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Sunday, May 12, 2013

~Our New Home and The Spooky Man~

We moved into our home almost four years ago. 

We were all quite happy to be moving into this home since it was in a nice quiet little cul-de-sac, and lots of kids for our kids to play with. 

It was also an added bonus that the grade school is right across the street. 

We would also have a lot more room in our new home.

My oldest daughter who was 15 at the time, informed me our first night in our new home, that during the day while her and her friend unpacked items from the boxes in her room, that both her and her friend kept hearing voices and bumping from within the house when no one else was in the house.  

At that time of the noise, everyone was still back at our old home loading up the moving truck again to move more items. Only her and her friend were in our new house at the time.

I assured her that it was probably neighbours or simply people outside.  She insisted however that it was coming from within the house.  She told me that at one point while her and her friend were sitting on the floor among boxes and furniture in the living room, they heard a lot of thumping upstairs above their heads as well as mumbled voices. 

She said that it sounded like people walking around upstairs.  Apparently the both of them headed upstairs to see what it was and of course found nothing.  I reassured my daughter, as well as her friend, that it was probably nothing.

For the next week or so, we were very busy with unpacking everything and putting things where they ought to be. 

My husband and I had finally completed setting up the family/play room in the basement for all of our kids, and our kids were looking forward to heading down there to watch t.v, use the computer, or to play with their toys etc.

We called our boys down to let them know the room was finished and that they could now play down there.

Both of my boys who were 2 and 7, entered the room, and my youngest smiled, quite happy with the room. 

Then all of a sudden a look of fear came across his face and he darted up the stairs like lightning.  My older son said, “Where are you going?”  My husband and I ran up the stairs behind him to ask him what was wrong. 

Our youngest son was now crying and very, very upset.  He kept saying, “Spooky guy.  I no like that spooky guy.” 

Of course none of us had any clue what he was talking about.  My 7 year old laughed and said, “What are you talking about, there’s no spooky guy down there, it’s just me, you and mommy and daddy.” 

My husband and I both agreed, reassuring him that there was no spooky guy down there, and that there was nothing to be afraid of.  But no reassurance or coaxing of any kind would even get him near the basement doorway let alone down to the basement.

A few days had passed, and I guess forgetting all about the spooky man, he wanted to go downstairs with his brother to play with their toys. 

I helped him down the stairs and then went into the laundry room to throw some laundry in the wash. 

ll of a sudden I heard my 2 year old yell, “No. Go away.” I then heard him running up the stairs and crying. 

I immediately headed to the family room and asked my 7 year old what had happened.  He was sitting there wide eyed and said, “Mom, he said the spooky man is here again.” 

I looked around the room and of course saw nothing.  

We both headed upstairs and I attempted to calm down my younger son.   Again, nothing I said would change his mind.  He was not going to go back downstairs.

Later that day while sitting in the living room folding laundry, my youngest son was playing with his toys on the floor.  I decided to ask him about the spooky man.  I asked him, “What does this spooky man that you see look like?”  

Without even looking up at me he said, “I not know, big and spooky.”  

I said, “Well, what is it that is spooky?  Does he look scary?”  

My son said, “Yeah.”  So I said, “Does he look different than we do?”  

He said, “No.”  I asked him, “Does he say anything to you?”  He said, “No.  He just looks at me.  He looks mean.”  Then he said, “I not want to talk of him no more.  He’s spooky.”

So I left it at that.

Both of my daughters would go to the family room in the basement and watch t.v or use the computer, as well as my husband and I and our older son. 

Everything seemed fine, but then, I noticed while on the computer one night that it felt like someone had come into the room and was watching me.  I wasn’t particularly scared, just kinda’ creeped out.  I didn’t mention it to anyone though. 

A couple of days later while I was sitting in the living room watching t.v, my oldest daughter came up from the basement and said, “Mom, can I tell you something without you thinking I’m weird?”  I said, “Of course.” 

She then told me that she didn’t like being in the basement by herself because at times it felt like someone was in the room with her when there was no one there.  She said that it felt like someone was just sitting there watching her. 

I reassured her that it was nothing to worry about.  I told her that she was probably just weirded out because it’s a new house and it takes some getting used to when you move into a new home.  I could tell she did not buy a word of what I was saying.  But she simply said, “Okay, if you say so.”

A couple of nights later, my oldest daughter had her friend sleep over, the same friend that helped her unpack and heard all the noises in the house. 

They were still up and it was pretty late.  They had decided to camp out in front of the t.v in the basement family room.  They had all of their blankets and pillows on the couch down there and intended to sleep down there.  They were taking all sorts of pictures with each others cameras, and were horsing around laughing etc. 

I was sitting in the living room watching t.v.  My daughter and her friend came upstairs to show me some of the funny poses they had made for the pictures they were taking.  They were laughing their heads off.  One picture in particular caught my eye.  I asked her to show me how to zoom in on the camera. 

In the picture, my daughter and her friend had their arm around each others shoulders and were making weird faces.  They were standing in front of a mirror that I had hung in the basement.  In the mirror you could see the reflection of the back of their heads, but it looked like someone else was in the picture too.

I headed downstairs to our computer and asked her to upload it to the computer so I could see it better. 

Sure enough, there in the picture was a dark outline of what looked like a tall, strongly built man standing in between them, in the reflection of the mirror.  Yet there was nothing between them that would have caused that type of image to be reflected into the mirror.

Of course my daughter became really creeped out, as did her friend, so they quickly grabbed all of their stuff and made a mad dash to the living room upstairs.  They no longer wanted to sleep in the basement or be anywhere near it.

I showed my husband the picture and he couldn’t make sense of it either.

A few days after this, both of my daughters were down in the basement, with every single light on of course.  I headed down there to watch t.v with them after getting my boys to bed.  

As I entered the room, both of them yelled, “Oh my God, you have to hear this.” 

My youngest daughter handed me her recorder and pressed play.  In the recording, I could hear them chattering, and I could hear my youngest daughter laughing, then it was quiet and I could hear a distinct whisper but couldn’t make it out, then a song from Katy Perry started. 

I looked at both of my daughters and said, “What? What is it you want me to hear, the song?”  They seemed agitated and said, “NO!” 

Then they went on to tell me that while my older daughter was sitting at the computer, my younger daughter had decided to tape a song from Katy Perry off the t.v.  She said, “Listen again.” 

She played the tape, and again I heard in the recording, the girls chattering, then my younger daughter laughing, and then clear as day I heard a whisper that I could tell from the volume and strange clarity that it had not come from my daughter say, “Go to hell.”

The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end.  It really creeped me out.  I tried not to show my fear and asked my daughter to play it again.  Again I heard it.  I told them that it could have been anything. 

My older daughter then brought up the strange person that appeared in her picture and the fact that my youngest kept talking about a spooky man that he only ever saw while in the basement. 

She then informed me that apparently my younger daughter had revealed to her that she too felt watched while in the basement. 

I asked my younger daughter about it and she told me how she too had been downstairs watching t.v one night and all of a sudden it felt like someone was in the room with her.  She said it creeped her out so much she had to go upstairs.

I told my daughters not to let their imaginations run wild.  I told them that perhaps it was someone that used to live in the house and they just like being there.  But neither of my daughters would believe that.  They were convinced it was some evil entity or something.

My daughters would still go to the basement and hang out, but only with each other, or if someone else was down there.  My 7 year old was down there all the time and never said a word about feeling watched.  My 2 year old would still not go down there. 

It wasn’t until a couple of weeks later when I had my parents over for dinner, and my dad headed downstairs to see how our basement looked.  He had not yet seen it finished. 

My kids headed down there, as did my youngest son and I.  My dad was commenting on how nice it looked and said to my kids, “Hey, this is great isn’t it guys?”  He then proceeded to sit down on the couch.  My youngest son yelled, “No.” And threw his hands over his eyes to cover them.  He then turned and ran upstairs.

We all followed him upstairs.  We all asked him what was wrong and he told us that the spooky guy was there and that my dad had sat on him.  We all kind of laughed. 

I said, “The spooky guy was sitting on our couch and Papa sat on him?”  He said, “Yeah.” 

I told him that it was okay and that the spooky guy probably didn’t mind.  My son simply shrugged his shoulders. 

I then proceeded to fill my parents in on what had been going on and all about the spooky guy that my youngest kept seeing.  It was kinda’ funny because my dad does not scare easily, but the mention of  him sitting on someone he didn’t see, freaked him out a bit. 

One day while all of my kids were at my parents home, I headed downstairs.  I stood in the family room in the basement and said out loud, “Is there someone here? Are you a spirit? Someone that has passed on?  I am telling you right now that I have no problem with you being here, but I am telling you that you are not to scare my son or anyone in my family anymore.  I don’t know if you are aware that you are scaring people, but you are, and I want you to stop.” 

I was very firm with my voice, and felt quite confident that I was not going to allow any one; living or dead to scare me while in my own home. And I certainly was not going to allow them to scare my kids. 

I then prayed the Our Father and blessed myself. 

I then did a complete house cleansing with sage throughout the entire house, focusing most of my energy on the basement. 

Does a house cleansing really work?  I figured it wouldn't hurt.  Afterwards I actually felt calm and quite peaceful.

We have been living here almost four years now, and I’m happy to say that there has not been any mention again of any spooky guy.  My daughters and I still at times feel like someone is in the basement with us, but it doesn’t scare us or bother us anymore.

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

*It's now four years later since I last wrote that post, and I am working on an up-date of other happenings we have experienced.

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