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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

~A Suicide~

This is an experience that had a profound effect on me. 

Like most people, I have questioned my sanity after many of the experiences I have had.  I have also tried to rationally explain them away. 

This experience however, like many others I have had, verified for me that there are spirits. 

These spirits; our deceased loved ones, are still very much with us and around us.  Their spirit lives on long after their body dies. They can and do communicate with us.

One evening I headed to bed a bit earlier than usual.  I had been ill and was still recuperating. I layed down in my bed and closed my eyes when I began to hear much chatter in my room. 

I then heard various voices saying things like, "Please let them know...".  "Please tell them...".  But due to the many voices and so many people talking at once I had a hard time hearing or listening to any one in particular. 

As well, they were all talking very, very quickly.  Without opening my eyes I said out loud, "Can you guys calm down and speak slower, and can you speak one at a time?"

Just then I heard a female voice say her name.  She then told me it was really important that I contact her mother and let her know that she is okay.  She told me to tell her mother that she is now at peace.  She repeated all of that several times.  She then repeated her name a few more times. 

I was repeating everything she said over in my mind so I wouldn't forget what she was saying when all of a sudden she began rambling off numbers.  I then realized that it was a telephone number. 

I sat up and reached for the pad of paper and pen that I kept beside my bed.  I quickly wrote down everything she had said.  I wrote down her name, and her number. 

As soon as I had sat up to write everything down, the talking had stopped.  I was now sitting up in my bed all alone in my now quiet bedroom.  I turned on my bedside lamp to stare at the paper. 

What was I to do with this information?  Should I call the number?  What would I say? 

I sat there for a few more minutes and decided that I should call the number and simply explain myself and give the information.

I dialed the number and on the second ring an older woman answered.  She said hello and I said, "Hi, please don't hang up.  I know this sounds really crazy, but I really need to talk to you.  I realize that you don't know me and I don't know you, but I have a message from Emma*."

There was only silence on the other end of the phone.  Then the woman on the other end said, "Who is this?" 

I told her my name and said,  "I really don't mean to bother you at all and I'm sorry for calling, but hopefully this will give you or someone you know some closure or peace of mind.  At times I experience what I believe to be contact from spirits, people that have passed on.  Earlier this evening I heard a female voice speaking to me while I was laying in my bed.  I did not see her, I only heard her voice.  She told me her name and stressed that I contact her mother and let her know that she is okay and that she is now at peace.  I don't know what any of it means, but she then gave me this phone number to call, and well, here I am."

There was only silence on the other end of the phone.  I then began to hear the woman on the other end of the phone softly crying.  She then said, "I can not believe this." 

I felt horrible and told her I was really sorry, that it was not my intention to upset her.  I also began to think that I should not have called.

Just then she said, "No, no I'm not upset, I'm crying tears of joy.  I can't believe this.  Emma* is my daughter.  She died of an overdose two months ago.  She was only 29 years old.  She had been suffering with depression for a long time.  It has been really hard for her dad and I, and I have been praying that she is with God.  You know how they say suicides go to hell?  I have prayed and prayed that my baby girl is with God.  Just last night I prayed again and asked her to please let me know that she is with God. I begged for her to let me know that she is okay, at peace you know?"

I was completely in awe.  My eyes began to burn as I felt tears well up in them.

I told the woman that I was very, very sorry for her loss.  The woman then told me it was okay and said, "Do you have any idea how much this is going to ease our grief and suffering?" 

She then thanked me and asked where I lived, she wanted to meet up with me.  I told her that it was not necessary for her and I to meet up, my job was to simply pass on what I was told.  Which I had done. 

She thanked me again and then asked me if I do psychic readings, and she asked if I would give her one.  I told her no, that I don't give psychic readings.  I explained again that sometimes I am contacted by spirits, but usually it is my deceased loved ones.  This time however, her daughter had come through and I felt compelled to follow through with passing along her message.

The woman thanked me again and I told her that I was grateful to have been able to pass along the message.  I was happy that I could bring her and Emma's* other loved ones some peace of mind, even if only small.

I said goodbye and then hung up the phone.

I have thought about that experience many times since.  It has definitely made me question the belief that people that commit suicide do not get into heaven but are sent to hell to suffer for taking their own life.   I believe that perhaps we have had it all wrong.  Perhaps God is merciful and they find the peace and solace after death that they could not find in their life.  I for one certainly hope so.

*To protect the identity of this family, I have changed the name of the woman in this story.

If you or someone you know is suffering from depression and is thinking about suicide, please, please, please reconsider! 

Think about the horrific heartache it will bring to your loved ones.  They will carry that heartache with them for the rest of their lives and will blame themselves for your death.  No one deserves that burden. 

If you are depressed and feeling suicidal, please contact a crisis worker.



Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

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