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Friday, July 26, 2013

~An Out Of Body Experience~

"An out-of-body experience (OBE or sometimes OOBE), is an experience that typically involves a sensation of floating outside one's body, and in some cases, perceiving one's physical body from a place outside one's body."


One winter, just before Christmas, I had become very ill with a high fever and severe chills. I saw my doctor and discovered that I had pneumonia.

I was so ill and the pneumonia was making me feel very, very weak. My doctor told me at the time of my diagnosis that my chest sounded terrible. In fact her exact words were that my chest sounded "like shit".

Lord knows I felt horrible. My voice was very hoarse and wheezy whenever I spoke. My cough sounded terrible. You could hear my chest rattling with God-awful wheezing every time I coughed. In fact, while I was just sitting still and breathing you could hear the wheezing in my chest. It was really loud and very crackly.

My doctor had me on very strong antibiotics and inhalers. I was improving some, but was still for the most part very weak. The smallest of exertion left me winded and wheezing horribly. It also left me exhausted. Just the simple act of having a shower left me completely exhausted.

One evening, just before dinner, I had decided to lay down and rest. While laying in my bed, my chest felt really heavy. The wheezing was still occurring and I began to wonder if I was going to ever get better since I felt so terrible. The pneumonia was truly kicking the shit out of me. I had been ill many other times throughout my life, but had never been so weak as I was at that time.

I began thinking about the many experiences I had throughout my life of encounters with deceased loved ones. I began wondering what I would do if perhaps all of those had simply been my imagination? 

I began to panic wondering what I would do if perhaps I had been wrong? What if I died? Maybe there really wasn't life after death? What if I truly had imagined everything? Maybe it had just all been wishful thinking on my part!?

As that last thought entered my head I noticed that a bright light was suddenly shining in my room. I assumed that someone had simply come into my bedroom and turned on a light. I opened my eyes and saw that to the left of me and above me was a unbelievably bright light. It was like sunshine except that I could look directly at it and my eyes didn't hurt or water.

I had never seen a light so bright in my entire life. It was so intense. It had rays of light streaming out from it everywhere. It was really beautiful.

All of a sudden, I found myself in the upper right corner of my bedroom. I was looking down into the room. The wall to the left of me and behind me seemed to have simply disappeared. The bright light however, was still shining very brightly and was still where it was when I first saw it. The wall behind the bright light had disappeared also.

I then noticed that my body was still laying on my bed. I was confused and wondered what was happening. I looked down at myself and saw that I had no body. I was just a black blurry mass. I then noticed that I felt so light and no longer had that bogged down feeling that being in a body gives you. I felt great! I felt weightless, just as you do when you're floating in water.

I felt fantastic. I didn't feel ill or weak. I felt tremendous. As I looked down at my physical body I thought, "God I'm huge." I was heavier then and could not get over how fat I thought my physical body looked. I then noticed a black cord or rope of some type attached to me and it was attached to my physical body that was still laying in my bed.

Just then, the door to the bedroom opened. It was my husband. He looked at my body laying on the bed and said something. I could not hear him clearly, my ears felt like they were stuffed with cotton or something. I suddenly realized that he could not see me up in the corner of the room. I immediately panicked. 

As soon as I panicked, it felt like I was thrown back into my body. I felt myself slam onto the bed like I had been dropped onto it. I immediately felt the heaviness in my chest again and the difficulty in breathing. I could not believe how great I had felt when I was up in the corner of the room until I was back in my body, laying on my bed again. I felt so heavy and weak. 

I immediately opened my eyes and saw that the bright light was gone and the room was dark again.  I immediately wondered what the hell had just happened?

I got out of bed and headed down stairs. My mom was sitting in the kitchen and I immediately told her about the experience I just had. I then asked her if my husband had really gone up to the bedroom or had I simply dreamt the entire thing?

Apparently my husband did go up to the bedroom. He went upstairs to tell me that dinner was ready.  When I didn't answer him, he assumed I had fallen asleep and so he left the room so I could keep sleeping and get some rest.

I couldn't help but wonder, had I just had an out of body experience? 

Once I began feeling better and had more energy a few weeks later, I began looking up out-of-body experiences on the Internet. I read many other people's accounts and experiences. In fact, I read whatever I could find about the topic. I discovered that many other people from all walks of life, from all over the world have had very similar experiences. 

Did I truly have an out-of--body experience?  Or did I simply dream the entire thing? The many people that have had a similar experience, did they simply dream it as well?

I do not know for certain what exactly I experienced that evening, but I do know that I have never had the same experience again, or anything even similar.

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life


  1. I felt so light and no longer had that bogged down feeling that being in a body gives you. I felt great!

    I had a similar feeling once. It was Great! I had been sleeping but all of a sudden I was aware. I was lying in bed with my eyes closed, but I felt like I was not in my "brain". It wasn't exactly like an OBE but I felt light and free from the dragged down feeling you get from all the worries of life. I felt like my mind was freed from my brain. My sense was that this is what it is like in the afterlife when you are no longer tied down by a physical body. I tried to remember that feeling because I wanted to keep that attitude after I got up. But, it slowly faded during the morning.

    Did I truly have an out-of--body experience?

    I think you probably did. Research indicates that there is a contiuum of similar experiences from dreams of OBEs to geunine experiences of the spirit leaving the body. But if you had that feeling of not being bogged down, and you were able to verify that your husband had really come into your room that would suggest it was a real experience.

    My opinion is that spontaneous OBEs like yours are more likely to be genuine, while those induced by many of the techniques published in books are more like to be just dreams. Some of the research on OBE is discussed here:


    1. Thank you so much for commenting. And thank you so much for sharing the link, I will definitely check it out!

  2. First off, thanks to anonymous for mentioning this site in the Skeptiko forums. Darlene, are you the author of this blog? If so, you have wonderful stories here!

    I once had an OBE during a period of profound body fatigue - but that was due to some things I was doing as a college frat guy, so I won't get into that here.

    However, I'm a bit more grown up now and just two years ago came down with a terrible bout of the flu. I was completely wiped out by it. During one 24 hour span, I slept for all but 10 minutes when I woke up to use the bathroom. During that period, I had the closest thing to a lucid dream I ever had in my life. In the dream I was walking around a very nice college campus-like setting, except there was a large red barn situated in the middle of it. There was another person near me, standing on the lawn. I suddenly floated into the air and was seen by this individual. They were amazed by me flying and started laughing with happiness for me. I realized that I was able to elevate even higher by focusing on my heart area and intentionally radiating out love. This caused me to fly over the large barn and be seen by numerous people on the ground who also applauded. I was exhilarated. It had to be one of the very best dreams I ever had in my life.

    When I woke up, it was obvious that my flu was over. Within another 24 hours I was completely back to normal.

    1. Thanks so much Philemon! I very much appreciate feed-back. And yes, I am the author of this blog.

      My daughters have been saying for a few years now that with all of the experiences I have had in my life, I should write a book. Lol. My youngest daughter was the one that suggested I start a blog or a web-site so that I can share my experiences with others. So, I decided to start this blog.

      I'm actually quite surprised at how many visitors I've had to this site. But I'm glad that so many people have enjoyed reading my stories and experiences.

      Thanks for sharing your experience. I can add it in with other readers experiences here on my blog if you like.
