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Friday, July 19, 2013

~An Explanation Of My Beliefs~

Due to the many e-mails I have received from various readers wanting to know about my religious beliefs, as well as my upbringing, I have decided to write this post.

First of all, I have to say that I do not adhere to any set of beliefs.  While I am baptized Catholic, I do not follow the tenets of the Catholic religion.  I did at one time, but have since turned away from it.

I have learned about every single religion, yet there is no one religion that I follow.  I am not what one would call "religious".  I am more of what people would label as "spiritual".

I grew up in a family that was very close.  I had a very large extended family on my dad's side that I saw quite often that was very close also. Spending time with my immediate family, as well as with my extended family was always a very happy time for me while growing up.  My home, as well as my grandparents home, was always a safe and happy place to be.  I was well loved. 

Growing up, my brother and I were never spanked or what one would call "disciplined".  We were what I would call "lovingly guided".  My parents would discuss things with my brother and I if we had done something wrong or behaved in an inappropriate way.

They always listened to us and respected our feelings and opinions.  Also, my parents always put their family first.  My brother and I were their top priority.  My grandparents, my dad's parents were a very strong influence in my dad's family, and they too always put family first.

As loving as my entire family was, no one in my family or extended family ever went to church.  Also, no one ever really talked about God or their beliefs. However, right from a young age I was curious to learn about God and what people in my family believed and thought.  Therefore I was always asking questions.

I used to enjoy, right from a young age, having long talks with a very close family friend that was a practicing, baptized Catholic who had at one time considered becoming a priest.

I was curious to learn about others beliefs outside of our family as well.  I remember right from about the age of fifteen or sixteen, I would answer the door whenever the Jehovah's Witnesses came to our door, and (much to my parents dislike), I would have long talks with them.  I remember my dad saying, "Don't talk with them, they'll keep coming back."  Lol.  But I didn't mind, I enjoyed talking with them.

I was always eager to learn as much as I could about God and the various belief systems.  In fact, the very first time I read the entire bible, I was all of 12 or 13 years old.  I read whatever I could get my hands on about God and religion.

As for my beliefs about God, I believe without a doubt that there is a higher Consciousness.  You can label it whatever you like.  I use the term "God", and I may refer to God as a "He", but in all honesty I have no set beliefs.

On my quest to learn about God, I can't help but wonder if since we are all created in His likeness, if perhaps God is both male and female.  That is why at times I may refer to God and say Him? Her? in my writings here on my blog.

I believe that God, this higher Consciousness, or whatever else you like to call it, is our Creator.  I do believe that there is a higher order to things that we simply can not even begin to understand.  I also believe that this life force that created each and every one of us, is a part of each and every one of us.  We are all a part of this higher Consciousness, and therefore we are all connected.

I do not label anyone according to their financial status, their skin colour, their sex, their sexuality, or their religion. Even as far back as I can remember I never have. From as far back in my life as I can remember, I have always looked beyond all of that, and I see every one as my equal.  I honestly believe that we are all the same.  I judge someone only based on their character.

People tell me I am far too sensitive, and perhaps they are correct.  But it truly saddens me greatly when I see human beings hurting or harming another human being or animal.  It especially saddens me when I see people using their religion and/or their religious book as a means to harm someone, to slander someone or bash them, or even bring death to another.

I believe that all souls here on earth are at various levels of learning, and every single one of us has a purpose, an extremely important purpose.  I also believe that every single soul has an inner light that connects us with God.  For some, that light burns very brightly.  For others, that light is very dim. And in others, that light has simply gone out.

I believe it's important for all of us to allow our lights to shine brightly so that we can attract other lighted souls.  Light overpowers and banishes the dark.  And I believe it's imperative for all of us to carry out the teachings that Jesus taught us.  I do not debate whether Jesus existed, it is irrelevant.  His teachings are sensible, and can enable us to lead better lives.  We are the ones that can make this world a far better place.

How can we do that?  We can do that by being kind to one another and truly caring about each other.

We can make this world a better place by helping each other.  We should not turn a blind eye to those who are poverty stricken and hungry and/or homeless.  They are not beneath us, they are just as deserving of everything in life as we are.

I find that there is far too much greed in this world.  Too much greed for such unimportant material items.  So many of us have more than we need, and we can all do a little something. 

We can donate our time and/or our money to help feed the poor and clothe them.  We can volunteer our time at food banks.  We can donate our money to food banks.  We can donate money to charities that ensure homeless people as well as those living in poverty have a warm safe place to go, and/or live, and have access to food.

We do not have to give all that much either.  Every single bit helps, no matter how small.  We can get to know our elderly neighbours and pop in from time to time just to say hi and/or visit with them. We can let them know that they are not all alone, that someone cares about them.

For anyone that knows me, it is not surprising to see me purchase a hot chocolate and give it to a homeless person sitting on the street on a cold day.  Nor is it unusual to see me buy a meal and give it to a homeless person that is sitting on a street corner.

These are only small gestures, but they go a long way.  And we can all play a part, even if a small one, in making this world a far better place.  We can all show each other some compassion and caring.

At the end of the day, if I ask myself about the kind of difference I made today, or if I even made a difference.  I like to be able to say, yes, yes I did make a difference, and it was for the better.

We can leave a mark in this world, and it can be a positive one which is for the better of not only ourselves but others.  Or, we can choose to do nothing, and even worse, we can choose to leave a negative impact.

I do not fear death or dying because I very much believe that when our body dies, our soul, our essence, transforms and travels somewhere else.  Our energy is not destroyed, only changed.  Our energy returns to its Source.  God.  I do believe that God loves every single one of us, even those of us that stray away from Him.

I do not believe that God is harsh at all, nor does He punish us.  I believe that because we can not even begin to understand God's infinite, unconditional, all-encompassing love, that it is we that judge.  We judge ourselves. We doubt God's love and forgiveness and turn away from Him.  We judge ourselves not worthy of Him and therefore choose punishment and punish ourselves.

"Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.  Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love."
~John 4:7-8~

"Life's most persistent and urgent question is, What are you doing for others?"
~Martin Luther King Jr.~

"Heaven is full of perfect harmony, peace, love, honour and truth.  It is time for you to trust inner guidance.  So do your best work to bring peace and harmony to earth.  Ask and you shall receive all the heavenly assistance you will need."
~Lisa Hurtt~

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

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