A short time after I had a premonition about someone in my family being in an accident, I had a second premonition. Just like the previous premonition it came on suddenly.
I had been asleep one night and awoke from a dream. The dream was rather frightening, and while laying in bed thinking about it, I was suddenly overcome with a strong sense of foreboding.
I suddenly sensed a heaviness in the air. When people talk of feeling the presence of death, or knowing when death is near, that is the only way I can describe how I felt. To me, it honestly felt like death was in the air, I could sense it and feel it. It was a very uncomfortable feeling and one I never wish to experience again, ever.
While I can not explain where these thoughts of knowing were coming from, I knew that someone in my family was going to become very ill. This person, whoever it was, was going to be diagnosed with a deadly illness, but it would not be the illness that would kill them. They were going to require surgery and the illness would then no longer be an issue, yet death would somehow still come.
I immediately suspected that it would be cancer this person would be diagnosed with. I was mortified. I was so upset by the feeling that overcame me that I began to cry. I was worried that it could be one of my parents. I was very panicked. My parents are very important to me, and a big important part of my life. What would I possibly do if I lost one of them? I didn't even want to think about it.
While sitting up in bed pondering it all, I continued crying. My husband woke up. He asked me what was wrong. I told him about my horrible premonition. He didn't say anything. He too worried, wondering who it would be.
The next morning I told my parents about this premonition. I began to cry while telling them about it. I was really worried and was hoping it was not a premonition about either of them. I begged them both to please book an appointment with their family doctor to arrange and have their annual physical done. I wanted to be sure they were both okay.
My mom and dad both reassured me that they would both book an appointment and arrange to see the doctor. Within a week they had both seen the doctor and had both been given a completely clean bill of health. My brother visited the doctor also, and he too was completely healthy.
So, the only thing left to wonder was, who in my family was this premonition about? I could not sense at all who the person was. It upset me and frustrated me greatly. All I could do was wait and see. Deep down I hoped I was completely wrong, but my gut feeling insisted that I wasn't. Yet still, I tried to kid myself that perhaps I had it all wrong.
Within months of first having the premonition, we were informed that my uncle who was married to my dad's sister, had been diagnosed with throat cancer. He was scheduled for surgery to have the cancer removed. There was a risk that he may lose the ability to speak. The surgery was risky but the doctor was positive that they could get all of it removed. We all crossed our fingers and prayed that everything would be okay and that the surgery would go well.
Within weeks my uncle had the surgery. As it turned out, the surgery went very well and the doctor happily informed my aunt and uncle that they had managed to remove all of the cancer. Everyone in our family was so relieved.
A day or so after his surgery, my mom and dad went to visit him in the hospital. My parents said my uncle looked great and was doing really well. He felt fine and was eager to get home. He was not able to talk, but was able to write down what he wanted to say on a pad of paper that was kept at his bedside.
I was relieved to hear that he was doing so well and was in such great spirits. Yet part of me had the feeling like I was just waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Then it came. A day or two after my parents had visited my uncle in the hospital we received a phone call from my dad's other sister that my uncle had passed away. He suffered from a massive heart attack. Everyone was at a complete loss for words.
I felt horrible. My poor aunt. I thought about my cousin's as well and could not even begin to imagine how hard it must have been for all of them.
I felt angry too. I couldn't understand the point in receiving such a terrible worrisome premonition when there wasn't anything I could do about it. I could not warn anyone of anything because I had no clue who it would be. I also could not have done anything to stop it from happening either.
I have since come to realize that these "premonitions" or whatever one wishes to label them, can not be controlled. The information or "knowing" comes to me, and all I can do is accept it. There's no point in questioning it, and there's no point in wasting my time trying to understand it or figure things out. The information is what it is.
Why do the premonitions come? I honestly have no idea. Why do I only get part of the picture and not everything, such as who the premonition is about? I have no answers to that question either.
I can see why people have said that being "psychic" and having the ability to foresee future events or happenings is not a gift. It is more of a stressful worrisome burden. It definitely isn't so great on ones nerves.
Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life
Throughout my entire life, as far back as I can remember, I have had experiences that one could label "paranormal". Through my experiences, I have come to the realization that there is far more to this world and this universe of ours than we can possibly even begin to imagine. I very much believe without a doubt, that when our physical body dies, the part of us that makes us who we are; our energy, our essence lives on.
If you would like to reach out to me or wish to share a personal experience, I would love to hear from you!
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Sunday, July 7, 2013
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Three days ago I dreamt my father, who lives in Florida (I'm in RI) had a heart attack while we were in the car. He was unresponsive and I called 911. He then seemed to recover and wanted to leave. I couldn't convince him to wait for the ambulance-he insisted he was fine. Tonight my father called. He said he went for a physical yesterday and the doctor told him he'd had a silent heart attack. Weird.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your experience. That is rather odd.