And, to be completely honest, some of the things he says at times or tells me, truly creep me out.
I am well aware of just how imaginative children can be, but I am far more than certain that I can determine when my son is telling me the truth about something, or when he is simply making something up.
And as odd as some of the experiences are that he shares with me, I am more than convinced that he really is telling me the truth.
One strong indicator as to whether he is telling the truth about something, is how insistent he is about whatever it is he is telling me. He will get extremely insistent, practically to the point of getting agitated if he suspects I don't believe him.
And as I said, some of the things he tells me, creep me out. This particular incident is a perfect example of it. It creeped my husband out as well.
Just a few nights ago, our son was playing in his bedroom. I was in my bedroom which is right next to his. I was sitting on my bed reading. My son's bedroom door was open, and so was mine.
While sitting on my bed and reading, I could hear my son talking away while he was playing in his room. All of a sudden he let out a horrid scream and said, "NO, NO, GO AWAY!" He began sobbing uncontrollably and came running into my room. I've honestly never seen him run so fast.
He dove onto my bed and was sobbing really hard. I asked him what was wrong, but he was so upset, sobbing so hard that he couldn't even talk. He was scared. While crying his bottom lip was quivering. Something had truly frightened him.
I began rubbing his back and he basically jumped into my arms. I hugged him really tight and kept telling him that it was okay. My husband came into the room at that point to see why he was so upset.
It took a good five minutes or so before my son finally calmed down and was able to speak coherently.
While still crying, he told us that while he was playing in his room, a face suddenly came down through the ceiling and just sat there on the ceiling smiling at him. He said the face was really scary, it had a big, ugly red mouth.
I asked him how the face could be scary if it was smiling. He said that he didn't know, but insisted it was really scary. He also said it was really mean.
I asked him how the face could be scary if it was smiling. He said that he didn't know, but insisted it was really scary. He also said it was really mean.
He told us that he didn't know where the face came from or who it was. He reiterated that it simply came through the ceiling and just stayed up at the ceiling smiling down at him.
He then asked who it could be, and wanted to know why they would come through the ceiling like that. He also wanted to know why they would scare him.
My husband and I just looked at each other, creeped out and unsure of what to say to him.
My husband and I just looked at each other, creeped out and unsure of what to say to him.
My husband rubbed our son's back and told him that it was okay because it was gone now. My son asked him, "Are you sure?" He then told my husband to go check and make sure the person was gone.
My husband who was rather creeped out, hesitantly headed into our son's room. He came right back and reassured our son that the face was gone and it was safe for him to go in his room.
My son turned and looked at me. I encouraged him to head back to his room to play and told him everything would be fine. My son was a bit hesitant as he slowly got off of my bed. I asked him if perhaps he had seen something on t .v that may have scared him, and perhaps he only imagined the entire thing.
My son became rather angry and said, "Mommy, I'm not stupid, I see you know, and I saw a head come through my ceiling and stay there smiling at me. It was scary. It had a big red mouth and just kept smiling but it was not nice it was mean."
My husband and I just looked at each other.
My son would not go into his bedroom for the rest of the evening. At bedtime he insisted that his dad lay with him. So, while falling asleep, he cuddled in his bed with his daddy. His daddy, who he says is "big and strong" and will keep him safe. While cuddled into my hubby he fell fast asleep.
And I am very happy that he has not mentioned seeing that thing again.
Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life
My husband who was rather creeped out, hesitantly headed into our son's room. He came right back and reassured our son that the face was gone and it was safe for him to go in his room.
My son turned and looked at me. I encouraged him to head back to his room to play and told him everything would be fine. My son was a bit hesitant as he slowly got off of my bed. I asked him if perhaps he had seen something on t .v that may have scared him, and perhaps he only imagined the entire thing.
My son became rather angry and said, "Mommy, I'm not stupid, I see you know, and I saw a head come through my ceiling and stay there smiling at me. It was scary. It had a big red mouth and just kept smiling but it was not nice it was mean."
My husband and I just looked at each other.
My son would not go into his bedroom for the rest of the evening. At bedtime he insisted that his dad lay with him. So, while falling asleep, he cuddled in his bed with his daddy. His daddy, who he says is "big and strong" and will keep him safe. While cuddled into my hubby he fell fast asleep.
And I am very happy that he has not mentioned seeing that thing again.
Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life
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