If you would like to reach out to me or wish to share a personal experience, I would love to hear from you! You can email me at; myextremelyhauntedlife@yahoo.com

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

~The Little Christmas Tree~

One year at Christmas time, my family and I all headed to my aunt and uncle's home to get together to celebrate the holidays.

My grandma had sold her home a few years prior, and was living with my aunt and uncle and their two children.

As soon as we all arrived at my uncle's home, my grandma was right there at the front door to greet us all.

She was very happy to see everyone, as she always was, and she greeted all of us with a 'Merry Christmas' and a big hug and kiss, just as she always did.

After I took off my boots and coat, she started telling me all about what she got for Christmas, then she said, "Come here, let me show you."

She took me by the hand, and I followed her to her bedroom. She had all sorts of boxes all over her bed and on her dresser. The boxes contained the many presents she had received.

She started telling me about the various gifts, showing them to me and telling me who they were from. I couldn't believe all the gifts she had, and she still hadn't opened all the gifts from me, my brother and my mom and dad yet. I told my grandma that and she laughed saying that we all spoil her. And she was probably right, for we all loved her very much.

My grandpa had passed away 6 years earlier. As I have stated in my many other posts here on my blog, his death left a huge void in our family. He was very much loved by all of us, and was terribly missed.

After he passed away, my grandma had him cremated and had his ashes placed into a beautiful marble urn. She kept that urn on a dresser in her bedroom, along with a really nice photo of my grandpa that had been taken many years ago. It was an 8x10 photo and it sat in a nice frame.

I noticed that my grandma had a small Christmas tree on that dresser. The tree was decorated and had little mini lights on it. I told her that I thought the tree was really pretty. My grandma said, "Yeah, I wanted to put something there. I figured since he can't be here, I'd get a little tree and decorate it for him and keep it beside his ashes."

My grandma walked over to the dresser that the tree and his ashes and photo were sitting on. She looked at the photo of my grandpa, pointed at it and said, "You should be here you old bugger."

Immediately the lights on the little tree went out. My grandmother looked at me, then looked back at the tree and said, "What the hell?"

Then, as quickly as they had turned off, the lights turned back on again. My grandma looked at me and then looked back to the photo of my grandpa. She smiled and said, "Well you old bugger.  You are here aren't you?"

The lights on the tree turned off again and then turned back on again.
My grandma looked at me and said, "Do you see that, he's here with us."

Again the lights on the tree went off and then came back on again.

My grandma turned again to his photo and said, "You silly old bugger, I miss you so much, I wish I could see you. You know damn well you're the one screwing with the tree aren't you?"  Again the lights turned off.

My grandma looked at me and said, "Well that's not very nice. I think the lights on the tree look pretty, don't you?"  I said yeah. My grandma looked at his photo and said, "Leave the lights on." Just then the lights came back on.

My grandma looked at the photo of my grandpa and said, "Alright, that's enough you old bugger, you're scaring the hell out of your granddaughter."  My grandma then looked at me and laughed. I guess she could tell by my face that everything I was seeing kinda' spooked me a little. Actually I think I was more surprised than actually spooked.

My grandma finished showing me everything she had received for Christmas and then asked me if I'd like a cup of tea. I said sure. She said, "Let's go see who else wants tea."

We started to head out of her bedroom and as we did she turned the light off, but left the lights on that were on the little tree. She looked back at the photo of my grandpa and said, "And no more funny business, leave the tree lights on." And with that we walked out to the family room and into the kitchen where everyone was now sitting and talking.

My grandma told my dad and my uncle all about the lights on the tree going out, and her conversation with my grandpa's photo. My uncle and my dad didn't really say anything. My grandma then said, "And if you don't believe me, you can ask her (while pointing to me), she was right there."

My dad and my uncle both looked at me. My uncle said, "Really? That happened?" I nodded my head yes and told him that if I hadn't been there to see it myself, I wouldn't have believed it. My grandma then said to my dad and my uncle, "See, don't worry, your dad is still with us."

Everyone became quiet and just sorta' smiled to themselves. Everyone still missed him very much, and I think it made everyone feel good knowing that he was still very much with all of us.

I have discovered since then, that my grandma used to see deceased relatives.  It didn't bother her one bit. To her it was a normal occurrence. She also experienced many dreams where loved ones would appear to her and communicate with her and give her messages. 

So, I can either take comfort in that and believe that perhaps this ability of being psychic or intuitive runs in our family. Or, I can wonder if perhaps we're all just simply crazy and that craziness runs in our family.  

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

~A Wife And Horse Left Behind~

Right from the time my oldest son could talk, he began asking about a horse. 

He would ask where his horse was and he wanted to know what happened to it. 

My husband and I would tell him that he didn't have a horse, and he would get rather agitated insisting that he did have a horse and he wanted to know where it was. He would ask what we did with it.

One evening while driving home in our car, he asked again. He was just over three years of age at the time.  Out of the blue he said, "Mommy, where is my horse?" 

I answered him as I always did and said, "Buddy, I don't know what you're talking about. You don't have a horse." He got a little angry and insisted that he did have a horse. 

My daughters who were 10 and 8 at the time, were in the car as well, and they began laughing. Both of them asked him why he always asked about a horse when he's never even had one. 

My son got really upset, he began to cry and through tears he said, "Yes I did." Why do you guys keep telling me I don't have a horse, I did have a horse and he was a really good horse. Where did he go?  What happened to him?"

I couldn't believe how emotional my son got. For whatever reason he was convinced that he at one time owned a horse. I immediately told my daughter's to stop laughing. I told them that for whatever reason he very much believed that he had a horse and he obviously missed the horse, and it wasn't funny.

Both of my daughter's commented that he probably dreamt it. My son piped up immediately and while still crying, was very agitated and frustrated. He said, "I didn't dream it. It's real. I had a horse and I used to tie him up outside my other house."

My youngest daughter asked, "What other house?" 

My son answered, "The house I lived in before. I would tie my horse up by the house sometimes." 

My older daughter intercepted and told him, "We never lived in a house where you could tie up a horse." 

My son said, "You didn't live there with me." 

Both of my daughter's laughed and teased him, asking how he could have lived in a house before by himself when he's only a kid.

My son then said, "It was before I was kid, I was a grown-up then." 

Naturally my daughter's laughed again and told him you can't be an adult before you're a kid. 

Still rather agitated he said "I know that, it was before now."

My youngest daughter told him that none of what he was saying made sense. My son didn't say another word the rest of the drive home. 

That night when we got home, while my daughter's got ready for bed, I helped my son change into his pajama's and brush his teeth. I then got him into his bed and tucked him in. As I bent down to kiss him good-night he asked me, "Mommy, what happened to my horse? Did my wife take good care of him?" 

I sat down on his bed and said, "Your wife?" 

He said, "Yeah. I had a nice wife. She loved me a lot. She was a good wife. When I had to leave to go to war she was really sad, she cried, she didn't want me to go. She was scared I would die but I promised her I would be back. I couldn't go back, I died, I got shot. Do you think she misses me?"

I didn't know what to say to him. He then asked me, "Will I see her again?" 

I still didn't know what to say, so I said, "I don't know pal." 

I then told him not to worry about any of that. I told him that his wife probably took excellent care of his horse after he left. 

My son smiled at me and said, "Yeah, you're probably right Mommy." 

I gave him a hug and a kiss good-night. He seemed much happier. He smiled at me and said, "Good-night Mommy." 

As I left his room I couldn't help but wonder why he would say all of that. I seriously wondered if he was remembering a past life. It was all very surreal to say the very least.

My dad is quite knowledgeable about the many civil wars, as well as the first two world wars. He is very interested in all of that stuff and is always reading up on it, and he owns many, many books about all of the various wars. 

So, the next day I called my dad and told him about everything my son said. My dad suggested that I let my son look through the various war books my dad has, so that my son could look at the many photos and see if he recognized any of it. I thought it was a good idea.

A couple of days later while at my parent's home, my dad got out a few of his books about the various wars. My son was enthralled with all of it. There were pages and pages of photos showing the various uniforms and weapons of the soldiers. There were also various photos of the many battlefields.

My son came across some photos of civil war uniforms and immediately pointed to one and said, "Hey! That uniform right there is like the one I wore!" 

He then started talking about the various parts of the uniform and what the soldiers carried etc. He then began talking about the various guns and how to load them. I was really surprised. How could my son who was a little over three years of age, possibly have so much knowledge about a civil war soldier's uniform and their artillery?

After the night I tucked my son into bed and he mentioned having a wife and going off to war, he never talked about his horse again or asked about it. He also never mentioned anything else about a wife. He did however continue to enjoy looking at the pictures in many of my dad's various war books.

He also continued to play war, and pretend to be a soldier. He continued to enjoy playing with his toy guns and his little army soldiers. In fact, whenever he played, it was always something to do with being a soldier.

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

~A Lady In White~

Many years ago I was going through a very harrowing time. At the time I was married with three children, and my husband was very abusive both verbally and emotionally. All the abuse and turmoil he constantly caused in my life was really beginning to wear me down. I was beginning to slip into a depression.

One night while laying in bed and feeling hurt and upset yet again, I was crying. I was heading towards my breaking point. For me, our marriage had been over for a very long time. I just didn't know how I was going to manage on my own with three young children, despite having a well paying job. So, he and I continued to live under the same roof for the time being. Even though I very much hated being around him. In fact, I had reached the point where I hated everything about him.

I remember that night feeling so broken emotionally and so tired. While crying I prayed to God, and asked him for the strength to get through everything and to help me find the courage and strength to get my abusive husband out of my life for good.

I also asked for some guidance from my guardian angel. I asked for my guardian angel to show itself to me in my dreams. I had been asking that a lot around that time, but had not yet had my request answered.

I had been asking for my guardian angel to appear to me in my dreams wearing white, why I picked white I have no idea, I just decided on a color, something that would allow me to know that it was my guardian angel when I saw them.

I eventually fell asleep. I began dreaming that I was surrounded in a white haze. The white haze began to fade away, and things began to come into focus. I realized that I was walking along the street that my grandparents used to live on. I looked around and saw that there was no one on the street. I then wondered to myself why in my dreams I always end up at their old house, or on their old street.  

Suddenly, as I approached the front of my grandparents old house, I noticed someone just off in the distance on the opposite side of the street. They were walking towards me.

Just then, a bunch of people appeared out of nowhere and started gathering around me. They were all smiling and welcoming me. They all seemed happy to see me, yet I didn't recognize any of them.

Suddenly the crowd of people that had gathered around me separated slightly and a woman dressed all in white stepped through the crowd. Due to the fact that she was all in white I asked her, "Are you my guardian angel?"

She smiled and said, "You asked for white didn't you?" I smiled. I was surprised though because for some reason I thought my guardian angel would be a man.  

She took me by the hand and we walked across the street. The group of people that had come and greeted me, all went on their separate ways. Her and I sat down on a cement block.  

She told me that she wanted me to know that the next two years of my life were going to be a very trying time for me. She also told me that I was going to lose two significant people in my life but it would all be for the very best.

She informed me that I would eventually go on to live in a house, and it would happen in the next five years. I found it an odd coincidence that she would say that because I was currently living in an apartment.

As nice as the apartment was, and despite all the room we had, I felt that with three kids, being in a house would be much better. There would be even more room for us, and I wouldn't have to worry about the kids making too much noise and annoying any neighbors.

Next, the woman in my dream told me that drastic changes were going to be taking place in my life, but it was to be all for the better. She told me that I needed to see these trying times as an opportunity to grow. She also told me not to lose my focus, that I needed to focus on what was most important.

She also told me that there would likely be times when I would feel all alone, but she wanted me to know that I would never be alone. She said that she, as well as others are always with me. She told me that we are never, ever alone, that God never abandons anyone. She said that He is always with us, walking right along side us the entire time, especially during the most difficult of times in our life. She told me that all I ever had to do was call out to Him and He would be there.

She began to look as though she was going to cry. She looked at me and said, "Even when things are the most trying for you, never lose trust in that inner voice." She told me that just when things seem they can't get any worse, the storm would calm and there will be a rainbow in my life after the storm. She told me that I am very loved.

She then stood up and told me that she had to go. I didn't want her to leave and I told her that. She said, "I'm sorry my love but I really must go." Then she, as well as all of my surroundings began to fade into a white haze.  

I then felt my bed beneath me. I opened my eyes to find myself laying in my bed, in my darkened bedroom. The dream was such a nice one, so comforting and so real that I began to cry. I felt so loved and cared for. It was such an intense feeling. I laid there in my bed thinking about that dream for the longest time. Eventually I fell asleep.

As relayed to me in my dream, the next two years of my life did turn out to be thee most difficult, trying years of my entire life up until that point.

The depression that I was heading into worsened. It worsened  a lot. I began abusing sleeping pills and ended up in the hospital due to an accidental overdose of the pills. I came very close to losing my life.

I had hit bottom and yet it was exactly what I needed to wake up and make some very needed changes in my life. I ended up finding an enormous strength in me. I found a strength that I truly did not know even existed in me.  

As soon as I arrived home from the hospital after my overdose, I found that I suddenly had the strength and the courage to end my horrible marriage. I kicked my spouse out for good. I no longer cared about money or wondered about how I would manage on my own with three children, I just knew that nothing could be worse than putting up with him and his abuse any longer. I also filed for divorce.  

And as revealed to me in my dream, two rather significant people did more or less leave my life.  And in all honesty, it was for the best. They were not the best people to have in my life.  

As for the rainbow in my life after the storm? I believe that was meeting the man who would eventually become my second husband, and having a child with him.

As my guardian angel predicted, we did end up moving into a house. And it did happen within five years of having that dream.

So, did I really meet with my guardian angel in my dream?  I really can not say for certain.  I'm quite sure that some people would say that yes, I most definitely did meet my guardian angel.  And then there are others who would say that it was only a dream.  But, if it was simply a dream, how can I explain the things revealed to me that did come to pass?  Coincidence?  Perhaps.  But I for one very much believe that our loved ones, as well as other spirits can and do communicate with us in our dreams.

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life


Friday, July 26, 2013

~My Daughter's Premonition~

Many years ago when my eldest daughter was 12 or 13 years of age, she had a premonition.

She was in grade seven at the time and one day every week, her class as well as the other grade seven class and both of the grade eight classes from her school, would travel by school bus to another school within the area for various classes that they were taking.

That morning I woke my daughter up to get ready for school she asked me if she could stay home. I asked her if she was feeling ill and she said no.  I told her that if she wasn't ill, there was no reason for her to stay home.

She started to get really upset and told me that the reason she didn't want to go to school was because she had a really bad feeling that the school bus was going to be in an accident.  I asked her what made her believe that, and she told me she had no idea.  She said she just knew.

I tried to convince her that she didn't need to worry, that everything would probably be just fine.  Yet she was insistent that there would be an accident and she did not want to go.  She was really upset and I could not persuade her to think otherwise.

So, given how upset she was I said, "Okay fine, but you are going to school tomorrow."  I called her school and left a message that she wouldn't be in.

The following day when she came home at lunch, she told me that the day before, while her class was in the school bus heading to the other school, the bus was in an accident.  Thankfully no one was hurt.

I just looked at her and said, "Really? Are you serious?" She said, "Yep."

I called the school later that afternoon and asked the secretary about it.  She confirmed that indeed the bus was in an accident but luckily no one was hurt.

I was rather amazed that my daughter had a feeling that would happen and then it did.  However, I pointed out the fact that nothing bad happened.  I told her, "See, you didn't have to stay home, no one was hurt, you would have been fine."   I told her that she had worried for nothing.

She said, "Yeah, but maybe if I had gone, the accident would have been a lot worse and I would have been hurt."

I thought about it and realized that she could have been right.

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

~Stranger Danger~

When I was 5, almost 6 years of age, my mom and dad moved us into an apartment complex. There were only 7 floors, but each floor had 22 apartment units.  The building itself was in a very straight "u" shape.  It was a very nice building, and our apartment was huge.

There were many kids that lived in that building.  The ages of the kids ranged from infants, to kids mostly my age, as well as some older kids that were 16 or 17 years of age.   It was a nice building and a great place to live.

Out back of the building, there was a huge grassy area for the kids to play, there was also a playground.  For the most part, all of us kids that lived in the building played with one another.  Even the teenagers would play with us younger kids.  We would play baseball, running bases, soccer, hide and seek, British bulldog, and lots of other games.

Within a few months of moving there I had made many friends and pretty much knew all of the kids that lived there.  I also knew most of the adult tenants as well, as did my parents. Everyone was pretty friendly, and every one knew each other.

Since I pretty well knew every one in the building, I felt very safe whenever I was heading outside on my own to play with my friends, or coming into the building from outside by myself.  My parents however were still very cautious and were always telling me to be careful whenever I headed outside to play.  My dad had also talked with me at length about strangers and how to keep myself safe etc.

My parents made sure that they always knew where I was going, and who I was with.  Our apartment was on the side of the building that overlooked the large grassy area where my friends and I would play, so that eased my parents worry some, since they could look outside and keep an eye on me.  The rule was that if I went outside to play, I had to stay out back where my parents could see me.  If I left the back of the building for whatever reason, my dad would come looking for me.

I could never understand why my dad was always so worried about where I was, and why he believed that some bad stranger would come along and take me.  I felt completely safe and thought he was just a big worrier.

One afternoon, I headed into the building after being outside playing with my friends.  It was summer and I was really hot from being out in the sun.  I decided to head inside for awhile to cool off.

I entered one of the back doors of the building.  As I was going inside and the door was just about to close behind me, I heard someone grab a hold of the door to keep it from slamming shut.  I turned around and saw a young man coming through the door.  I had never seen him before.  He smiled at me, but I just turned around to head to the elevator.

He stood near me, waiting for the elevator as well.  Right away I had a funny feeling about that man. I sensed danger.

The elevator doors then opened and I stepped into the elevator.  The man stepped in after me.  I stood in front of the buttons panel in the elevator.  I did not push any buttons.  Neither did the man.  The elevator doors closed and the elevator was just sitting there not moving.  I looked at the man, waiting for him to push the button for the floor he was heading to, but he just stood there smiling at me.

All of a sudden, it was as if someone told me, "Get away from him."  I decided to push the button for the second floor, even though I lived on the fourth floor.  I decided that I was going to get off on the second floor to get away from this guy and would head up the stairs to my apartment.

The elevator landed on the second floor and the doors opened.  I left the elevator and headed for the stairwell.  Just as I was about to step onto the third floor landing, I heard a man call out to me.  He said, "Excuse me."  I turned around and saw the same man that was in the elevator with me.  He was only 6 or 7 stairs below me.

I never even heard him come into the stairwell after me.  Something told me to not stop but keep moving, to get away from him.  And I listened.

He said excuse me again and then said, "I've lost my little puppy and I was wondering if you could come with me to help me find him."

The entire time he was asking that question, something told me to keep moving away from him so, I kept walking up the stairs.  Yet he did too.

After he asked me to go help him find his dog, a voice in my head told me to run.  And run is exactly what I did.  I darted up the stairs as fast as I could go.  When I reached the fourth floor, I whipped open the stairwell door and ran to my apartment (which was right next to the stairwell).  I whipped open my apartment door and flew into the apartment as fast as my legs would carry me.

My mom and dad were both sitting in the kitchen and when they saw me rush into the apartment like that my dad said, "Whoa, take it easy."

I immediately told them about what had just happened.  My dad took off out of the apartment and ran down the stairs to try and catch him. My mom started to cry and then hugged me. She told me that she was so proud of me and glad that I didn't go with that man. 

A few moments later my dad came back into the apartment and was visibly winded from running.  He looked at my mom and said, "The son of a bitch must have taken off quickly, I checked the stairwell and the first floor and saw no one."  He then went to the phone and called the police.

Two police officers arrived at our house within minutes.  They wrote down my story as I relayed it to them and then asked me all about what the man looked like.  I gave the best description I could, while one of the officers wrote everything down.  They then left to go search the building, the surrounding area including the neighbourhood to see if they could find him.

They however, never did find him.

I don't know where that inner voice inside of me came from that day.  It could have been my guardian angel, or it could have simply been my own intuition.  Either way, I am thankful that I chose to heed the advice and get the hell away from that guy.  I don't even want to think about what may have happened to me if I had ignored my gut feeling and instead went with him.

As I've said before in my blog posts here on this site, there have been many times throughout my life when that inner voice, that inner knowing was loud and clear.  I have always followed it, and it has never steered me wrong.

The apartment building where I lived, as it looks today.

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

~The Feather Of An Angel~

One day while walking out of a store with my husband and oldest daughter, my husband began walking ahead of my daughter and I.

He had walked a few steps out into the parking lot and then turned around and faced us as he waited for us.

I took my daughter by the hand, and was just about to step off the curb and into the parking lot when a really big, white fluffy feather floated down right in front of my face.  It made me stop in mid-step.

Just as I stopped my husband yelled, "Look out!"  I looked over at him to see what was wrong and just as I did, a car zoomed by in front of my daughter and I.  The driver was driving very fast.  He drove by us so quickly that it startled both my daughter and I and we both kind of jumped.

As my daughter and I approached my husband he said, "Did you see that guy?  What a jerk.  It's a good thing you guys stopped. Otherwise, that guy would have hit the two of you."

My husband asked how I managed to see the driver coming when even he hadn't seen him, not until the last minute because he came zooming by so quickly.  I told him, "I didn't see him, I stopped because a big white fluffy feather floated by, right in front of my face.  It startled me because it was so big and fluffy and so close to my face."

My daughter then piped up and said, "Yeah, I saw the feather too mommy."  She then said, "Maybe it was the feather of a guardian angel."  I simply laughed and said, "You never know.  It's an awfully odd coincidence that a feather floated by like that and kept us from stepping out into the parking lot where we would have in all likelihood been run over."

My daughter then said, "I've never seen such a big fluffy feather before."  And quite honestly, neither had I.

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

~Heavenly Intervention~

Many years ago when my daughter's were only young, I had decided that since it was such a beautiful day, I would head out to the store and purchase some flowers, then drop by the cemetery and place them on the various graves of my loved ones.

As I have stated in another one of my posts here on my blog, I find it really sad when you see a grave site that is not visited.

So, I tend to visit the cemetery from time to time, to place flowers on my grandparent's grave as well as a few other deceased relatives that are all buried in the same cemetery.

My husband had come with me that day, as had my two daughters. My youngest daughter was all of 4 or 5 years of age at the time.

After visiting one of the graves and placing some flowers there, we began to head back to our car. My youngest daughter began running. She was probably all of 5 or 6 feet ahead of my husband and I.

As she began running I yelled to her to stop running and to walk, since she was headed for the roadway in the cemetery.

Just as I said that, I saw a car to our left and it was driving very fast. In fact the driver was driving much too fast. My husband and I both saw the car fast approaching.

We both immediately started to sprint towards our daughter to try and grab her as we both yelled to her to stop because there was a car coming.

Just as we both called out to her and began running towards her, she fell backwards and landed on her bum. I remember immediately thinking, 'Oh thank God!'. That was because if she had kept running, she would have run into the path of the oncoming car and most definitely would have been hit.

As my husband and I reached her, my husband reached down to help her up. She was angry and swatted him in the leg. She then said, "Why did you do that?" My husband asked, "Why did I do what?"  She said, "Make me fall."

My husband told her he didn't know what she was talking about. My daughter stood up and came to me. I picked her up and told her that she shouldn't be running in the cemetery because there are cars that drive through and she could get hit.

She said, "So, daddy didn't have to grab me." She then looked at my husband and she was mad. She then said, "Daddy made me fall." I asked her what she was talking about and reassured her that her dad and I were nowhere near her when she fell. She then said, "Well who pulled me?"

We reached the car and while placing our daughter's into their car seats, and fastening their seat belts, I was thinking about what my daughter had just said and then it dawned on me. She was running and was on a slight hill that sloped downward towards the roadway in the cemetery.

If she tripped, how could she have possibly fallen backwards? She should have fallen forward. I mentioned this fact to my husband as we both got into the car. My husband said, "Yeah, you're right. That is odd."

I turned towards my daughter and asked her, "So, what exactly happened? You started running and then what?" My daughter said, "I was running and someone grabbed my shirt and pulled me backwards." I looked at my husband and said, "That's weird."

My older daughter who was 6 or 7 asked what was so weird about it. So, I pointed out the fact that no one was near her when she fell. My older daughter then said, "So, it was probably her guardian angel."

My husband and I just looked at each other. I smiled and said, "You know what? I believe you could be right."

And I did believe it, in fact to this very day I still believe someone pulled her back to keep her from being hit by that car. Was it her guardian angel? I have no idea, but I am thankful to whoever it was that protected her that day.

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

~An Out Of Body Experience~

"An out-of-body experience (OBE or sometimes OOBE), is an experience that typically involves a sensation of floating outside one's body, and in some cases, perceiving one's physical body from a place outside one's body."


One winter, just before Christmas, I had become very ill with a high fever and severe chills. I saw my doctor and discovered that I had pneumonia.

I was so ill and the pneumonia was making me feel very, very weak. My doctor told me at the time of my diagnosis that my chest sounded terrible. In fact her exact words were that my chest sounded "like shit".

Lord knows I felt horrible. My voice was very hoarse and wheezy whenever I spoke. My cough sounded terrible. You could hear my chest rattling with God-awful wheezing every time I coughed. In fact, while I was just sitting still and breathing you could hear the wheezing in my chest. It was really loud and very crackly.

My doctor had me on very strong antibiotics and inhalers. I was improving some, but was still for the most part very weak. The smallest of exertion left me winded and wheezing horribly. It also left me exhausted. Just the simple act of having a shower left me completely exhausted.

One evening, just before dinner, I had decided to lay down and rest. While laying in my bed, my chest felt really heavy. The wheezing was still occurring and I began to wonder if I was going to ever get better since I felt so terrible. The pneumonia was truly kicking the shit out of me. I had been ill many other times throughout my life, but had never been so weak as I was at that time.

I began thinking about the many experiences I had throughout my life of encounters with deceased loved ones. I began wondering what I would do if perhaps all of those had simply been my imagination? 

I began to panic wondering what I would do if perhaps I had been wrong? What if I died? Maybe there really wasn't life after death? What if I truly had imagined everything? Maybe it had just all been wishful thinking on my part!?

As that last thought entered my head I noticed that a bright light was suddenly shining in my room. I assumed that someone had simply come into my bedroom and turned on a light. I opened my eyes and saw that to the left of me and above me was a unbelievably bright light. It was like sunshine except that I could look directly at it and my eyes didn't hurt or water.

I had never seen a light so bright in my entire life. It was so intense. It had rays of light streaming out from it everywhere. It was really beautiful.

All of a sudden, I found myself in the upper right corner of my bedroom. I was looking down into the room. The wall to the left of me and behind me seemed to have simply disappeared. The bright light however, was still shining very brightly and was still where it was when I first saw it. The wall behind the bright light had disappeared also.

I then noticed that my body was still laying on my bed. I was confused and wondered what was happening. I looked down at myself and saw that I had no body. I was just a black blurry mass. I then noticed that I felt so light and no longer had that bogged down feeling that being in a body gives you. I felt great! I felt weightless, just as you do when you're floating in water.

I felt fantastic. I didn't feel ill or weak. I felt tremendous. As I looked down at my physical body I thought, "God I'm huge." I was heavier then and could not get over how fat I thought my physical body looked. I then noticed a black cord or rope of some type attached to me and it was attached to my physical body that was still laying in my bed.

Just then, the door to the bedroom opened. It was my husband. He looked at my body laying on the bed and said something. I could not hear him clearly, my ears felt like they were stuffed with cotton or something. I suddenly realized that he could not see me up in the corner of the room. I immediately panicked. 

As soon as I panicked, it felt like I was thrown back into my body. I felt myself slam onto the bed like I had been dropped onto it. I immediately felt the heaviness in my chest again and the difficulty in breathing. I could not believe how great I had felt when I was up in the corner of the room until I was back in my body, laying on my bed again. I felt so heavy and weak. 

I immediately opened my eyes and saw that the bright light was gone and the room was dark again.  I immediately wondered what the hell had just happened?

I got out of bed and headed down stairs. My mom was sitting in the kitchen and I immediately told her about the experience I just had. I then asked her if my husband had really gone up to the bedroom or had I simply dreamt the entire thing?

Apparently my husband did go up to the bedroom. He went upstairs to tell me that dinner was ready.  When I didn't answer him, he assumed I had fallen asleep and so he left the room so I could keep sleeping and get some rest.

I couldn't help but wonder, had I just had an out of body experience? 

Once I began feeling better and had more energy a few weeks later, I began looking up out-of-body experiences on the Internet. I read many other people's accounts and experiences. In fact, I read whatever I could find about the topic. I discovered that many other people from all walks of life, from all over the world have had very similar experiences. 

Did I truly have an out-of--body experience?  Or did I simply dream the entire thing? The many people that have had a similar experience, did they simply dream it as well?

I do not know for certain what exactly I experienced that evening, but I do know that I have never had the same experience again, or anything even similar.

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

Thursday, July 25, 2013

~Heavely Guidance~

Many years ago, when I was all of 6 or 7 years of age, I had an odd encounter with a very nice lady.

One weekend, I was at my grandparent's home visiting with my family. 

I had brought my favourite baby doll and carriage with me. I intended on playing with one of my cousins who was my age. 

However, when we arrived at my grandparents, I was informed that my cousin was out with her mom, but my grandparents said that they would be back very shortly. 

I decided to go outside and play by myself with my baby doll until they returned. I decided that I wanted to take my doll for a walk in the carriage. So, I headed out the back door and took my doll carriage with me, along with my doll. 

It wasn't an easy thing to do since the doll carriage was rather large and not all that easy to carry down the back steps of my grandparents home, but I managed.

As soon as I made it down the back steps, I re-wrapped my doll in her blankets and covered her up. I then headed off down the driveway. 

I knew I wasn't supposed to be out front of the house by myself. I was to only stay near the back of the house and in the backyard, but I really wanted to push my doll in her carriage and go for a walk, just like a real grown-up mom.

As I neared the end of the driveway I turned right, and started heading down the street, walking along on the sidewalk. I felt so proud, just like a real mom, pushing my baby along in a carriage. 

I had ventured approximately 3 or 4 houses down from my grandparents house when I noticed an older lady up ahead of me. She was walking along the sidewalk, walking towards me.

As she approached me she smiled. She asked me if I was taking my baby for a walk. I told her yes.  She asked me, "Mind if I have a look at your baby?" I smiled and said, "No, not at all."

The woman bent down and peeked in the carriage at my doll. She stood up and smiled and said, "That's a beautiful baby you have there." I thanked her. 

She then asked me what her name was so I told her, and she said, "Well that's a very pretty name." She then told me that the carriage I was pushing my doll in was a very nice one. I thanked her again.

She then asked me, "Does your mom or dad know that you're out here all on your own?" I told her no.  Then she asked, "Are you allowed to be out here by yourself?" I told her no. She said, "No, I didn't think so."

She then said, "You know, you really shouldn't be out here on your own like this. A stranger could come along and take you with them before your parent's even realized that you were gone."

She then said, "Now, you run along back okay?" I said, "Okay." She then said, "I know that you're a very smart girl and won't head out here on your own like this anymore right?" I said, "Yeah." She then smiled and said, "Good, because your mom and dad love you very much and neither they or I want anything to happen to you." She then smiled again. She had a very kind face and a warm smile. I smiled back and said, "Okay."

I turned to leave. She too turned to leave. I began walking away. I had only taken two or three steps when I turned back around to say good-bye, yet she was gone.

I couldn't understand where she could have possibly gone. The street was very long and I would have seen her walking away. In fact, no matter what side of the street she would have been on, I would have seen her. There was nowhere for her to go. On either side of the street were large vacant fields. If she had headed for either of the fields, I would have seen her walking away.

It was as if she had simply disappeared. 

I headed straight back to my grandparents home. Just as I reached the driveway, I saw my grandma heading up the driveway from the back of the house. As soon as she saw me she said, "Where were you? I was just coming to look for you. You know you shouldn't be out here all by yourself." 

I told her I hadn't gone all that far when a nice lady approached me and she too had told me that I shouldn't be out here by myself. My grandma simply said, "She's very right. You need to stay where we can see you and keep an eye on you, we don't want anything to happen to you." I said, "That's what the lady said." 

I then told my grandma about how after I began to walk away, I looked back and the lady was nowhere to be seen. My grandma asked where I saw her and when I pointed and told her she said, "Well that's odd, where could she have gone?" I said, "I don't know, that's what I was wondering."

My grandma smiled at me and said, "It sounds as though you encountered an angel that was watching over you." 

I wasn't all that sure I believed that, but if the lady wasn't a ghost or something, where could she have possibly gone?

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

~My Baby~

When I was a little over 6 months pregnant, I had a vision and saw my unborn baby.

At the time, I had no idea if I was carrying a boy, or if it was a girl.

I had an ultrasound done at approximately 18 weeks into the pregnancy, and was hoping to find out, but the sonographer was unable to determine the baby's sex.  So, to be on the safe side I had picked out a girl's name and a boy's name.

One afternoon, I was in my parents kitchen and was busy preparing something to eat and cleaning up my mess.  My parents have a back door in their kitchen and it leads into their backyard.

At the time it was fall and my mom was out in the backyard doing yard work, raking leaves etc.  The inside door was wide open, but the screen door was closed.  You could easily see through the glass on the screen door, and into the backyard.

While bustling around in the kitchen, I happened to glance up, and through the glass on the screen door and into the backyard.  I immediately saw as clear as day, a little girl, a toddler that was walking.

It looked like she had only just recently learned to walk since she wasn't very steady on her feet.  She was beautiful.  She had short black hair with curls at the back.

The vision was so clear, yet it only lasted a split second.  Then, as quickly as I saw it, it was gone.  I was actually quite startled by it because it was so sudden and so clear.

I smiled and almost cried.  I was thrilled.  I knew that I had just had a vision of my unborn baby.  I saw what she looked like and I knew I was going to be having a girl.

I told my parents about my vision.  They didn't say much, but more or less said that it would be interesting to see if I would in fact have a girl, and if as a toddler, she would end up looking just like what I had envisioned.

Well, I did go on to have a little girl.  Although she didn't have all that much hair, she did have very dark hair.  As she grew her hair remained dark.  Also, as her hair grew, she grew curls, ringlets in the back of her hair.

When she was approximately 14 months of age, my parents and I were out in the backyard with her.  She was having a blast and we were enjoying watching her explore her world.

I headed inside to go to the washroom and when I came back downstairs into the kitchen, and headed towards the back door, I looked outside.  Immediately I had a déjà vu moment.

There was my daughter toddling around in the backyard and it was the exact same scene playing out that I saw in my vision when I was just over 6 months pregnant with her.  She was even wearing the same red top and grey pants I saw in my vision.

It startled me.  It then made me smile.  I was so incredibly thankful to God for giving me this amazing miracle.  The miracle of experiencing motherhood and having this wonderful little person brought into my life.  My daughter was my whole world and I was so grateful to have her in my life.

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

~The Man In The T.V~

When my daughter was all of 12 or 13, she had an experience that really scared her.

At the time, she had a 26 inch t.v in her room.  She had not been feeling well for a couple of days, and because she wasn't feeling well, all she could really do was simply lay around and watch t.v.  She either layed on the couch or in her bed.

One night, after I had tucked her in and said good-night, she informed me that she wasn't all that tired.  She asked me if she could lay in her bed and watch some t.v for a little while before falling asleep.  I told her it was okay, but asked her not to have the t.v too loud.  She said okay, so I then kissed her good-night and headed to bed.

A short time later I woke back up and went in to check on her. She was sound asleep.  I noticed however, that her t.v was turned around.  The screen of the television was now facing the back of the wall unit where it was sitting, and the back of the television was facing outward.  I found it odd but figured I would simply ask my daughter about it in the morning.

The next morning when I woke up, I went in to check on my daughter again.  She was still asleep and her t.v was still turned around.  A short time later she woke up and came out to the living room where I was sitting.  I said good morning to her and asked her how she was feeling. 

She informed me that she was feeling much better which I was very glad to hear.  I then asked her what had happened to her t.v.  I told her that I had noticed when I checked on her through the night, that she had turned it around.  I asked her why she had done that.

She informed me that something had happened the night before that really scared her.  Apparently, a short time after I had said good-night to her and headed to bed, she was laying in her bed watching television and became tired.  She then turned her t.v off. 

She was still laying on her side facing the television when she felt that someone had come into her room.  She assumed it was me coming in to check on her.  However, she saw in the reflection of the television, a man standing in her room just behind her. 

She was mortified and quickly closed her eyes.  When she opened her eyes, the man's reflection was gone from the t.v.  She turned over to look behind her, and sure enough there was no one in her room.  She then decided to turn the t.v around, terrified of seeing a reflection of someone in her t.v again.

I tried to reassure her that it was probably just her imagination since she was so tired.  I tried convincing her that it was probably nothing.  However, my daughter could not be convinced otherwise.  She told me in no uncertain terms that she was wide awake when she saw it, and she knew exactly what she saw.

She also insisted that the t.v be removed from her bedroom.  So, upon her insistence, I removed the television from her room and placed in it a closet.

So, just who or what was it that she saw in the reflection of her television?  To this day, we still have no idea.

It has been many years now since that experience, and my daughter has not forgotten it.  She still remembers it vividly.  And she still insists even to this very day on not wanting or having a television in her bedroom.

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

~The Cancer Is Gone~

A few years ago, my dad's older sister was diagnosed with breast cancer. It came as quite a shock, not only to my aunt, but to all of our family. My aunt was fairly healthy and quite active. 

Right from the beginning she was determined to fight the cancer. It was a very long, grueling fight. Along with the removal of her breast, she had to undergo months of chemotherapy. 

During this horrendous ordeal, she did not have the support of her husband. He had passed away a few years prior to her cancer diagnosis.

It was during the end of her chemotherapy that every one in our family was very much hoping that the surgery, along with the chemo had been successful in ridding her body of the cancer.

A few days before my aunt was to see the oncologist to find out whether the cancer was gone, I had a dream about my aunt's deceased husband.

In the dream I had entered a house that I had never seen before. I was a bit confused because I had no idea where I was. I walked into the kitchen of the house and found my uncle sitting in a chair at a table.  He smiled when he saw me and I smiled too. I then began to cry because I was quite happy to see him.  He looked younger than I had remembered him, and he looked so healthy and vibrant.

He stood up to greet me and gave me a big hug. He then told me to have a seat. So, I sat down in the chair at the table, across from him.

He began talking to me about my aunt's cancer. He explained to me about how illness first manifests itself in our spiritual self. Our spiritual energy is the place that illness originates. If the problem or problems are not dealt with at soul level, it will manifest as an illness within our physical body.

We discussed spiritual energy and talked at length about the importance of keeping our thoughts in check. He explained that thoughts are energy and that energy affects us in profound ways, ways we can not even begin to understand.

We also talked about family members and I talked with him about many things that had occurred within the family since his death, including my aunt's fight against breast cancer.

I then told him we were all awaiting my aunt's test results to find out if the chemo had been successful and that the cancer was gone. He told me that he was aware of all of that. He then gave me a huge smile and there was a twinkle in his eyes. He then told me that my aunt was fine, the cancer was gone.

I was very relieved and extremely happy for my aunt. 

My uncle and I talked a bit more about other stuff and then he looked down at the watch he was wearing and told me that he had to go, he had much to do.

He and I both stood up and hugged each other good-bye. My uncle told me that he was still very much with us all and was definitely keeping a watch over all of us.

I turned and headed for the front door of the house. As I reached for the doorknob on the front door, everything became white and hazy. I then felt as though I had been thrown back into my bed. I immediately opened my eyes and found myself laying in my bed.

The day before we received the news from my aunt regarding her cancer, I told my mom about my dream. My mom said, "Really? Oh God, that is great news, I hope you're right."

Sure enough, the following day, after speaking with her doctor; my aunt called all of her siblings including my dad to inform them that the doctor told her that the cancer was gone.

I was so happy, and I felt very touched. For I very much believed then that my uncle really had visited me in my dream.  I then felt so grateful, grateful in knowing that he is watching over all of us. 

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life


~The Touch Of A Spirit~

One night while laying in bed I began to hear the usual muffled talking that I hear when a spirit is about to communicate with me. 

As I have stated in previous posts, what I mean by "muffled talking" is that it sounds just like when you're in a room full of people that are talking. 

You know when you're not really listening to any conversation in particular, but you just hear that lull of the people's voices?  That is the type of talking that I hear whenever a spirit is about to speak to me, or when I happen to have "tuned in" to the spirit world.

Anyway, this particular night I was laying in bed.  I was very relaxed and about to doze off when I began hearing much talking and chatter.  I was really tired and I immediately thought in my head, "Ugh, not now." 

But the chatter continued and all of a sudden I felt someone touch my right hand.  I was laying on my back and had both of my hands laying on my abdomen.  It startled me because I have never experienced a touch before.  I have felt my bed get nudged as if someone is trying to get my attention, but I have never experienced a spirit physically touch me.

I just layed still and tried to relax.  I was somewhat scared to open my eyes.  All of a sudden I felt someone pick up my right hand and hold it.  It was very creepy.  The hand was ice cold and felt very bony. 

I then decided to open my eyes, and when I did, I saw a hooded figure standing over me.  I could not see its face because the hood of what appeared to be a robe was covering their face.  The robe was brown in colour, like that of what a monk wears.  I noticed as well that there was a rope tied around the waist of the robe.

The combination of feeling something touch me and then pick up my hand and hold it, and then seeing this hooded thing standing over me scared the hell out of me.  I immediately closed my eyes and commanded that this thing leave me alone.  I opened my eyes and the hooded figure appeared to break into millions of pieces and simply dissolve.  Then it was gone.

I sat up and wondered what it was I had just experienced.  I immediately reached for the dream journal I was keeping and wrote the experience down.  I also drew a picture of what I saw. 

Normally I get a sense of what a spirit is feeling and I can determine from whatever energy the spirit is emanating as to whether or not it is a benevolent spirit.  However, because I had become so startled, I couldn't determine if what I had experienced was a benevolent spirit or something sinister. 

Once I allowed my own feelings and initial reactions to subside, I realized that it didn't appear to be negative at all.  Now, as to who or what it was, I have no idea. 

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

~A Suicide~

This is an experience that had a profound effect on me. 

Like most people, I have questioned my sanity after many of the experiences I have had.  I have also tried to rationally explain them away. 

This experience however, like many others I have had, verified for me that there are spirits. 

These spirits; our deceased loved ones, are still very much with us and around us.  Their spirit lives on long after their body dies. They can and do communicate with us.

One evening I headed to bed a bit earlier than usual.  I had been ill and was still recuperating. I layed down in my bed and closed my eyes when I began to hear much chatter in my room. 

I then heard various voices saying things like, "Please let them know...".  "Please tell them...".  But due to the many voices and so many people talking at once I had a hard time hearing or listening to any one in particular. 

As well, they were all talking very, very quickly.  Without opening my eyes I said out loud, "Can you guys calm down and speak slower, and can you speak one at a time?"

Just then I heard a female voice say her name.  She then told me it was really important that I contact her mother and let her know that she is okay.  She told me to tell her mother that she is now at peace.  She repeated all of that several times.  She then repeated her name a few more times. 

I was repeating everything she said over in my mind so I wouldn't forget what she was saying when all of a sudden she began rambling off numbers.  I then realized that it was a telephone number. 

I sat up and reached for the pad of paper and pen that I kept beside my bed.  I quickly wrote down everything she had said.  I wrote down her name, and her number. 

As soon as I had sat up to write everything down, the talking had stopped.  I was now sitting up in my bed all alone in my now quiet bedroom.  I turned on my bedside lamp to stare at the paper. 

What was I to do with this information?  Should I call the number?  What would I say? 

I sat there for a few more minutes and decided that I should call the number and simply explain myself and give the information.

I dialed the number and on the second ring an older woman answered.  She said hello and I said, "Hi, please don't hang up.  I know this sounds really crazy, but I really need to talk to you.  I realize that you don't know me and I don't know you, but I have a message from Emma*."

There was only silence on the other end of the phone.  Then the woman on the other end said, "Who is this?" 

I told her my name and said,  "I really don't mean to bother you at all and I'm sorry for calling, but hopefully this will give you or someone you know some closure or peace of mind.  At times I experience what I believe to be contact from spirits, people that have passed on.  Earlier this evening I heard a female voice speaking to me while I was laying in my bed.  I did not see her, I only heard her voice.  She told me her name and stressed that I contact her mother and let her know that she is okay and that she is now at peace.  I don't know what any of it means, but she then gave me this phone number to call, and well, here I am."

There was only silence on the other end of the phone.  I then began to hear the woman on the other end of the phone softly crying.  She then said, "I can not believe this." 

I felt horrible and told her I was really sorry, that it was not my intention to upset her.  I also began to think that I should not have called.

Just then she said, "No, no I'm not upset, I'm crying tears of joy.  I can't believe this.  Emma* is my daughter.  She died of an overdose two months ago.  She was only 29 years old.  She had been suffering with depression for a long time.  It has been really hard for her dad and I, and I have been praying that she is with God.  You know how they say suicides go to hell?  I have prayed and prayed that my baby girl is with God.  Just last night I prayed again and asked her to please let me know that she is with God. I begged for her to let me know that she is okay, at peace you know?"

I was completely in awe.  My eyes began to burn as I felt tears well up in them.

I told the woman that I was very, very sorry for her loss.  The woman then told me it was okay and said, "Do you have any idea how much this is going to ease our grief and suffering?" 

She then thanked me and asked where I lived, she wanted to meet up with me.  I told her that it was not necessary for her and I to meet up, my job was to simply pass on what I was told.  Which I had done. 

She thanked me again and then asked me if I do psychic readings, and she asked if I would give her one.  I told her no, that I don't give psychic readings.  I explained again that sometimes I am contacted by spirits, but usually it is my deceased loved ones.  This time however, her daughter had come through and I felt compelled to follow through with passing along her message.

The woman thanked me again and I told her that I was grateful to have been able to pass along the message.  I was happy that I could bring her and Emma's* other loved ones some peace of mind, even if only small.

I said goodbye and then hung up the phone.

I have thought about that experience many times since.  It has definitely made me question the belief that people that commit suicide do not get into heaven but are sent to hell to suffer for taking their own life.   I believe that perhaps we have had it all wrong.  Perhaps God is merciful and they find the peace and solace after death that they could not find in their life.  I for one certainly hope so.

*To protect the identity of this family, I have changed the name of the woman in this story.

If you or someone you know is suffering from depression and is thinking about suicide, please, please, please reconsider! 

Think about the horrific heartache it will bring to your loved ones.  They will carry that heartache with them for the rest of their lives and will blame themselves for your death.  No one deserves that burden. 

If you are depressed and feeling suicidal, please contact a crisis worker.



Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

~The Man With The Hat~

I have altered this photo to similarly depict what I saw

I have discovered through my own personal experiences that when one opens themselves up to communicating with spirits, it is difficult to control what kind of spirit comes through. 

While you can hope for kind, benevolent spirits, that is not what will necessarily always be what comes through. 

Around the time of this particular experience, I had been meditating a lot, trying to improve my ability to sense and communicate with spirits. 

I was reading pretty near every single book about meditation, opening yourself up, and communicating with spirits, that I could get my hands on. 

I had read that learning to communicate with spirits was like attempting to tune into a radio channel or frequency and fine tune it.  So the only way I can explain it is that I had opened up some type of channel.  I was beginning to see and communicate with spirits fairly easily.  I discovered that most of the contact would come while I was falling asleep or in a very relaxed state. 

The communication was beginning to become overwhelming and at times very exhausting.  It was as if dozens and dozens of spirits had discovered that I could see and hear them, as well as communicate with them, and they all had something they wanted to tell me.

Normally what happens is, while I'm relaxed or falling asleep with my eyes closed, a sudden odd feeling comes over me.  It is an eerie kind of feeling, like the one that you get when you feel the hair on the back of your neck stand on end.  It's quite creepy. 

I then strongly sense or feel as though someone has come into the room.  If I keep my eyes closed I will begin hearing whoever it is that has decided to come through, talking to me.  They usually talk very, very quickly. 

If I open my eyes I can at times see them.  I also sense whatever it is they are feeling.  Usually what I sense is calmness or peacefulness with an urgent sense of wanting to communicate. 

If I do not wish to communicate, I simply ask them to go away or leave me alone and immediately the creepy feeling and the sense of someone being in the room with me vanishes and nothing happens.

One night however, that was not the case.

While laying in bed, I suddenly felt very uneasy.  I then felt that someone had come into the room.  All of a sudden I felt complete terror and panic.  I opened my eyes and saw standing to the left of my bed, a man wearing a bowler hat. 

He was all shadowy black in colour and I could not make out his face.  I could only make out very vaguely that he was wearing a suit that looked like something from a bygone era.

I can not find the right words to describe it, but I could feel immense evil from this man.  It was terrifying.  I closed my eyes and said, "Leave me alone." 

I opened my eyes again only to see him still standing there.  I was terrified.  I could not believe the horrible evil and terrifying feeling that was emanating from him.  I closed my eyes again and was so terrified that I began to recite out loud the Lord's Prayer. 

As soon as I finished saying that prayer I opened my eyes and much to my relief the man was gone.  I was still really scared.  There was no way I was going to be able to fall back asleep without a light on, so I turned my bedside table lamp on and left it on for the rest of the night.

Much to my relief, I have never seen or experienced that man again, and I hope I never do...ever!

For an up-date regarding this experience, click here;

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

~Nightly Visitors~

I have had experiences throughout my life where I would hear muffled talking in my room at night, and when I opened my eyes I would see someone standing in my room.

Sometimes it wasn't just one person, but a group of people.  These "people" were usually people I recognized, which were deceased loved ones.

At times I have not recognized the person or the people, yet they give me a message to pass on to someone in my family.  Which I will do.

One night while laying in my bed, I was not able to fall asleep.  I was getting angry because I was really tired.  It was getting later and later, and I had to be up very early the next day.

I was laying on my back and could not get comfortable.  I had been tossing and turning for hours.  I then turned onto my right side.  Finally, I was able to get comfortable, and I began to doze off.

Just as I was falling asleep, I began to hear muffled talking in my bedroom.  When I say "muffled talking", it is the kind of dull talking you hear when you're in a room full of people that are talking, but you're not really listening or paying attention to any one conversation in particular.

I became annoyed and thought, "Ugh, here we go again.  Can't I get some sleep?"  I opened my eyes and glanced around the room, but saw nothing.  I then layed my head back down on my pillow and closed my eyes.  Just as I did, I heard a small child giggle.

I opened my eyes and there, sitting on my bed right in front of me was a small child with blonde hair. It was a little boy, and he was probably all of 2 or 3 years of age.

Laying on the bed just behind the little boy and beside me was a man.  He was rather handsome and had short, dark hair.  He looked to be in his late 20s or early 30s.  He was laying on his left side and was propped up, leaning on his left elbow.  He was resting his face in his left hand.  He was dressed in what looked like a uniform of some sort.  His shirt was a light blue with a crest of some sort on the chest.  

While looking right at them, the little boy turned towards the man and said, "Do you think she sees us?"  The man said, "I certainly hope so."  

I was really, really tired and just wanted to sleep.  So, I closed my eyes and said, "Please go away."  I opened my eyes and my room was empty, there was no longer anyone on my bed.

I was happy to be left alone yet I felt kind of bad for being rude.  Perhaps they had something they wished to share with me, something important.  I simply thought to myself, "Oh well, they can come again another night when I'm not so tired."  I closed my eyes and fell asleep, and slept well for the rest of the night.

The little child and the man have never appeared to me again.

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life


Friday, July 19, 2013

~An Explanation Of My Beliefs~

Due to the many e-mails I have received from various readers wanting to know about my religious beliefs, as well as my upbringing, I have decided to write this post.

First of all, I have to say that I do not adhere to any set of beliefs.  While I am baptized Catholic, I do not follow the tenets of the Catholic religion.  I did at one time, but have since turned away from it.

I have learned about every single religion, yet there is no one religion that I follow.  I am not what one would call "religious".  I am more of what people would label as "spiritual".

I grew up in a family that was very close.  I had a very large extended family on my dad's side that I saw quite often that was very close also. Spending time with my immediate family, as well as with my extended family was always a very happy time for me while growing up.  My home, as well as my grandparents home, was always a safe and happy place to be.  I was well loved. 

Growing up, my brother and I were never spanked or what one would call "disciplined".  We were what I would call "lovingly guided".  My parents would discuss things with my brother and I if we had done something wrong or behaved in an inappropriate way.

They always listened to us and respected our feelings and opinions.  Also, my parents always put their family first.  My brother and I were their top priority.  My grandparents, my dad's parents were a very strong influence in my dad's family, and they too always put family first.

As loving as my entire family was, no one in my family or extended family ever went to church.  Also, no one ever really talked about God or their beliefs. However, right from a young age I was curious to learn about God and what people in my family believed and thought.  Therefore I was always asking questions.

I used to enjoy, right from a young age, having long talks with a very close family friend that was a practicing, baptized Catholic who had at one time considered becoming a priest.

I was curious to learn about others beliefs outside of our family as well.  I remember right from about the age of fifteen or sixteen, I would answer the door whenever the Jehovah's Witnesses came to our door, and (much to my parents dislike), I would have long talks with them.  I remember my dad saying, "Don't talk with them, they'll keep coming back."  Lol.  But I didn't mind, I enjoyed talking with them.

I was always eager to learn as much as I could about God and the various belief systems.  In fact, the very first time I read the entire bible, I was all of 12 or 13 years old.  I read whatever I could get my hands on about God and religion.

As for my beliefs about God, I believe without a doubt that there is a higher Consciousness.  You can label it whatever you like.  I use the term "God", and I may refer to God as a "He", but in all honesty I have no set beliefs.

On my quest to learn about God, I can't help but wonder if since we are all created in His likeness, if perhaps God is both male and female.  That is why at times I may refer to God and say Him? Her? in my writings here on my blog.

I believe that God, this higher Consciousness, or whatever else you like to call it, is our Creator.  I do believe that there is a higher order to things that we simply can not even begin to understand.  I also believe that this life force that created each and every one of us, is a part of each and every one of us.  We are all a part of this higher Consciousness, and therefore we are all connected.

I do not label anyone according to their financial status, their skin colour, their sex, their sexuality, or their religion. Even as far back as I can remember I never have. From as far back in my life as I can remember, I have always looked beyond all of that, and I see every one as my equal.  I honestly believe that we are all the same.  I judge someone only based on their character.

People tell me I am far too sensitive, and perhaps they are correct.  But it truly saddens me greatly when I see human beings hurting or harming another human being or animal.  It especially saddens me when I see people using their religion and/or their religious book as a means to harm someone, to slander someone or bash them, or even bring death to another.

I believe that all souls here on earth are at various levels of learning, and every single one of us has a purpose, an extremely important purpose.  I also believe that every single soul has an inner light that connects us with God.  For some, that light burns very brightly.  For others, that light is very dim. And in others, that light has simply gone out.

I believe it's important for all of us to allow our lights to shine brightly so that we can attract other lighted souls.  Light overpowers and banishes the dark.  And I believe it's imperative for all of us to carry out the teachings that Jesus taught us.  I do not debate whether Jesus existed, it is irrelevant.  His teachings are sensible, and can enable us to lead better lives.  We are the ones that can make this world a far better place.

How can we do that?  We can do that by being kind to one another and truly caring about each other.

We can make this world a better place by helping each other.  We should not turn a blind eye to those who are poverty stricken and hungry and/or homeless.  They are not beneath us, they are just as deserving of everything in life as we are.

I find that there is far too much greed in this world.  Too much greed for such unimportant material items.  So many of us have more than we need, and we can all do a little something. 

We can donate our time and/or our money to help feed the poor and clothe them.  We can volunteer our time at food banks.  We can donate our money to food banks.  We can donate money to charities that ensure homeless people as well as those living in poverty have a warm safe place to go, and/or live, and have access to food.

We do not have to give all that much either.  Every single bit helps, no matter how small.  We can get to know our elderly neighbours and pop in from time to time just to say hi and/or visit with them. We can let them know that they are not all alone, that someone cares about them.

For anyone that knows me, it is not surprising to see me purchase a hot chocolate and give it to a homeless person sitting on the street on a cold day.  Nor is it unusual to see me buy a meal and give it to a homeless person that is sitting on a street corner.

These are only small gestures, but they go a long way.  And we can all play a part, even if a small one, in making this world a far better place.  We can all show each other some compassion and caring.

At the end of the day, if I ask myself about the kind of difference I made today, or if I even made a difference.  I like to be able to say, yes, yes I did make a difference, and it was for the better.

We can leave a mark in this world, and it can be a positive one which is for the better of not only ourselves but others.  Or, we can choose to do nothing, and even worse, we can choose to leave a negative impact.

I do not fear death or dying because I very much believe that when our body dies, our soul, our essence, transforms and travels somewhere else.  Our energy is not destroyed, only changed.  Our energy returns to its Source.  God.  I do believe that God loves every single one of us, even those of us that stray away from Him.

I do not believe that God is harsh at all, nor does He punish us.  I believe that because we can not even begin to understand God's infinite, unconditional, all-encompassing love, that it is we that judge.  We judge ourselves. We doubt God's love and forgiveness and turn away from Him.  We judge ourselves not worthy of Him and therefore choose punishment and punish ourselves.

"Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.  Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love."
~John 4:7-8~

"Life's most persistent and urgent question is, What are you doing for others?"
~Martin Luther King Jr.~

"Heaven is full of perfect harmony, peace, love, honour and truth.  It is time for you to trust inner guidance.  So do your best work to bring peace and harmony to earth.  Ask and you shall receive all the heavenly assistance you will need."
~Lisa Hurtt~

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life