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Saturday, June 8, 2013

~The Nice Lady~

One day out of nowhere, my son who was around 4 years of age at the time, started telling me about a really nice lady that came into his room the night before.

He said that she sat down on his bed, tucked him in, and told him not to be afraid of her if he saw her around.  She told him that she was going to be around quite a bit watching over the new baby.

I was divorced from my son's biological dad and married to a new man.  I was also pregnant with his child at the time.

After my son told me about this lady, I couldn't help but wonder who this supposed "person" was my son claimed to have spoken with.  Was it a deceased family member from my family?  Or was it someone from my husband's family?

I asked my son what she looked like and he just said, "I dunno'.  She's got dark hair and she's tall.  And, she's nice." Not very specific, but I simply left it at that.

My husband had some pictures of his mom and dad, who are both deceased, and one afternoon I had begun working on putting some pictures into a photo album for our baby.

While going through the pictures, I had layed them all out on our coffee table in our living room so I could easily sort through them.  My son had not been home at the time.

When my son arrived home later that afternoon, he saw all the photos laying on the table.  He walked towards the table and asked me, "What are you doing"?  So I told him that I was going through some pictures to make a photo album for the baby.

My son immediately picked up a photo of my husband's mom and said, "Hey!  That's the same lady that came into my room!"

I just looked at my husband and then at my son and said, "Really?"  He said, "Yeah, how about that?", then he simply put the picture down and headed into his bedroom to play.

My husband and I just looked at each other.

My husband's parents passed away long before my husband and I got together, and I never had the opportunity to meet either of them.  My son obviously never met them either, he didn't even know what they looked like since he had never seen a photo of them until that afternoon.

And according to my husband, my son was correct, my husband's mom was tall.  Even I didn't know that.

A few months after my oldest son had told me about the nice lady that came into his room, and pointed her out in a picture, I gave birth to my baby a week or so before my expected due date.  It was a boy. 

For the first year of his life, he was constantly looking up at something and smiling or laughing out loud.  He'd smile at something and begin babbling in baby talk to something or someone we couldn't see.  

Both my husband and I believe it was his grandma, my husband's mom.  We both very much believe that she was around watching over him, just as she told my older son she would be.

My husband's Mom

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

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