These deceased family members were my cousins who were born before I was, and died before I was born, five years before to be exact.
They died when they were only children, at 9 and 7 years of age. They both died in a car accident.
*you can read more about them here;
I remembered visiting their grave once with my grandparents when I was a little girl. I remember it was a beautiful summer day when my grandparents went to the cemetery and fixed up their grave site and planted flowers.
I had not been to their grave site since that time long ago. And I knew that since my grandparents had passed away, there probably hadn't been any visitors to their grave in a very long time. None of my family members visited their grave all that much. It was far too painful for them. I thought it was sad. I thought that their grave should look visited. Otherwise it's as if their loved ones have simply forgotten about them. I knew that was not the case, but I have always found it sad when you go to a cemetery and you see a grave and can tell that no one ever comes to visit it.
So, I took some gardening tools with me, and a big beautiful bouquet of artificial flowers I bought. They did not look artificial at all. They looked real. I tend to prefer placing artificial flowers on a grave since they last much longer than real ones. Real flowers are beautiful and smell nice, but they die within days. And I think dead flowers on a grave looks so sad.
Anyway, I arrived at the grave and trimmed the overgrown grass, pulled weeds etc., and placed the stems of the beautiful big bouquet of flowers I had taken with me into the ground. Pleased with how much better their grave looked, I headed home.
That night, my daughter had asked to lay in my bed with me. I was living back at home at my parents house at that time. After reading my daughter a story, I kissed her good-night and snuggled her into the blankets. She cuddled into me. As I layed there holding her, I couldn't help but begin thinking about how horrible it must have been for my aunt and uncle to have lost their two little girls. I could not even begin to imagine the utter heartbreak. I thought about how utterly heartbreaking it must have been for the rest of the family too. How sad and difficult it must have been for all of my aunts and uncles and especially my grandparents.
I then started thinking about my poor dad who was devastated when his nieces died. He was especially close with the younger of the two. She loved my dad so much and followed him around everywhere. The two of them shared a very special bond.
While laying with my daughter, I began to hear the faintest sound of music. I turned over to look to see if my alarm clock/radio had turned on. However, I saw that it was off. I turned back over again to cuddle with my daughter. A few seconds later and I began to hear the music again. The music was beautiful. It was faint but I could clearly hear that it sounded like classical music playing. Again, I turned over and looked to see if my alarm clock/radio had turned on. Still, it was off.
I knew my alarm shouldn't be turning on, especially not at that time of night. I always had my alarm set for the same time to get up early for classes through the week. As well, I had it turned to a radio station that did not play that kind of music. But, I also knew that sometimes one of my daughters would get a hold of my alarm clock/radio, and press the buttons and end up changing the radio station as well as the alarm time, and at times had unknowingly set the alarm/radio to turn on. But, the music I was hearing was definitely not coming from my alarm clock.
All of a sudden I heard what sounded like a child humming. I couldn't make out the tune. Then I heard as clear as day, a small child say, "Remember? 'Member?" I immediately wondered who the hell had said that. I looked down at my daughter who was sound asleep. Again, the humming started. I noticed it was coming from over my left shoulder, behind me, and in front of the closet, in the corner of the bedroom. I immediately turned over and looked to that area. There was no one there. While still looking at that spot, the humming continued, yet there was no one there. I was speechless to say the very least. Then again I heard the child say, "Remember? Remember?". Then the child began humming again.
I immediately jumped off the bed and flew down the stairs to the living room where my mom was sitting and watching television. I told her about what I had just heard. I was seriously beginning to wonder if I was going nuts.
My mom then brought up the fact that I had just been to the grave site of my two cousins earlier that day. I couldn't understand what that had to do with anything. My mom then told me something I never knew before. She told me that the last Christmas my cousins were alive, the younger of the two sang a song for my dad. She was practicing for her Christmas concert.
My mom couldn't remember what song it was. While discussing this with my mom, my dad woke up and came downstairs. He asked what we were talking about and my mom told him. My dad then verified that his little niece (my cousin) was practicing for her Christmas concert just as my mom had said. She sang Away In A Manger to him. My dad then got up to go to the kitchen and left the living room.
I started humming that song, and realized that was the song I heard the child humming up in the bedroom just minutes ago.
My mom suggested that perhaps when I visited their grave, they saw that and thought it was a very kind gesture, and were thankful to me for it. My mom suggested, "Maybe they followed you home." I asked my mom why she would sing to me and ask me if I remembered it when I wasn't there, I wasn't even born then. My mom then suggested that perhaps the message was intended for my dad, to let him know that she's still very much with him and that she remembers it and wonders if he does.
My dad came back into the living room and my mom told my dad about what she was thinking and had just said to me. My dad never said anything, he simply sat there for a few minutes. Then he said, "Why would she come to you and not me?" I told my dad that I had no idea why. Then my dad asked me if it was because I was more in tune and sensitive to that stuff (due to the fact that right up to that point in my life, I had experienced lots of other odd phenomena). I told him that I had no idea.
Then my mom teased my dad saying that it was just as well because he's far too miserable. She said that if he had heard the music and the humming before knowing who it was, he probably would have said, "Shut the hell up." My dad laughed and said, "Yeah, you're probably right."
I know that experience brought a lot of comfort to my dad. He knows that his niece is still very much with him and that special bond they shared, still goes on.
Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life
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