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Friday, September 27, 2013

~Questionable Motives~

The Borden House, circa late 1800s

The Borden House, as it looks today.

Lizzie Borden

For those of you unfamiliar with the Borden House, it is a historic home that is situated in Massachusetts.  It was built in 1845.  The home was occupied by the Borden family which included Andrew Borden, his daughters Emma and Lizzie, and their step-mother Abby.  The girls biological mother passed away shortly after Lizzie was born which was on July 19th, 1860.

On August 4th, 1892, Andrew and Abby Borden were found murdered in their home.  Andrew Borden was found slumped on a couch in the downstairs sitting room, struck 10 or 11 times with a hatchet-like weapon. Abby Borden was found in the upstairs guest bedroom, her skull crushed by 19 blows.

Their daughter Lizzie was arrested and tried for the axe murders.  However, she was acquitted in 1893.  She died on June 1st, 1927.  The case has never been solved.

Being bought and sold numerous times, the home has had many owners through the years.  The current owners today run it as a bed-and-breakfast.  They also offer tours of the old home.  The home is decorated and furnished with antiques.  Most, if not all of the current furnishings and antique furniture in the house belonged to the Borden family, and are the same items that furnished the home during the time the murders took place.

There are numerous reports of the home being haunted.  Staff, as well as visitors have reported many odd experiences, and of seeing apparitions and hearing things.

While I understand the owners wanting to add hype to the home being haunted, which helps to draw in paying visitors.  I find it appalling that they would go as far as to display the photos of the murdered victims.

In the home, throughout the many rooms, there are photos of the crime scenes, including the victims.  There are various photos of Andrew Borden laying dead on the couch where he was murdered, and various photos of Abby Borden's dead body lying on the floor of the bedroom where she had been murdered.

I can't help but wonder if displaying those photos and visitors continually touring the home in hopes of experiencing something "ghostly", contribute to the spirits remaining earthbound, stuck at the scene of their murders. If they are in fact the spirits behind all of the supposed haunted happenings in the home.

With frequent visitors in the home continually calling out to Andrew and Abby Borden hoping to experience something "paranormal", could these visitors perhaps unknowingly be continually causing the spirits to return to the home?  Could it be possible that in doing so, they are preventing the souls of Andrew and Abby from moving on?

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

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