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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

~A Lady In White~

Many years ago I was going through a very harrowing time. At the time I was married with three children, and my husband was very abusive both verbally and emotionally. All the abuse and turmoil he constantly caused in my life was really beginning to wear me down. I was beginning to slip into a depression.

One night while laying in bed and feeling hurt and upset yet again, I was crying. I was heading towards my breaking point. For me, our marriage had been over for a very long time. I just didn't know how I was going to manage on my own with three young children, despite having a well paying job. So, he and I continued to live under the same roof for the time being. Even though I very much hated being around him. In fact, I had reached the point where I hated everything about him.

I remember that night feeling so broken emotionally and so tired. While crying I prayed to God, and asked him for the strength to get through everything and to help me find the courage and strength to get my abusive husband out of my life for good.

I also asked for some guidance from my guardian angel. I asked for my guardian angel to show itself to me in my dreams. I had been asking that a lot around that time, but had not yet had my request answered.

I had been asking for my guardian angel to appear to me in my dreams wearing white, why I picked white I have no idea, I just decided on a color, something that would allow me to know that it was my guardian angel when I saw them.

I eventually fell asleep. I began dreaming that I was surrounded in a white haze. The white haze began to fade away, and things began to come into focus. I realized that I was walking along the street that my grandparents used to live on. I looked around and saw that there was no one on the street. I then wondered to myself why in my dreams I always end up at their old house, or on their old street.  

Suddenly, as I approached the front of my grandparents old house, I noticed someone just off in the distance on the opposite side of the street. They were walking towards me.

Just then, a bunch of people appeared out of nowhere and started gathering around me. They were all smiling and welcoming me. They all seemed happy to see me, yet I didn't recognize any of them.

Suddenly the crowd of people that had gathered around me separated slightly and a woman dressed all in white stepped through the crowd. Due to the fact that she was all in white I asked her, "Are you my guardian angel?"

She smiled and said, "You asked for white didn't you?" I smiled. I was surprised though because for some reason I thought my guardian angel would be a man.  

She took me by the hand and we walked across the street. The group of people that had come and greeted me, all went on their separate ways. Her and I sat down on a cement block.  

She told me that she wanted me to know that the next two years of my life were going to be a very trying time for me. She also told me that I was going to lose two significant people in my life but it would all be for the very best.

She informed me that I would eventually go on to live in a house, and it would happen in the next five years. I found it an odd coincidence that she would say that because I was currently living in an apartment.

As nice as the apartment was, and despite all the room we had, I felt that with three kids, being in a house would be much better. There would be even more room for us, and I wouldn't have to worry about the kids making too much noise and annoying any neighbors.

Next, the woman in my dream told me that drastic changes were going to be taking place in my life, but it was to be all for the better. She told me that I needed to see these trying times as an opportunity to grow. She also told me not to lose my focus, that I needed to focus on what was most important.

She also told me that there would likely be times when I would feel all alone, but she wanted me to know that I would never be alone. She said that she, as well as others are always with me. She told me that we are never, ever alone, that God never abandons anyone. She said that He is always with us, walking right along side us the entire time, especially during the most difficult of times in our life. She told me that all I ever had to do was call out to Him and He would be there.

She began to look as though she was going to cry. She looked at me and said, "Even when things are the most trying for you, never lose trust in that inner voice." She told me that just when things seem they can't get any worse, the storm would calm and there will be a rainbow in my life after the storm. She told me that I am very loved.

She then stood up and told me that she had to go. I didn't want her to leave and I told her that. She said, "I'm sorry my love but I really must go." Then she, as well as all of my surroundings began to fade into a white haze.  

I then felt my bed beneath me. I opened my eyes to find myself laying in my bed, in my darkened bedroom. The dream was such a nice one, so comforting and so real that I began to cry. I felt so loved and cared for. It was such an intense feeling. I laid there in my bed thinking about that dream for the longest time. Eventually I fell asleep.

As relayed to me in my dream, the next two years of my life did turn out to be thee most difficult, trying years of my entire life up until that point.

The depression that I was heading into worsened. It worsened  a lot. I began abusing sleeping pills and ended up in the hospital due to an accidental overdose of the pills. I came very close to losing my life.

I had hit bottom and yet it was exactly what I needed to wake up and make some very needed changes in my life. I ended up finding an enormous strength in me. I found a strength that I truly did not know even existed in me.  

As soon as I arrived home from the hospital after my overdose, I found that I suddenly had the strength and the courage to end my horrible marriage. I kicked my spouse out for good. I no longer cared about money or wondered about how I would manage on my own with three children, I just knew that nothing could be worse than putting up with him and his abuse any longer. I also filed for divorce.  

And as revealed to me in my dream, two rather significant people did more or less leave my life.  And in all honesty, it was for the best. They were not the best people to have in my life.  

As for the rainbow in my life after the storm? I believe that was meeting the man who would eventually become my second husband, and having a child with him.

As my guardian angel predicted, we did end up moving into a house. And it did happen within five years of having that dream.

So, did I really meet with my guardian angel in my dream?  I really can not say for certain.  I'm quite sure that some people would say that yes, I most definitely did meet my guardian angel.  And then there are others who would say that it was only a dream.  But, if it was simply a dream, how can I explain the things revealed to me that did come to pass?  Coincidence?  Perhaps.  But I for one very much believe that our loved ones, as well as other spirits can and do communicate with us in our dreams.

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life


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