At times, instead of just a picture or snapshot, it's like a coloured movie with no sound playing out clearly in my mind.
Sounds ridiculous and crazy, I know. I hear myself saying it when I describe it to people, or read these words as I'm typing them and it sounds like I am completely way off my rocker. But believe me, I am not.
I no longer try to understand these visions. I can not control them, they simply happen and come whenever they come. I simply accept them and then wait to see whether or not they do occur as I have envisioned it.
One vision in particular involved my brother and his girlfriend at the time (who is now my sister-in-law).
My brother and his new girlfriend had not been dating for very long, and it was either the second or third time she had been around our family, and we were all at my parents home for a celebration of some sort.
All of a sudden I had a completely clear "picture" appear in my mind. I saw my brother and this new girlfriend of his standing at an altar in a church, holding a baby in a white christening outfit.
The child had the lightest, platinum coloured blonde hair. The vision was very strong and very vivid. It appeared in my mind and only lasted for a few short seconds. A short time later I told my brother, as well as my parents about the vision.
My brother and his girlfriend went on to get married, and of course he and I, as well as our parents had not forgotten about the vision. A few years later, their son came along. After bringing him home from the hospital, and to my parents home so we could all meet our newest family member, my brother smiled and said to me, "Gee, I guess your vision was a little off." I asked him what he meant, and he pointed to the fact that his son had dark hair. I simply smiled and said, "We'll see."
As the days and months passed, my little nephew's hair turned a lighter and lighter blonde colour.
The day of his Christening, while standing in their church, I had a complete déjà vu moment. There, standing in front of the altar, stood my brother and his wife, holding their son; who now had the lightest, platinum coloured blonde hair. It was exactly as I had envisioned years before.
I couldn't help but smile. All was obviously as it should be.
Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life
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