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Sunday, September 8, 2013

~Spaceships And Symbols~

I have had this very odd "dream" or "encounter" a handful of times now. 

When this dream occurs, it is much different than my usual dreams. 

This dream appears very real, as if I am not simply dreaming it, but that I am actually experiencing it. 

Whenever I awake from these "dreams" or "encounters", my senses feel as though I truly did just experience it.  My vocabulary fails to find the appropriate words to accurately describe it, but that is truly the best way I can. 

Normally, just prior to the encounters with the man from these dreams, I find myself in a vast array of nothingness.  I am in complete and utter darkness.  Slowly the dark becomes much more brighter.  It is as though someone has pulled back some heavy drapes and allowed sunlight in.  Everything becomes very bright but hazy.  Slowly, things come into focus. 

Next, I find myself outside somewhere, amongst trees and open fields.  Some type of a spaceship or u.f.o suddenly appears.  I am not frightened at all.  The spaceship/u.f.o is not very big and it lands only within feet from me. 

A very tall, strongly built, broad shouldered man emerges from the craft.  He has dark hair and always wears a very high collared robe, or what appears to be a robe.  On his chest is a crest of some sort.  For some reason however, I can never remember his face.  He looks human, but I can never recall his facial features when I awake from these dreams/encounters.

The very first time I dreamt of him, I did not recognize him yet he was very familiar to me.  For some reason, I was very aware of the fact that he is highly respected, and I felt much admiration and respect for him.  I did not fear him at all.  I was also very aware that he is extremely knowledgeable and is some sort of a teacher.  He is very wise and very, very kind.

As he approaches me, I am happy to see him, and am overcome with immense peacefulness and love.  Whoever this "man" or "being" is, he radiates nothing but warmth, kindness and never-ending, unconditional love.  He also emanates compassion and understanding.

He and I always discuss things of a spiritual nature.  The first time I dreamt about him, or had my encounter with him, we not only discussed my faith and spirituality, but he asked me about my children too.  He asked if I was doing anything to help nurture and encourage their spirituality.  When I told him that yes, I had been, he was more than quite pleased to hear it.

During my first encounter with him, he sat down with me and discussed matters pertaining to energy and healing.  He then proceeded to show me a book that contained various symbols. 

My conscious mind was aware of the fact that I had never seen these symbols before, yet in another part of my mind I did recognize the symbols, and I knew exactly what they meant. 

The man in the dream shows these symbols to me often while teaching me about many things.  It all makes perfect sense to me at the time, but when I wake up, I have no clue what the symbols mean.  I also can not recall what it was he and I were discussing, yet the discussions are very long and very detailed.  Most times when I awake from these dreams/encounters, I am exhausted.

During these encounters with this man, he informs me of things that will come to pass.  At times he speaks of the things, at other times I am shown, like a movie playing out in front of me of what is to occur and/or come to pass.

During these encounters with him, I am well aware of the fact that I am not alone, that there are many others who are being taught by his "people".  As well, many of the others are having things revealed to them too. 

The encounter usually ends with him telling me how loved I am. He then steps back into the u.f.o or craft, or whatever it is he came in, and I find my self very sad that he must go.  I do not cry, but I am saddened because I will miss him.  I will miss him because I enjoy the talks he and I have, and I care greatly for him.

Everything tends to fade into a blur again at that point and I find myself laying in my bed wide awake. 

I have not dreamt of him or had encounters with him for many months now, possibly a year or more.

These symbols are very similar to the ones that get shown to me

While I have come across literature and stories of personal accounts from people that describe experiences similar to mine, I am still not completely sure of what to make of these dreams or encounters.

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life


  1. Please contact me at lenkagaminexd@gmail.com i typed out my whole dream and then it wouldn't let me post the comment and it was really flipping long and i really dont want to type it out all over again right now but please contact me soon

    1. I received your message, and have sent you an e-mail.
