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Sunday, July 7, 2013

~A Premonition~

Many, many years ago I experienced what some would label a "psychic premonition".

It started out as a really bad feeling that suddenly came over me one night.

I was laying in my bed, thinking about my day when I was overcome with a really bad feeling that something was coming, something bad.

It was such a horrible feeling that I had to wake up my husband who was fast asleep so I could talk about it.

When my husband awoke, I said, "I don't know how to say this, and I'm really worried about it, but I have a really, really bad feeling that something is going to happen to someone.  I don't know what it is that will happen, but the person is going to come very close to dying."

My husband who was rather sleepy, became fully alert after hearing what I had said. He asked me where the feeling came from and I told him that in all honesty I had no idea.  I told him that it had just simply come over me.

He asked me who I thought it was that this was going to happen to.  Feeling really worried, almost panic stricken, I began to cry.  I told him that was the worst part, I couldn't sense who it was.  I had no clue.

My husband appeared very worried and asked me if I thought it might be our daughter.  I sat and thought about it, and had a strong sense that no, it wouldn't be her.  I could not however, determine who it was going to be, no matter how much I thought about it.  But I was certain it would not be my daughter much to mine and my husband's relief.

Later that morning I told my parents about it.  They were worried.  They too asked me who I thought it was going to happen to and I told them I had no idea.  I began to cry.  I was really upset about it.  I was feeling really frustrated and expressed that to my parents.  The feeling was so very strong that I could not ignore it, and without a doubt I knew someone in our family was going to be in some sort of accident.

My dad asked what I thought was going to happen and I told him that I honestly didn't know.  And I really didn't.  I told both of my parents that I couldn't understand the point in knowing about it if there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it.  My mom and dad asked about the person dying.  I immediately said, "No, no, no one's going to die, but they will come very close."

My parents suggested that perhaps that was the reason for having the knowing. Perhaps it was important to know that they wouldn't die, and everything would be okay.  I thought about it and that was the only reasonable explanation I could come up with too.

A few months later, we received a phone call from my uncle.  He called to tell us that his wife had been hit by a car.  The man that hit her didn't even see her, and had no clue he had hit anyone.  She had been pinned under the car and dragged.

According to my uncle she had massive injuries and numerous broken bones.  The doctors at the hospital told my uncle that she was very critical and the next 24 hours were the most crucial and would determine whether she lived.

My uncle showed up at my parents home a short time later to talk to my dad.  My uncle was a complete mess.  He was shook up about it and in complete shock.

After my uncle left my parents home to head back to the hospital and be with his wife, my dad came downstairs and asked me if perhaps the accident was the premonition I had months earlier.

I told my dad that I had no idea, but perhaps it was.  My dad then said, "Well she's going to be alright then, you said that someone was going to be in an accident and come very close to dying, but they wouldn't die right?"  I thought about it and said, "Yeah."

My dad never mentioned anything to my uncle about my premonition at first because it did not look good for my aunt.  The doctors told my uncle that they had no idea if she would pull through, and the odds weren't looking very good because of all the injuries she had sustained.  My dad did not want to tell my uncle about my premonition and reassure him that everything was going to be all right and then something happened and she died.

Thankfully though my aunt did pull through.  She made it through the first 24 hours without any complications or problems arising from her injuries.  She opened her eyes and spoke to my uncle.  My uncle was more than happy to see that she still had her sense of humour too.

My aunt did fully recover, but the road to recovery was very long.  She had to undergo numerous surgeries to fix all of her broken bones.  Some of her bones were shattered so badly that doctors had to place screws and clips in the bones.  On top of the surgery, my aunt also had to endure months of gruelling physiotherapy.

But the important thing is that she pulled through and is alive and well.

I have often wondered where the premonition came from.  Is this what is meant by the phrase "psychic intuition"?  I really have no idea.

 All I do know is that it is awful that my aunt had to go through such a harrowing experience.  Thankfully however, she survived.  

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

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