*this is a follow-up from a previous post,
So, what is one to do if they believe that they do have a legitimate haunting on their hands? What do you do if you suspect that there is a spirit in your home?
Enter such a query into a computer and you will see pages upon pages of web-sites offering information on how to deal with such a thing. You will even find countless paranormal investigators that will offer to help you, but keep in mind that many charge quite a bit of money to do so.
You will also find self proclaimed psychics willing to rid your home of ghosts, and many of them charge varying amounts of money for their services too.
So what do you do, especially if you seriously need/want help but are afraid of seeking the assistance of someone requiring payment for fear of being scammed and/or ripped off?
First of all, think about what it is you are experiencing, and ask yourself in all honesty, can any of what you are experiencing be rationally explained?
For example, my dad worked as a Stationary Engineer with our city's school board for over 30 years. Many late nights while working all alone in some of the old schools, many guys would hear loud banging or what sounded like loud, heavy walking throughout the building.
One could have easily creeped them self out believing it to be ghosts. Even my dad got freaked out a few times thinking someone else was in the empty school with him. But as my dad came to discover, it was simply the old water pipes expanding and contracting, as well as the older boiler systems kicking in.
I remember as a young girl going with my dad some times when he would go in to work for overtime, and the sounds were indeed very creepy. My dad was used to it, and he would get a good laugh over the newly hired guys that would call him up at home some nights, while they were at work. They would call him up, truly freaked out about all of the noises they were hearing throughout the building, since they were there all alone.
Another thing I recommend, is to think about what it is you are experiencing, as well as who else has experienced something. Think about these experiences, does it appear that something or someone is trying to communicate something to you?
Another thing to note is, are these experiences scary or frightening? Do you feel threatened, or is your fear of the unknown simply getting the best of you? Perception is very important.
A perfect example of this was the neighbours my parent's had a handful of years ago. They moved into the house right next door to my parents. One day, the man living there approached my dad and asked what my dad knew about any previous owners of the home.
He wanted to know if anyone had ever died in the home. My dad told him about the older gentleman and his wife that had lived there previously, all of their children were grown and no longer lived there.
My dad then proceeded to tell him about the day that the wife suffered from a stroke and was rushed to hospital. She died in hospital some days later. The husband lived in the home for only a few years after his wife died. Then, one day the man suffered a massive heart attack while in the home by himself. He was found a few days later by a close family friend.
Anyway, the neighbour informed my dad that he and his wife, including their children were forever hearing strange voices in the home when no one was there. It was really creeping the guy out.
His wife on the other hand was not bothered by it one bit. Her belief was that it was probably someone that lived in the home at some time and they had simply chosen to come back there, and she was fine with that.
Her feeling was that as long as the spirit wasn't bothering her or her kids, she didn't care if it was in the house. The man on the other hand was completely different, he wanted any and all spirits to be removed from the house. He was really terrified.
So, as you can see there are instances when what appears to be frightening at the time, is not frightening at all.
While our emotions tend to get the worst of us, sometimes people reflect on an experience or various experiences much later, when they are more calm and can be much more rational, and they realize that it really was not a frightening experience.
Think about my parent's neighbours, why was their neighbour so terrified over hearing voices and soft chatter in the house?
I find that in most cases, once people reflect on their experiences they come to realize that what they experienced appears to simply be a lost spirit that is trying to communicate with them or get their attention.
But for some strange reason, too many people are far to eager to jump to conclusions and wrongfully assume that whatever it is that they are experiencing is due to some dark, malevolent entity or a demon. When in reality it is more than likely, just a spirit that is trying desperately to communicate with some one, anyone that will listen.
Can you imagine what it would be like to not know that you are dead? Or even worse, you have figured out that you are dead, yet you have no clue what to do or where to go. What if there was no bright light, and you were stuck amongst the living, people that could not see you or hear you? Can you imagine?
Now imagine how you'd feel if whenever you tried to somehow communicate to the living, they misinterpret whatever it is that you are trying to communicate to them, and in doing so, rather than try and help you, or understand what it is you want or need, they fear you and try to rid their home of you?
I think it is important for people to keep in mind that many times when people experience doors opening and closing or hear what sounds like someone walking the floors, it could simply be a soul that lived in that house before and they loved that home and are happy to stay there. They are also no threat to you whatsoever. They are not interacting with you, they are simply going about their merry way as they always did and you may simply be hearing them from time to time.
It is the same with people that experience odd smells in their home of flowers or perfumes or perhaps tobacco smoke, smells that can not be attributed to anyone currently living in the home. All they are experiencing is the possible smell associated with a spirit. In my experiences it is nothing to fear. It simply is what it is. It also can give you a heads up that perhaps a spirit is present, but this is not necessarily a bad thing or something to be feared.
Another thing to keep in mind when hoping to rid your home or some other haunted place of a spirit, is that the spirit may not want to leave. If a spirit is quite content to stick around, I doubt any amount of pleading or demands that it must leave will do any good.
One thing I do find helpful however, is to simply pray for that soul. Pray that other spirits will come through and help that spirit cross over and leave the earthly realm that they are still in. Pray for that soul to be lovingly guided by any and all of its deceased loved ones, so that they can finally and truly be at peace.
As for using religious items, if you find them comforting that is fine, but keep in mind that religious items such as crosses or crucifixes do not always have any effect whatsoever on a spirit. You could be dealing with a spirit whose religious beliefs are completely different than yours. Remember, not everyone is a Christian, and not everyone believes in God.
The spirit you are trying to deal with may be an atheist. Now think about that for a moment. Think about the foolishness of reading parts of the Christian bible out loud to a spirit that is an atheist, or a soul that followed the teachings of Buddhism or perhaps Sikhism. Perhaps the soul you are trying to communicate with followed the teachings of Wicca or Witchcraft, then what?
See my point?
In my own personal experiences, I have found that nothing works better than simple, good old-fashioned communication. I have also found that having respect for the deceased does wonders too. I think respect is imperative.
I believe that at times, people have this false sense of grandiosity, that we are somehow bigger or stronger than spirits and we can boss them around. Right. That type of attitude does not work on the living so what the hell makes people believe that it would work on someone who is simply without a physical body and is in spirit form?
Now, I realize that you could be dealing with a spirit that does not speak your language, but I have found that what I have done has always worked.
*and in saying that, if anyone attempts any of my suggestions, it is my utmost hope that it is just as effective for them too.
I prefer to use a bundle of Sage since it gives off a nice amount of smoke, and you want to sage your entire house, or the place you are hoping to remove the spirit from. You can purchase incense that are scented with Sage, but I find that they are much too small. They burn nicely too, but do not last all that long. You also have to worry about the ash that falls off of the incense. Whereas with a bundle of sage, you light it and get a nice billow of smoke going. Depending on the size of the bundle of sage, it will burn for hours, which is more than enough time for you to walk through every room of your house.
Another good thing about the Sage bundle, you can carry the Sage bundle around by itself, or you can simply leave it in a fireproof bowl and carry that around room to room, allowing the smoke to billow throughout.
Before I begin saging, I will first call out to any possible spirits that may be present. My conversation usually goes something like this, "Are there any spirits in this house? Is there any one in this house that has been trying to communicate? I want you to know that you are no longer alive, you are now in spirit form." I will then say something like, "Perhaps you weren't aware that you have passed on and I am very sorry. I am very sorry if you are scared and confused."
If people residing in the house have been scared by what they believe is a ghost, I may say something like, "You may not realize it, but you have been scaring the people that now live in this house." I will then inform the spirit that the people that are currently living in the house, or whoever the people are that now own the house would really like it and would very much appreciate it if they could please stop scaring them. I will then ask the spirit to stop doing whatever it is that scares the current occupants of the house eg; slamming doors, moving things etc.
I will then sit down and pray, talking out loud. I may pray the Our Father prayer and speak out loud and ask God to please send an angel or some loved ones to help the spirit find peace. I ask for assistance for that spirit, for God to help that spirit go to wherever the spirit needs to go so that it can be at peace.
Next, I close my eyes and visualize a tremendously bright light, and envision the spirit going to the light. I then speak to the spirit and ask them if they see the bright light that is associated with dying. I ask them if they see that tunnel with the light at the end. I then encourage them to go towards the light and remind them that their earthly time is finished and they have loved ones waiting for them in that light. I tell them that our Creator is loving and compassionate and forgiving. I tell them that they are loved. I then ask God to have pity on that soul, and to forgive them of any wrongdoing that they believe they may have done in their life.
I will then go and open all of the windows and doors. With the burning Sage in hand, I walk from room to room and around in each room. I simply allow the smoke from the burning Sage to billow throughout each room. I focus and envision any and all negative energy leaving the house room by room.
Once I have walked through every single room in the house, I then go and close all of the windows and doors. I then walk the house with the burning Sage again. This time I focus on positive energy. I envision a bright light filling up every room of the house. I will often ask God/our Creator, to protect me and my home, as well as all of my loved ones that live in my home, and any loved ones that may enter into my home. If it is someone else's home then I ask God to protect them and their home, including any and all of their loved ones living in the home, or anyone that may enter their home.
Once I have walked through every room of the house and allowed the smoke from the Sage to billow throughout, I am finished. I may sit and allow the Sage to continue to burn until it is finished and goes out. I then take whatever is left and ensure it is no longer burning by pouring water over it. I then take it and bury it somewhere on the property.
And there you have it, that's all there is to it. And as I stated earlier, I have done this numerous times not only for myself but for others as well, (and no, I have never charged a dime!). When doing frequent Sage cleansing simply to cleanse my home of any negativity, I omit the part where I communicate with any spirits.
I have to say that I always find the energy in my home after a cleansing to be much more calmer. When I have done other's homes, they too say that they notice a definite shift in the energy of their home, that it feels more calm and centred.
As for any "ghostly" activity, I am then usually told that once I have cleansed the person's home, the activity stops, or is no longer threatening in any way.
Now, as I said, this little "ritual" has always worked for me, it may not work for everyone. If you follow my example and try if for yourself but you find it does not work, or you truly believe you have something very malevolent in your home, or you feel threatened, I would highly recommend contacting someone that is a professional when it comes to this type of thing. I would recommend either a priest or clergy from whatever church you belong to, or a professional paranormal investigator.
Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life
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