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Thursday, September 5, 2013

~Identical Encounters~

It is never easy when someone we love dies.  I believe it is even more difficult if that death is unexpected and sudden.

However, even when someone who is suffering from a terminal illness is given a time frame of how much longer they may have, it is still shocking and upsetting to their loved ones when their death does eventually come.

You can be given all the time in the world to prepare yourself for a loved one's death, and yet no length of time can prepare you at all for the actual moment that they pass away.

Many years ago, my uncle's best friend, who was more like family, was experiencing some health problems.  He had been seen numerous times by his family doctor, and was seen by various specialists.  These specialists, as well as his family doctor had ordered a series of various tests, numerous tests, and yet no one could figure out what the exact problem was.

It was heartbreaking and terribly shocking to say the very least, the morning his wife found him cold and without a pulse in their bed.  She immediately called for an ambulance, and then both her and her young daughter began performing C.P.R on him until the paramedics arrived.

The paramedics were able to get a pulse, but hours later, while in hospital his heart stopped again. A code was called and various doctors and members of the healthcare team worked on him, attempting to revive him.  Their efforts however were futile, his heart would not start, and he passed away.

It was only a couple of months if that, after his death that I had a dream about him.  I dreamt that I was standing in a vast open space.  There was nothing around me except a white hazy fog.  Everywhere I looked was thick, white fog.  Slowly the foggy haze began to fade away and everything around me began to slowly come into focus.

I could see that I was standing in what appeared to be an extremely large subway station or bus station/terminal or possible an airport? There were many, many people coming and going.  It reminded me of the type of crowd one would encounter while heading to work, or home during rush hour.

Off in the distance I saw him.  He was standing on a platform at the top of some stairs.  I got the impression that he was there helping people, directing them, informing people of where to go.  He was very busy.  He looked so healthy, so vibrant.  I could see also that he looked tremendously happy.

I approached him and as soon as he saw me he immediately smiled.  I smiled too.  It was wonderful to see him looking so healthy and vibrant.  I cried.  He laughed and told me, "Now hey, c'mon, don't be doing that." I couldn't help but laugh.

I began talking with him.  He and I talked about many things.  Among the many things he and I discussed, he told me that he felt sad for everyone and was terribly sorry that his death was so sudden and unexpected, but he explained that it was simply his time to go.  He informed me that he was still very much with everyone and watching over them.

The time seemed to pass far too quickly, and before I knew it, I could sense that it was time for me to go.  I said good-bye to him and he said good-bye to me.  At that moment, everything began to go out of focus. Everything faded and again I was standing in a thick white hazy fog.  I then had the sensation of falling.  I could feel the sensation of dropping in my stomach.

Suddenly it felt like I had landed on a soft surface.  I opened my eyes and discovered that I was laying in my bed.  I just layed there in my bed, wide awake for a bit, recalling the dream.  It was so real.  Everything about the dream felt as though I had truly just been there.

A couple of weeks later I was at my uncle's home.  We began talking about his friend that had recently passed away, the friend I had the dream about.  My uncle asked me if I had experienced seeing his deceased friend yet, or if he had contacted me at all.  I told my uncle "No, but I had a dream about him." My uncle's eyes widened and he said, "Really?  So did I.  What was your dream like?"

I relayed the dream to my uncle.  My uncle just stood there listening to me.  After I told him all about the dream he said, "Wow.  That's really weird."  I asked him, "Why?  What was your dream like?" My uncle then told me, "My dream was just like yours.  I was suddenly in what appeared to be a subway station or bus station or something, and like you said, it appeared he was there helping people, directing where they had to go.  He was standing on a platform at the top of some stairs.  He looked great, really healthy.  It all seemed so real, like I was really there.  It seemed like more than just a dream."

I just stared at my uncle and said, "Wow.  That is really weird."

He and I were both quite shocked and surprised that our dreams of seeing him would be so identical.  It made us both wonder if perhaps it wasn't just a dream.  Perhaps we really did somehow manage to meet up with him on the other side.

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

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