As far back as I can remember, I have always felt an extremely strong affinity for the homes, the furnishings and the clothing from the 1700s to the late 1800s. I don't know what it is, but I simply love everything from that time.
I can't explain it, but for some reason I am drawn to that period in time. For me, my dream home would be living in an old historic home, complete with old antique furnishings. It is evident in how I furnish and decorate my home that I love the look of old country primitive things and antiques.
I remember as a child, when I was only 7 or 8 years of age and I went with my class from school on a field trip to a local historical site within my city. It was my very first time visiting there, and as soon as I stepped into one of the old historic homes, I can not explain it and it was odd, but I felt as though I was truly home.
Along with the familiarity was an indescribable comfort. I felt more at home in those old historic homes with all of the old antique and historical furnishings, than I did in the actual home I lived in. Weird I know, but it was truly how I felt.
As I got older and eventually learned all about reincarnation, I couldn't help but wonder if that was why I had always felt so drawn to that time period.
Had I lived a previous life during that time? Was my previous life prior to this one during that time? Was it an extremely happy life and that is why I am still so drawn to that time period?
While I can not remember or recall any memories or experiences from any previous lives, I can only wonder. However, I am also left wondering if an experience I had was in fact my mind recalling a memory of a past life. It was a few years ago that this occurred.
While laying in my bed trying to fall asleep, and staring at the ceiling, I noticed that my vision was becoming blurry. I could no longer focus on any particular spot on the ceiling. I continued to allow myself to relax.
As I continued to relax while keeping my eyes open, I noticed some odd blurry shapes around me, hovering over me. My eyes slowly began to focus. As things in my line of vision began to focus, I noticed that I was still laying in a bed but I was in a completely different bed and bedroom. My vision was still a bit blurry, but I could see that there were people standing around my bed.
I looked to the foot of the bed I was laying in and saw a white, antique looking, wrought iron footboard. I have always loved the look of the old wrought iron headboards and footboards, and as soon as I saw the one at the foot of my bed I realized that it looked familair, that I had seen it before but couldn't remember where.
While still looking towards the foot of my bed I noticed a small table against the wall. On the table sat a bowl with a pitcher inside of it. I noticed that there was a pretty floral pattern on the bowl and the pitcher, and I remember thinking, 'Hey I remember that!' But where had I seen it? Somehow I knew that it was a washstand and it was there that I would wash my face and hands at bed time.
I looked above the table, to the wall. The wall was covered in floral wallpaper. I thought it was very pretty and for some reason it looked familiar to me. The room was so very familiar to me yet I couldn't remember where or when I had been in that room.
I felt like my sub-conscious was recalling something that my conscious mind was not aware of. Where the familiarity and memories were coming from I had no idea.
I then noticed that the room I was laying in wasn't very bright, there was only a slight glow in the room. It was then that I noticed on the wall, just to the right of where I had been looking at the wallpaper on the wall, was a candle. The candle was sitting in a wooden candle holder that was hung on the wall, and the candle was lit. The candle was the source of the soft glowing light in the room.
I couldn't shake the feeling that I had been in this room before, it was so oddly familiar but I could not recall when I had been there. Was it someone's house I had once visited? I continued to relax and let go of all of the chattering and thinking that was going on in my mind.
All of a sudden it was like someone flicked a switch, and I could remember. The room I was laying in was my own! I glanced to the people hovering around my bed. It was as if from some place deep within my sub-conscious I recognized all of the people's faces, yet in my conscious mind I had no clue who any of them were.
Again I let go of the thoughts in my mind. Somewhere from the sub-conscious part of my mind, memories that had been long forgotten were beginning to surface. I knew that these people standing around my bed were my adult children and some of their spouses.
And I must point out, that while I do have children in this current lifetime, none of them are adults yet and therefore none of them are married.
There were four people standing to the left of my bed, and four people standing to my right. There was also a small child sitting on the bed towards the foot of the bed on my right side. I immediately recognized the child, and knew that she was my grandchild. Obviously a weird thought since I do not have any granchildren in this lifetime, at least not yet anyway.
Everyone was crying softly. There was someone on the left side of my bed holding my hand, and there was someone on the right side of my bed holding my hand.
Somewhere from deep within my sub-conscious I sensed that I knew that this moment was the recall of a memory. It was something that I had experienced but for some reason had forgotten all about it.
I could not control this "dream" or whatever it was, I could only allow it to play out. I was somehow recalling the feelings that I had experienced during this moment. I stopped trying to control the moment and simply let it unfold. I allowed myself to remember it.
I was suddenly aware of feeling extreme gratitude, grateful to have had all of these people in my life that were currently standing around my bed. I felt that I had been blessed with a wonderful life and was sad to be leaving them behind, but I knew that they would all be fine. It was my time to leave and carry on. I knew that I was dying and it was my time to go, and I was quite content about it.
I tried to speak but was too weak and exhausted. Just then someone that was standing to the right of me said, "Shh, you don't have to speak, just try and rest." It was a female voice, and I knew it was one of my daughters from that lifetime. I also knew that she was now my youngest daughter in my current lifetime.
I wanted so badly to speak. I wanted so much to tell all of them how much I loved them. I wanted to tell them not to cry. I wanted to tell them that everything was okay and was going to be just fine. I wanted them to know that they had no reason to cry for me, that I was going to be just fine, for I was going home to God. I wanted to take the hurt from them. I did not want them burdened with any grief. I also wanted them to know that we would all be together again one day. Somehow though, I knew that they all knew just how much I loved them, for I had continually showed them love and was forever telling them how much I loved them.
While recalling this memory, the conscious part of my mind felt terribly sad that I had forgotten about these people that were so important to me. And I wondered, other than my youngest daughter, if any of them were a part of my current life.
Just then I was aware of a bright light to the right of me. I could see that no one in the room saw that light except me. I turned my head towards the light and it was beautiful. I was at peace and felt more than ready to leave my earthly life.
The light began pulling me towards it. I could see my energy being pulled from my body towards the light. It did not hurt but I was scared. And no matter how hard I tried to fight it, the light continued to pull at my energy. The sub-conscious part of my mind allowed myself to relax and to succumb to going into the light.
Suddenly in my conscious mind I panicked, I realized that I could not go into that light. I was simply remembering a long forgotten memory and was not supposed to go into that light. How I knew that I have no idea. The conscious part of my mind screamed at me to open my eyes, but my eyes felt weak and heavy. Suddenly I felt like I was thrown down into my bed. I opened my eyes and sat up. I was sitting in my own bed, in my bedroom, the bed and bedroom from this current life.
I layed back down on my pillow and was in complete and utter awe over what I had just experienced. What the hell was that all about? Had I really just remembered my moment of death from a previous life? The experience felt like an actual memory, something that I had experienced but had completely forgotten about and had only just remembered for some reason.
It was so surreal. I tucked this experience into my memory, where it sits filed away amongst my many other odd experiences.
Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life
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