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Friday, July 26, 2013

~The Feather Of An Angel~

One day while walking out of a store with my husband and oldest daughter, my husband began walking ahead of my daughter and I.

He had walked a few steps out into the parking lot and then turned around and faced us as he waited for us.

I took my daughter by the hand, and was just about to step off the curb and into the parking lot when a really big, white fluffy feather floated down right in front of my face.  It made me stop in mid-step.

Just as I stopped my husband yelled, "Look out!"  I looked over at him to see what was wrong and just as I did, a car zoomed by in front of my daughter and I.  The driver was driving very fast.  He drove by us so quickly that it startled both my daughter and I and we both kind of jumped.

As my daughter and I approached my husband he said, "Did you see that guy?  What a jerk.  It's a good thing you guys stopped. Otherwise, that guy would have hit the two of you."

My husband asked how I managed to see the driver coming when even he hadn't seen him, not until the last minute because he came zooming by so quickly.  I told him, "I didn't see him, I stopped because a big white fluffy feather floated by, right in front of my face.  It startled me because it was so big and fluffy and so close to my face."

My daughter then piped up and said, "Yeah, I saw the feather too mommy."  She then said, "Maybe it was the feather of a guardian angel."  I simply laughed and said, "You never know.  It's an awfully odd coincidence that a feather floated by like that and kept us from stepping out into the parking lot where we would have in all likelihood been run over."

My daughter then said, "I've never seen such a big fluffy feather before."  And quite honestly, neither had I.

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

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