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Thursday, September 5, 2013

~Breaking The Rules~

This is an odd experience that an uncle of mine had.  He relayed this experience to me shortly after it happened.  This particular incident occurred many years ago.

My uncle used to put his daughter to bed at night and lay with her while he read her a story at bedtime.  Many nights, out of sheer exhaustion he would fall asleep in her bed.

However, one night after falling asleep in her bed, he was suddenly awoken by someone nudging him and pushing on his chest as if they were trying to wake him up.

My uncle was so tired that he didn't open his eyes and began to fall back asleep.  A few seconds later he felt the nudging on his chest again.  He assumed it was his wife trying to wake him up and he thought in his head, "Okay, okay I'm getting up."  Suddenly he heard very clearly the voice of a great-uncle of ours say, "C'mon Art, let's go, you know it's against the rules, you're not supposed to talk to them."

Immediately my uncle opened his eyes only to discover that there was no one else in the room with him except for his young daughter who was fast asleep beside him.  He found the experience rather odd.  He got up and headed to his own bed where he fell fast asleep.

The following day he shared the experience with my grandma (his mom) who was living in his home at the time.  She told him that she too thought it was rather odd, but thought nothing more of it.

My uncle continued to think about the experience, and what didn't make sense to him was the fact that the voice of the great-uncle that he heard, belonged to an uncle that was still living.  Or at least so he thought.   And as for my grandpa (my uncle's dad), his name was Arthur but everyone called him Art, and he had passed previously, many years ago.

It was all of two days later that my grandma (my uncle's mom) was talking to a family relative over the phone when she was informed that the great-uncle, the one whose voice my uncle heard talking, had passed away only a few days ago.  So, that meant that the night my uncle heard his voice, he would have been deceased not alive as my uncle had believed.

Suddenly it made sense to my uncle.  He realized that he was obviously visited by his dad (my grandpa), that night.  And since our great-uncle was very close with my grandpa, and would have been deceased the night my uncle heard his voice, it made sense that he was with my grandpa.

With the urgency in which he was nudged and sort of shaken, my uncle couldn't help but wonder what it was his dad (my grandpa) may have been wanting to tell him.  He also wondered what our great-uncle meant by the comment "you know it's against the rules, you're not supposed to talk to them".

People talk about spiritual realms such as heaven being governed by Universal Laws.  Does one of these laws prohibit spirits from talking to, or communicating with loved ones?  Or was it not the communicating that is against the rules, but the information that my grandpa was trying to communicate to my uncle? Was it something my uncle wasn't supposed to know about or be told?

I guess we will never know.  All we can do is wonder about it.

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

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