Throughout my entire life, as far back as I can remember, I have had experiences that one could label "paranormal". Through my experiences, I have come to the realization that there is far more to this world and this universe of ours than we can possibly even begin to imagine. I very much believe without a doubt, that when our physical body dies, the part of us that makes us who we are; our energy, our essence lives on.
If you would like to reach out to me or wish to share a personal experience, I would love to hear from you!
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Thursday, September 5, 2013
~Space Family~
It's odd how despite all of our current technologies and the tremendous strides humanity has taken in terms of our knowledge, you would think that someone would have figured out all of the complexities involving the human brain.
Yet, scientists still do not fully understand, nor do they really know what the reason or need for sleep is. It has only been theorized by scientists as to why we need sleep. Yet one question remains. If sleep truly is a requirement needed for the human body in order to "rest", why does the brain not rest? Why do our brains allow us to dream? Why do we dream? What is the purpose of dreams?
You can search anywhere, and you will find much literature written about astral-travel. Apparently, when our bodies are asleep and at rest, we have the ability to travel outside of our human body. Our spirit, our energy which is temporarily housed in our physical body, has the ability to leave our physical bodies and return again after travelling astrally.
It is also believed that we have the ability when in a dream-state to not only travel to other realms and dimensions, but we can interact with beings in these other realms and dimensions.
I strongly believe without a doubt, that we are not the only thing in existence in this tremendously vast universe of ours. I am quite certain that other forms of life exist that we are not even aware of. Do these other life forms resemble the likeness that comes to mind when someone thinks of an "alien"? Are there other beings in existence that closely resemble us humans?
My reason for this post is not to discuss or debate whether or not any of this is true. This information is simply what it is, and you can take it or leave it. However, speaking from my own personal experiences, I believe that we can and do interact with spirits, other beings, when in a dream-state. I also believe that astral-travel is possible.
As I have stated in many of my posts here on this blog, I have had many experiences of interacting with spirits while in a dream-state. Due to my experiences, I can't help but wonder, if in fact these experiences I have had really were only a "dream", then how can I explain the accuracy of the information given to me during these encounters? If I am only "dreaming", how then, am I able to gain knowledge of things I had no way of knowing? Why is it that these encounters I have experienced are far more vivid and real than my usual dreams which are simply just that; dreams.
I have no answers to any of my questions. Yet, these dreams I have that are so vivid and seem far too real to simply be chalked up to "just a dream", continue to occur. And this is another one of my experiences.
During the time this experience occurred, I was in a very abusive marriage. The continual arguing and day after day of insults and emotional abuse from my husband was truly taking a toll on me. I was reaching my breaking point and felt like an animal that had been backed into a corner. Yet, instead of fighting back, I was huddled and cowering in that corner.
I was deeply hurting and felt all alone. I felt as though my spirit had truly been broken. I most definitely could not even begin to believe that the darkness would lift. When you are in such a dark, dark place, it is impossible to think positively. There was no cloud with a silver lining, only complete and utter darkness everywhere I looked.
One night while laying in bed and feeling overwhelmed yet again, I began crying. Emotionally I was spent. I just cried and cried.
I remember turning my bed side light on and getting up off of my bed and taking my rosary out that I kept in one of my dresser drawers. It is a rosary that had been passed on to me. It had belonged to my great-grandma on my dad's side.
I held the rosary in my hand and just stared at it through my tears. Apparently my great-grandma would pray with that rosary every single day. All of the beads are slightly worn from her holding it and rubbing the beads while praying. Both the medal in the centre of the rosary as well as the crucifix are all worn down as well.
I just sat there wondering about any and all of the trials and tribulations she had to face and endure throughout her life. I wondered if she had ever felt so sad, hurt and alone that she felt as though she was just about ready to give up. Which was more or less how I was feeling.
I turned off my bedside light and layed down in my bed while still holding onto that rosary. Feeling completely exhausted both emotionally and physically I began to fall asleep.
As I layed there with my eyes closed, images were beginning to come into focus, yet everything was hazy. Slowly my eyes began to focus. I was standing next to a house, on what I believed was a driveway. I did not recognize anything. It was a house that I had never seen before.
Just in front of me stood three people or "beings". I did not recognize them, nor did I think I had ever seen them before. Yet, as soon as I saw them I was extremely happy to see them. There was a strong familiarity about them. I knew them from somewhere, yet in my mind I couldn't remember where.
There were two men and one woman. All three of them were wearing red robes with cords of rope tied around their waist. There was some type of crest on the left side of the chest of the robes that they were wearing.
All three of them were very happy to see me. The love that radiated from them was so intense that it was truly phenomenal. I was in complete and utter awe over it. I felt so incredibly humbled by it. I immediately sensed and knew that their love for me was completely unconditional.
I knew immediately that despite my faults and all of the things I believed I had done wrong in my life, all of my screw ups, none of that mattered to them. They completely, and truly, unconditionally, loved me. They loved me with all of my faults, at a depth I have never felt before, yet recognized immediately. It was so familiar, it was like truly being home. I was so overcome by the intensity of the love that they felt for me that I began to cry.
All three of them smiled at me. I could not only feel it, but could clearly see the warmth and the love they felt for me in their faces, especially in their eyes. They all said hello to me and began talking to me. They began telling me that I am not alone, that I have never been alone, not for even one moment of my life.
They told me that they have always been with me and always will be. They told me that I will never ever be alone. They informed me that they were aware of my current struggles and told me that they had been with me every step of the way, that they had never left my side, not even for a second.
I can not explain it, but I somehow immediately knew that I have known them for many, many years. Somehow I knew that they have been with me throughout many of my incarnations here on earth, and have been with me in the afterlife (heaven). I don't know how, but I knew without a doubt that they have been with me throughout all of my struggles, helping me and guiding me. Yet why had I not known this? Why had I forgotten about them?
Standing there with them I felt such a strong sense of familiarity that it really felt like I was home. I felt so incredibly comforted, and could not believe the love I felt from them. Nor could I believe all of the things coming into my mind that I was suddenly aware of and had known all along yet had somehow forgotten.
I felt a tremendous sense of gratitude and love towards these beings. The kindness and compassion that they radiated was so strong. It was all so surreal yet so incredibly familiar. I began to realize, almost like I was remembering, that I had been missing them, missing them terribly. It was odd to feel that, yet it made sense.
During my entire life, as far back as I can remember, I have always felt a deep yearning of missing someone. I could never understand it or explain it. Yet I suddenly realized while standing in front of these beings that the sense of longing and missing someone that I had felt, was all due to memories that I had forgotten.
As soon as those thoughts entered my mind, I was told that I was correct. They informed me that my feelings were due to forgotten memories of my home. Not my earthly home, but my home on the other side, which includes these beings, as well as many other dearly loved souls.
All of a sudden I was hit with an intense flood of memories. It was like a tidal wave of memories washed over me. The memories were so vivid, how could I have possibly forgotten any of it? I was told that in order to prevent my spiritual growth from being inhibited in this lifetime, it was imperative and only just that I not have those memories during this incarnation on earth. While I can not explain it, it all made perfect sense to me. Everything they were saying resonated within me, deep within my soul.
I must note that the flood of memories I had, as strong as they were at the time, could not be recalled once I "awoke" from this "dream". No matter how hard I tried to recall them, I couldn't.
I remember being told that there are meant to be trials and tribulations during my life, but I should never believe for even a brief moment that I am alone at any time during those difficult times. Those three beings stressed the importance of me knowing that they are always with me, and I am always, always loved.
Again I felt an intense flood of emotion from these beings. It was such an immense feeling of being loved, and I can not even begin to find the proper words to describe it. Again I was so humbled by it and overcome by the intensity of it that I began to cry again. With tears in their eyes, I was told to stay strong.
It was difficult not to weep while in the presence of these beings. The sincerity and kindness, the compassion that emanated from them was incredible.
I suddenly had a sense that it was now time for me to go. I did not want to leave. I wanted to stay with them. I was reminded however, that I still had much to learn and a lot of living to do yet.
The three beings told me again how much they loved me and told me that they would always be with me. Again they told me that they had been with me throughout my entire life. Then, almost like a movie screen in front of me, I saw many moments throughout my life flash by. They were showing me various moments in my life, and that they had been with me during each and every one.
I saw moments from when I was a baby and very ill. I saw the time in which I was hit by a car. I saw the moment I fell into a family member's back yard pool. I saw many, many other moments too. I saw many moments where I was not ill, nor had I been hurt physically but I was upset and hurting emotionally. Every moment from my birth to right up to the present day flashed before me. And they had always been there.
Afterward, I was astounded. I could not believe how loved I was, faults and all. And these people, these beings had always been with me. I cried, ashamed for all the times that I felt small and so insignificant. These beings made me see and realize that I was very important and I played a significant part in this vast universe. We all do.
Everything began to slowly become blurry. As it did, I heard them speaking, telling me that I am loved. Again, everything appeared hazy and a bit out of focus. As things began to come into focus I realized that what I was looking at was my dresser. I then realized that I was in my bedroom again, laying in my bed. Still overwhelmed at the intense love I had felt from these beings, I began crying again.
As incredibly loved as I was by my family, I had never in my entire life, felt such an immense love like I had from these three beings. It was so strong and so completely pure and unconditional. I had truly never felt anything like it, ever.
I layed in my bed crying, not because I was sad, but because I was so humbled at the thought of these beings, loving me so much, so intently. Despite my faults, they saw me as perfect.
I wrote about this dream in a dream journal that I was keeping at the time. I also drew a picture of these three beings. I tucked the experience into the back of my mind, never forgetting it.
It was a few years later that I came across a web-site and read someone's personal account of meeting two beings in a dream. He described them as looking human and said that they were wearing red robes, tied with rope around their waist. He also described in great detail the crest that was on the chest of the robes they were wearing.
I could not believe what I was reading! This guy's experience was exactly like mine! The only difference was the hair colour and hair styles of these beings. It was apparent from his writings that these beings are like us in that they look different from one another just as we humans do.
He mentioned the immense love that emanated from the two beings he saw, and how it was so strong and intense that he was overwhelmed by it all. He said that the beings had told him how loved he is and told him that they had been with him throughout his entire life.
During his encounter however, he was able to recall the fact that these beings are actually another life form that live within other dimensions and on various planets. They are what we would call "aliens".
I couldn't believe what I was reading!
According to that person, these beings are basically our space family. He referred to them as our space brothers and sisters.
Upon further investigation I have discovered that many other people from all over the world have had similar experiences involving these beings, just like the ones he and I encountered.
I have learned about many interesting web-sites regarding this topic, and have come across some very interesting literature. I have also read many more stories, personal accounts of other people that have also had encounters with these beings. I must admit that it was with great interest that I read other people's experiences.
It has been a very long, extremely interesting road up until this point in my life. I have learned a lot. My mind and my thinking goes way outside and beyond the box. My eyes and my mind have been opened to many things. My thinking has changed drastically. And while I am continually learning as I go along, I am finding that as I connect the dots, it all makes sense. I am seeing the bigger picture.
I am convinced that this "space family" of ours truly exists, and that they are watching over each and every one of their loved ones. They are in touch with people to let them know that we are not alone. Which I am certain is very important, especially during these very worrisome and turbulent times that we are currently living in.
We are all part of a higher Conciousness, and it is through that higher Conciousness that we are all connected. And it is not just human beings that are a part of this wonderous, vast universe, but there are other life forms, other beings that are also a part of this higher Conciousness, and we are all a part of the same Creator.
"The only thing that scares me more than space aliens is the idea that there aren't any space aliens. We can't be the best that creation has to offer. I pray we're not all there is. If so, we're in big trouble."
~Ellen DeGeneres~
Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life
alien beings,
space family,
visits in dreams
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