If you would like to reach out to me or wish to share a personal experience, I would love to hear from you! You can email me at; myextremelyhauntedlife@yahoo.com

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

~The Man With The Hat~

I have altered this photo to similarly depict what I saw

I have discovered through my own personal experiences that when one opens themselves up to communicating with spirits, it is difficult to control what kind of spirit comes through. 

While you can hope for kind, benevolent spirits, that is not what will necessarily always be what comes through. 

Around the time of this particular experience, I had been meditating a lot, trying to improve my ability to sense and communicate with spirits. 

I was reading pretty near every single book about meditation, opening yourself up, and communicating with spirits, that I could get my hands on. 

I had read that learning to communicate with spirits was like attempting to tune into a radio channel or frequency and fine tune it.  So the only way I can explain it is that I had opened up some type of channel.  I was beginning to see and communicate with spirits fairly easily.  I discovered that most of the contact would come while I was falling asleep or in a very relaxed state. 

The communication was beginning to become overwhelming and at times very exhausting.  It was as if dozens and dozens of spirits had discovered that I could see and hear them, as well as communicate with them, and they all had something they wanted to tell me.

Normally what happens is, while I'm relaxed or falling asleep with my eyes closed, a sudden odd feeling comes over me.  It is an eerie kind of feeling, like the one that you get when you feel the hair on the back of your neck stand on end.  It's quite creepy. 

I then strongly sense or feel as though someone has come into the room.  If I keep my eyes closed I will begin hearing whoever it is that has decided to come through, talking to me.  They usually talk very, very quickly. 

If I open my eyes I can at times see them.  I also sense whatever it is they are feeling.  Usually what I sense is calmness or peacefulness with an urgent sense of wanting to communicate. 

If I do not wish to communicate, I simply ask them to go away or leave me alone and immediately the creepy feeling and the sense of someone being in the room with me vanishes and nothing happens.

One night however, that was not the case.

While laying in bed, I suddenly felt very uneasy.  I then felt that someone had come into the room.  All of a sudden I felt complete terror and panic.  I opened my eyes and saw standing to the left of my bed, a man wearing a bowler hat. 

He was all shadowy black in colour and I could not make out his face.  I could only make out very vaguely that he was wearing a suit that looked like something from a bygone era.

I can not find the right words to describe it, but I could feel immense evil from this man.  It was terrifying.  I closed my eyes and said, "Leave me alone." 

I opened my eyes again only to see him still standing there.  I was terrified.  I could not believe the horrible evil and terrifying feeling that was emanating from him.  I closed my eyes again and was so terrified that I began to recite out loud the Lord's Prayer. 

As soon as I finished saying that prayer I opened my eyes and much to my relief the man was gone.  I was still really scared.  There was no way I was going to be able to fall back asleep without a light on, so I turned my bedside table lamp on and left it on for the rest of the night.

Much to my relief, I have never seen or experienced that man again, and I hope I never do...ever!

For an up-date regarding this experience, click here;

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life


  1. I discovered that most of the contact would come while I was falling asleep or in a very relaxed state.

    I find this to be true for me too. I sometimes use relaxation exercises to get into a psychically receptive state. I described the method on my web site.

    As soon as I finished saying that prayer I opened my eyes and much to my relief the man was gone.

    I've taken classes in mediumship at a Spiritualist church and they taught us to always use a prayer for protection before starting a communication session. Also as part of my daily ritual I talk to any earthbound spirits that might be around and encourage them to complete their transition to the spirit world. I find that I have many fewer spirits annoying me when I do that regularly.

    One way to deal with spirits coming through at incovenient times, such as when you are trying to fall asleep, is to set aside a regular time for communication and always reject any communication attempts that occur outside that time. This is so the spirits know when you are available so they don't bother you all day long, and to prevent yourself from over doing it and communicating all day long.

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my blog and read my post.

      And thank you very much for sharing your advice and techniques.

      If you have any experiences you would like to share, please feel free to send them to me. I would really love to read about them, and will post them here on my blog if you like, along with a link to your web-site.

      You can send any experiences you would like to share to;

  2. I TOO had this visit from this hat man. mine looked very similar to yours except he had a wide brim hat. the first time I ever saw him happened because I felt a presence that woke me up. I opened up my eyes only to see this long skinny man in a black coat and a black hat looking at me. I jumped up out of instinct I thought someone had broken so I proceeded to swing at the object only to catch nothing but air. this is when I realized this was no man. Nothing bad ever happened I saw him two more times after that both times waking me up. I wonder if this has anything to do because me and my friend Used to do dumb things like going to the cemeteries in the middle of the night or to try to find where devil worshipers used to hung out.maybe he followed us from one of those places maybe he was trying to communicate. my friend had a similar experience but not while he was asleep but he was awake he stated to me that he used to see this man not standing but crouching looking at him. don't know if it was the same spirit or demon after that we stopped our dumb activities. whenever I saw him I prayed he disappeared. I will never forget this hat man there is something ominous about him.

    1. Thank you so much for reading my post.

      It's funny you commented about this yesterday, because just yesterday I came across some comments in a Facebook group I belong to, about shadow people, and someone mentioned "the man in the hat", also known as "the hat man".

      I posted a comment, hoping to find out more about it, because of my experience. I didn't see any responses to my question after some time, so I decided to look into it myself. At first, I was really shocked to discover that I am not the only one who has experienced seeing such a thing. I then became very surprised with what I discovered.

      I don't know what you had going on in your life when this man in the hat appeared to you, but I was married at the time to a very abusive man. There was a lot of turmoil in our home because of him.

      And according to what I have found, this "hat man" is known to either cause, or is attracted to hostile environments and aggressive behavior. Apparently, many of the people who have seen him are experiencing domestic disturbances and/or family breakdown.

      I also discovered that every single person that has reported to have seen him, felt such an ominous, negative vibe, almost to the point of terror, that many believe he is a demon.

      I'm very glad to hear that neither you or your friend have seen him since. I hope, just as you do, that you never have to experience an encounter with him again.
