fell into a deep sleep again.  A short time later I awoke again and saw the man in the white scrubs again.  He was doing something with my i.v again.  I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost three o'clock in the morning.

I turned to the man and asked him what he was doing.  He then said, "Saving your life.  Someone hung up the wrong medication for you."  I immediately said, "What?"  He then held up the small i.v bag that was hung on my i.v pole and told me it was amoxicillin, the antibiotic I had a deadly reaction to many years ago.  I was mortified.

The man said, "Don't worry, the clamp on your i.v was shut so thankfully none of it infused."  He then removed the i.v bag as well as the i.v tubing.  He told me he was replacing the tubing just to be safe, in case any of the medication had gotten into the tubing of the i.v.

While watching him, I then saw him hang a new i.v bag with new tubing .  He then looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and thanked him.  While still smiling he said, "Don't worry, as long as I'm on the job I'll keep you safe."  He then left my room.

The next thing I knew, I fell back asleep again.  When I awoke again later, the sun was shining through the window in my hospital room.  I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost seven o'clock in the morning.

Just then, my nurse that I had met from the night before walked into my room.  She smiled and said good morning.  She asked me if I had a good night's sleep.  I told her that I had, and that I had been exhausted. She then informed me that every time she popped in to check on me through out the night I was sound asleep.

I told her that I was really grateful to the nurse that had come in to check on me through the night.  I then told her about my i.v running dry and how the nurse removed all the air and blood from the tubing.  I then told her about the medication error.

My nurse's eyes went huge.  She said, "What? No one informed me of any of that."  She then told me that she was aware the nurse that covered her on her break during the night hung up one of my i.v medications when it was due, but she told me that she had made no mention of the other incidents.

I noticed that she referred to the nurse as "she".  I said, "I don't think it was the same nurse, it was one of the other nurses.  The nurse I'm talking about was a man."

My nurse just looked at me and said, "A man?  That's impossible, all of the nurses we had working last night are females."

I then proceeded to tell her about what he looked like, describing him in detail, and I also told her that he was wearing white scrubs.  She just stared at me and then told me that they only had two male nurses that worked on their unit.  And neither of them fit the description of the man I saw and described to her.

My nurse informed me that she was going to talk to the other nurses that worked through the night, about everything I had just told her.  She then left my room to go talk to them.

As it turned out, the nurse that covered for her mixed up my i.v med with another patient.  She gave another patient my medication and gave me that patient's medication.  As for the male in the white scrubs, no one had a clue about who he could possibly have been.

Fearing that this "nurse" in the white scrubs may have simply been someone that came on to the unit, portraying himself as a nurse, all of the nurses asked each of their patients if they too had seen a male nurse in white scrubs pop in to check on them through the night.  Every single patient said, no, they had not seen anyone like that.  No other staff member had seen him either.

When the nurse manager informed me of all of that later that afternoon, I couldn't help but think, 'Great, they're going to think I hallucinated and imagined the entire thing, or they're going to think I am crazy.'  When I told the manager that, she smiled and said, "Not at all."

She then told me that she believes very strongly in that sort of thing.  She said that when she was a clinical nurse, she experienced many patients reporting everything from seeing angels to seeing their deceased relatives.

"These things I warmly wish for you
Someone to love, some work to do,
A bit o' sun, a bit o' cheer,
And a guardian angel always near. "

~An Irish Blessing~

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

Friday, September 27, 2013

~Questionable Motives~

The Borden House, circa late 1800s

The Borden House, as it looks today.

Lizzie Borden

For those of you unfamiliar with the Borden House, it is a historic home that is situated in Massachusetts.  It was built in 1845.  The home was occupied by the Borden family which included Andrew Borden, his daughters Emma and Lizzie, and their step-mother Abby.  The girls biological mother passed away shortly after Lizzie was born which was on July 19th, 1860.

On August 4th, 1892, Andrew and Abby Borden were found murdered in their home.  Andrew Borden was found slumped on a couch in the downstairs sitting room, struck 10 or 11 times with a hatchet-like weapon. Abby Borden was found in the upstairs guest bedroom, her skull crushed by 19 blows.

Their daughter Lizzie was arrested and tried for the axe murders.  However, she was acquitted in 1893.  She died on June 1st, 1927.  The case has never been solved.

Being bought and sold numerous times, the home has had many owners through the years.  The current owners today run it as a bed-and-breakfast.  They also offer tours of the old home.  The home is decorated and furnished with antiques.  Most, if not all of the current furnishings and antique furniture in the house belonged to the Borden family, and are the same items that furnished the home during the time the murders took place.

There are numerous reports of the home being haunted.  Staff, as well as visitors have reported many odd experiences, and of seeing apparitions and hearing things.

While I understand the owners wanting to add hype to the home being haunted, which helps to draw in paying visitors.  I find it appalling that they would go as far as to display the photos of the murdered victims.

In the home, throughout the many rooms, there are photos of the crime scenes, including the victims.  There are various photos of Andrew Borden laying dead on the couch where he was murdered, and various photos of Abby Borden's dead body lying on the floor of the bedroom where she had been murdered.

I can't help but wonder if displaying those photos and visitors continually touring the home in hopes of experiencing something "ghostly", contribute to the spirits remaining earthbound, stuck at the scene of their murders. If they are in fact the spirits behind all of the supposed haunted happenings in the home.

With frequent visitors in the home continually calling out to Andrew and Abby Borden hoping to experience something "paranormal", could these visitors perhaps unknowingly be continually causing the spirits to return to the home?  Could it be possible that in doing so, they are preventing the souls of Andrew and Abby from moving on?

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

~Let The Dead Rest~

When one reads about anything to do with ghosts and/or hauntings, you will find that many paranormal investigators believe that if a person dies suddenly, or if they die a violent death, the dead person's spirit is likely to hang around, not realizing that they are in fact dead.

Another belief is that when a murder or violent death occurs, the energy from that experience can hang around where the death occurred.  This is known as residual energy.  So, while there are no real spirits or ghosts present, people can pick up on the intense emotions that perhaps were imprinted there by the person before they died eg: fear, panic, anger. They may also be able to pick up or sense how the person died.

I find that when it comes to people investigating places that are possibly haunted, too much emphasis is placed on calling on the spirit that may be present.  You see this all the time on all of the latest reality ghost hunting/investigation shows. Yet, you never see anyone do anything to help that spirit to understand that it is indeed dead. You don't see any attempts to help that restless spirit cross over so that they can finally be at peace.

Many paranormal "experts" when carrying out an investigation, use varying tactics to lure a spirit into communicating with them.  One tactic that I find rather disturbing, is when they attempt to anger a spirit in hopes of it manifesting itself.

As a human being that feels compassion and empathy for others, I find that practice very disrespectful.  My thinking is that perhaps when a ghost hunter/paranormal investigator calls on a spirit or ghost, they may in fact be disturbing that spirit and preventing it even further from crossing over and being at peace.

And what happens when these "experts" believe that they have proof that a haunting is very likely taking place?  What do they do?  Nothing.  Nothing other than state, "Yes, this place is haunted."  Well that's wonderful and all, but how is that helping that lost soul that is doing all of the haunting?

Our society has made some tremendous advances in technology, and this is great news for people who like to study and investigate hauntings.  Paranormal investigators now have access to all sorts of technology and fancy gadgets that can help them try and determine whether a place is haunted or not.  However, I think more needs to be done to help the lost souls that are lingering around and haunting the living.  They deserve to be guided so that they can truly rest in peace.

* a follow-up to this post; 

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

Sunday, September 8, 2013

~Spaceships And Symbols~

I have had this very odd "dream" or "encounter" a handful of times now. 

When this dream occurs, it is much different than my usual dreams. 

This dream appears very real, as if I am not simply dreaming it, but that I am actually experiencing it. 

Whenever I awake from these "dreams" or "encounters", my senses feel as though I truly did just experience it.  My vocabulary fails to find the appropriate words to accurately describe it, but that is truly the best way I can. 

Normally, just prior to the encounters with the man from these dreams, I find myself in a vast array of nothingness.  I am in complete and utter darkness.  Slowly the dark becomes much more brighter.  It is as though someone has pulled back some heavy drapes and allowed sunlight in.  Everything becomes very bright but hazy.  Slowly, things come into focus. 

Next, I find myself outside somewhere, amongst trees and open fields.  Some type of a spaceship or u.f.o suddenly appears.  I am not frightened at all.  The spaceship/u.f.o is not very big and it lands only within feet from me. 

A very tall, strongly built, broad shouldered man emerges from the craft.  He has dark hair and always wears a very high collared robe, or what appears to be a robe.  On his chest is a crest of some sort.  For some reason however, I can never remember his face.  He looks human, but I can never recall his facial features when I awake from these dreams/encounters.

The very first time I dreamt of him, I did not recognize him yet he was very familiar to me.  For some reason, I was very aware of the fact that he is highly respected, and I felt much admiration and respect for him.  I did not fear him at all.  I was also very aware that he is extremely knowledgeable and is some sort of a teacher.  He is very wise and very, very kind.

As he approaches me, I am happy to see him, and am overcome with immense peacefulness and love.  Whoever this "man" or "being" is, he radiates nothing but warmth, kindness and never-ending, unconditional love.  He also emanates compassion and understanding.

He and I always discuss things of a spiritual nature.  The first time I dreamt about him, or had my encounter with him, we not only discussed my faith and spirituality, but he asked me about my children too.  He asked if I was doing anything to help nurture and encourage their spirituality.  When I told him that yes, I had been, he was more than quite pleased to hear it.

During my first encounter with him, he sat down with me and discussed matters pertaining to energy and healing.  He then proceeded to show me a book that contained various symbols. 

My conscious mind was aware of the fact that I had never seen these symbols before, yet in another part of my mind I did recognize the symbols, and I knew exactly what they meant. 

The man in the dream shows these symbols to me often while teaching me about many things.  It all makes perfect sense to me at the time, but when I wake up, I have no clue what the symbols mean.  I also can not recall what it was he and I were discussing, yet the discussions are very long and very detailed.  Most times when I awake from these dreams/encounters, I am exhausted.

During these encounters with this man, he informs me of things that will come to pass.  At times he speaks of the things, at other times I am shown, like a movie playing out in front of me of what is to occur and/or come to pass.

During these encounters with him, I am well aware of the fact that I am not alone, that there are many others who are being taught by his "people".  As well, many of the others are having things revealed to them too. 

The encounter usually ends with him telling me how loved I am. He then steps back into the u.f.o or craft, or whatever it is he came in, and I find my self very sad that he must go.  I do not cry, but I am saddened because I will miss him.  I will miss him because I enjoy the talks he and I have, and I care greatly for him.

Everything tends to fade into a blur again at that point and I find myself laying in my bed wide awake. 

I have not dreamt of him or had encounters with him for many months now, possibly a year or more.

These symbols are very similar to the ones that get shown to me

While I have come across literature and stories of personal accounts from people that describe experiences similar to mine, I am still not completely sure of what to make of these dreams or encounters.

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

Friday, September 6, 2013

~The Angel In The 4 x 4~

It was many, many years ago when I obtained my drivers license and when this experience occurred.

To better my driving skills, I took one of the most trusted and highly respected defensive driving courses here in my city.

I was a new driver, but I was a good driver.  While I still didn't have all that much experience behind the wheel yet, I had driven numerous times on main streets and roads.

The various streets and roads that I had been driving on were very busy with a lot of traffic and large intersections. I had not however, driven all that much on the highway yet.

The only time I had driven on the highway up until that point and time, was one time with my driving teacher/instructor from the driving course.  Which wasn't much experience though because I drove up the on-ramp, entered onto the highway, drove along on the highway for all of 5 minutes, made a lane change or two as instructed by teacher/instructor, and then exited off the highway as instructed.

The second time I drove on the highway, which again was for all of 5 minutes, was when I was being tested for my drivers license.  So, because I hadn't had all that much experience, I was a bit nervous about it.  I knew however that the only way to get more confident and get the experience, was to get out there and drive on the highway.

So, the day came when I decided that instead of taking side streets to get where I was going, I decided I would take the much faster route and take the highway.

It was early morning, and the morning rush hour had commenced.  As I headed onto the highway I was really nervous, more nervous than I had anticipated I would be.  I was trying to be a safe driver but felt a bit rattled by all of the speeding cars zipping past that were in a tremendous hurry to get wherever it was they needed to be.

There were many drivers who were zipping in and out of lanes without even signalling before making their lane changes.  I had only been driving along on the highway for a few moments and yet I had already been cut off by a handful of vehicles.

To make matters worse, there was a huge truck behind me that was pretty much tailing me.  He was following much too closely, despite the fact that I was doing as I had learned in my driving course, which was to "go with the flow", which meant I was driving about fifteen to twenty kilometres over the posted speed limit to keep up with everyone else.

I placed my foot gently on the brakes a few times so that my brake lights would come on and the truck behind me would get the hint and back off a bit.  But, he didn't.  He also had a few opportunities where he could have pulled out and gone around me but instead he chose to drive much too closely behind me.  I was getting more nervous by the second.  All I kept thinking is, "if I have to slam on my brakes, that guy is going to seriously slam into me."

I started to think that perhaps me driving on the highway wasn't such a great idea.  I had a rosary in my car, hanging from my rear view mirror.  I had a priest that I know very well bless it for me and pray that it serve as somewhat of a good luck charm and keep me safe at all times when in my car.

As my nerves were starting to get the worst of me I glanced at the rosary.  I then said out loud, "God, I am really scared.  Send me angel.  Please keep me safe.  Please."

A few seconds passed and I looked into my rear view mirror again to look at the truck that was tailing me. The truck however was gone.  In its place, driving close behind me, but not too close was a black 4 x 4.  I felt a flood of relief.  I continued to drive along feeling much calmer.

Shortly however, I began to notice that any time a car attempted to pull in front of the 4 x 4 driving behind me, the driver would speed their 4 x 4 up closer to my vehicle so that no vehicle could get in there.

I also noticed, and found it rather odd that the 4 x 4 behind me had a windshield that was so darkly tinted, you couldn't see into the vehicle at all.  While I wasn't completely sure if it was still in effect, I knew for certain that last I had heard, those types of darkly tinted windows were prohibited in the city here where I live.  So because of that, you don't see vehicles around here that are that darkly tinted.

I continued driving along, all the while that black 4 x 4 remained close behind.  After a few more moments of driving, I saw the exit where I needed to get off the highway.  I signalled and proceeded to drive towards the exit.  I looked into my rear view mirror and the 4 x 4 was still there  heading off the exit with me.  I was relived.  I had driven on the highway for a good 30 minutes or so, and I had made it almost to where I had to go, safely.

I let out a big sigh of relief, grateful to the driver of the 4 x 4 from keeping any vehicles from getting behind me and following too closely.  I looked into my rear view mirror again.  This time however, the 4 x 4 was gone.  I was surprised, I couldn't believe it.  Where the hell did it go?  The vehicle hadn't passed me, and there was nowhere along the road it could have gone.

There were no cut-offs or any exits off of this exit road that I had taken to get off the highway.  The only place the driver could have gone was either beside me in the lane next to me, or in front of me if he passed me. Yet the 4 x 4 was nowhere to be seen.

I suddenly wondered, could it be?  Is it possible that the 4 x 4 had been driven by a guardian angel?  I wanted to believe it since it was so odd, but then that rational part of my mind told me no way.  Yet it was all so odd, and I did pray for protection.

To this very day I still do not know what to believe.  But, given the experience and some of the oddities about it, I can't help but believe that perhaps it really was an angel sent to keep me safe, and I am very grateful.

I have not experienced anything like that while driving ever since.

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life