One weekend, I was at my grandparent's home visiting with my family.
I had brought my favourite baby doll and carriage with me. I intended on playing with one of my cousins who was my age.
However, when we arrived at my grandparents, I was informed that my cousin was out with her mom, but my grandparents said that they would be back very shortly.
I decided to go outside and play by myself with my baby doll until they returned. I decided that I wanted to take my doll for a walk in the carriage. So, I headed out the back door and took my doll carriage with me, along with my doll.
It wasn't an easy thing to do since the doll carriage was rather large and not all that easy to carry down the back steps of my grandparents home, but I managed.
As soon as I made it down the back steps, I re-wrapped my doll in her blankets and covered her up. I then headed off down the driveway.
I knew I wasn't supposed to be out front of the house by myself. I was to only stay near the back of the house and in the backyard, but I really wanted to push my doll in her carriage and go for a walk, just like a real grown-up mom.
As I neared the end of the driveway I turned right, and started heading down the street, walking along on the sidewalk. I felt so proud, just like a real mom, pushing my baby along in a carriage.
I had ventured approximately 3 or 4 houses down from my grandparents house when I noticed an older lady up ahead of me. She was walking along the sidewalk, walking towards me.
As she approached me she smiled. She asked me if I was taking my baby for a walk. I told her yes. She asked me, "Mind if I have a look at your baby?" I smiled and said, "No, not at all."
The woman bent down and peeked in the carriage at my doll. She stood up and smiled and said, "That's a beautiful baby you have there." I thanked her.
She then asked me what her name was so I told her, and she said, "Well that's a very pretty name." She then told me that the carriage I was pushing my doll in was a very nice one. I thanked her again.
She then asked me, "Does your mom or dad know that you're out here all on your own?" I told her no. Then she asked, "Are you allowed to be out here by yourself?" I told her no. She said, "No, I didn't think so."
She then said, "You know, you really shouldn't be out here on your own like this. A stranger could come along and take you with them before your parent's even realized that you were gone."
She then said, "Now, you run along back okay?" I said, "Okay." She then said, "I know that you're a very smart girl and won't head out here on your own like this anymore right?" I said, "Yeah." She then smiled and said, "Good, because your mom and dad love you very much and neither they or I want anything to happen to you." She then smiled again. She had a very kind face and a warm smile. I smiled back and said, "Okay."
I turned to leave. She too turned to leave. I began walking away. I had only taken two or three steps when I turned back around to say good-bye, yet she was gone.
I couldn't understand where she could have possibly gone. The street was very long and I would have seen her walking away. In fact, no matter what side of the street she would have been on, I would have seen her. There was nowhere for her to go. On either side of the street were large vacant fields. If she had headed for either of the fields, I would have seen her walking away.
It was as if she had simply disappeared.
I headed straight back to my grandparents home. Just as I reached the driveway, I saw my grandma heading up the driveway from the back of the house. As soon as she saw me she said, "Where were you? I was just coming to look for you. You know you shouldn't be out here all by yourself."
I told her I hadn't gone all that far when a nice lady approached me and she too had told me that I shouldn't be out here by myself. My grandma simply said, "She's very right. You need to stay where we can see you and keep an eye on you, we don't want anything to happen to you." I said, "That's what the lady said."
I then told my grandma about how after I began to walk away, I looked back and the lady was nowhere to be seen. My grandma asked where I saw her and when I pointed and told her she said, "Well that's odd, where could she have gone?" I said, "I don't know, that's what I was wondering."
My grandma smiled at me and said, "It sounds as though you encountered an angel that was watching over you."
I wasn't all that sure I believed that, but if the lady wasn't a ghost or something, where could she have possibly gone?
Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life
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