my oldest daughter was almost 3, she would talk about a man that she said would
come and sit on her bed and talk with her. She also said he'd play with her,
and that he was "really, really nice".
It all started one afternoon while she was playing in her room.
room was a bit of a distance down a very long hallway from our living room, so
I would keep the baby monitor on so I could listen for her.
I was sitting on our couch, feeding my younger daughter who was not quite one year
of age at the time.
could hear my older daughter singing and playing while in her bedroom. All of a
sudden, I heard her say, "Hi." Then her baby monitor went completely
static. Then I heard my daughter say her name, then again, static from the
I then heard what sounded like my daughter having a conversation with someone. Yet
whenever the break came in the conversation when the other person would be
responding, I only heard static through the baby monitor. Then the baby monitor
would return to normal, and I'd hear my daughter talking.
It was scaring me. I wrapped my youngest daughter up and placed her in her
little infant seat. I got up and quietly headed down the hall to my daughter's
I slowly turned the corner and entered her room. I seriously half expected to
see someone in the room with her. She immediately looked up and said,
"Mommy. Why'd you do that for? He was gonna’ play with me."
I looked around her room and of course she was the only one I saw in there. So I
said, "Who was going to play with you?" She said, "The
man." I said, "What man?" She shrugged her shoulders and said,
"The nice man."
I looked around her room, even checked the closets. Then she told me that I
didn't need to look for him because he left. She told me that I scared him
Assuming she was just playing and using her imagination I said, "Oh, well, tell your friend I'm sorry." And I turned and left
the room.
As I arrived in the living room, I picked up my infant daughter who was now
asleep. I sat down in the rocking chair with her and again I heard my
daughter's baby monitor go static.
Again, I heard her carrying on a conversation that sounded too much like a real
conversation to simply be a child pretending.
Again, I heard static, then my daughter asked, "Where is that?" Static
again. My daughter; "Is it far?" Static. My daughter; "You
miss them?" Static. My daughter; "Okay, if you want to." Static.
Again, I got up and headed to my daughter’s room. As I walked into her room,
she looked up at me and said, "Mommy, why you keep making my friend
I placed my youngest daughter into her crib. I sat down on my daughter’s bed
and said, "Who is this friend? Can you tell mommy what he looks
My daughter told me that I couldn't see him. She said that only she could see
him. She then said that he told her that he was gonna’ be born and wanted to
know if he could play with her while he waited.
It was really frightening me. I then told my daughter that I didn't think it
was such a good idea that she play with him. I was fearing some malevolent entity. She looked at me and said,
"Why mommy? He's really nice. He looks just like papa." She was
referring to my dad, he's the one she called papa. I then wondered if she was being visited by some long deceased family member that resembled my father.
I didn't know what to make of it, so I told my daughter, "Well, as long as
he's nice." She said, "He is mommy, he’s really nice."
Hearing her talk to this "friend" and have conversations with him went
on for a few more weeks. The talking through the monitor with alternate bouts
of static continued as well.
Whenever I asked my daughter about him, she'd just say that he was really nice.
Apparently, he'd play with her Barbies with her, even combing their hair. He
also played with her other toys with her as well. She said she liked having him
at our house, and she really liked playing with him.
One night she came running out of the bedroom looking for him. She insisted
that he had popped his head around the corner and was playing hide and seek
with her. At first, she thought it was her dad. Then she realized it was her
"friend" and she went looking for him. It really scared me, I thought
perhaps someone had broken into our home and that was what she saw.
She insisted it was her "friend" playing hide and seek. She looked
every where for him; under her bed, under her sister's crib. She looked behind
the shower curtain in the bathtub. She checked every closet and could not find
him. She was laughing, amused by the entire thing. I was not so amused. I called
my parents, totally creeped out and since my husband was working late that
night, I took my daughters with me, and we went and spent the night at their
A few weeks after first seeing him, my daughter told me one day that her friend had told her
that he wouldn't be around much longer because he was going to have to leave.
He told her that he was going to miss her very much. She said that
she had told him that she would miss him too. She told me that she was going
to be sad and miss him very much. As she was telling me, tears were welling up
in her eyes.
It was a short time after her informing me that he would be leaving soon, when
at the urging of a friend of mine, I had a psychic reading done. And I have to
say, I'm not a big fan of psychics or handing my money over to them, but this
guy that I had the psychic reading with truly floored me.
He started the reading off by giving me some very specific information that he
honestly could not have simply guessed about. Then he paused and said,
"Can I tell you something without you totally freaking out?" I simply
laughed and said, "It would take a lot to freak me out." He laughed
and said, "Okay good, cuz you have a spirit in your home, and he's drawn
to your daughter." My mouth dropped open. I couldn't believe he said that.
He said, "He's a family member of yours. He died many years ago. They
couldn't find him, but they tried." He then told me, "I'm seeing a
very old car, early 1900s perhaps. There's a lot of trees, narrow roads. It was
an accident."
He then told me that the only reason this "spirit" was around my
daughter was because he was drawn to her energy. He was currently waiting
for his next incarnation. Someone in my family was going to conceive soon, and
he was going to be the spirit of that child and he would be reincarnated again
as a boy.
I was truly shocked by what I was hearing. I then went on to tell him all about
the things my daughter had been saying about her new "friend". I also
told him about the weird baby monitor static whenever she was speaking to her
The psychic just laughed and said that there truly are some things we can not
explain, and yet to children it is no big deal, they are innocent to all of it.
A month or so after that we held a
birthday party for my daughter. Every single photo I took of her that day had a black type of mist around her. The pictures that she was
not in, turned out just fine. Was the black mist we managed to capture in the
photos her ghost "friend"?
Shortly after my daughter’s birthday party we were informed that my cousin and
his wife had been trying to conceive for quite some time and were very excited
that she was now pregnant. My cousin’s wife eventually gave birth to a baby
I discovered from my dad shortly after my psychic reading that my grandma's older
brother (his uncle, my great-uncle) went out west regarding a job. This was
during the early to mid 1900s, and he was in his early 20s at the time.
According to my grandma, he went missing. The family did not hear from him
again. And according to my grandma, her mother, (my great-grandmother) even
hired investigators to search for him, but he was never found.
was driving out west, and it was speculated that his car likely veered off of
one of the narrow mountain roads and crashed, and he was killed. Due to the
overgrown trees and bush, as well as the treacherous hills, it would have been
impossible to locate his vehicle.
And oddly enough, it is evident from the one photo that our family has, he does
look a lot like my dad. My daughter's "papa".
A couple of years after all of this occurred, my daughter came across the
picture of this family member in one of my parent’s photo albums and commented,
"Hey, isn't that the guy that played hide and seek with me that time? I
remember him coming to our house and he would play with me."
She had never seen a photo of him before and had no way of knowing who the man in the photo was.
A few photos from my daughter's birthday party. Not sure what this blackness is, that is around her in every picture. Was it our "ghost", her "friend", his energy perhaps?
I spliced the photo of my great-uncle along side a photo of my dad, and it's easy to see how much my dad does in fact resemble him.
I can see why my daughter told me "the nice man" looked like her papa (my dad).
Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life