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Friday, May 10, 2013

~The Hooded "Thing"~

Due to my experiences, family members will ask me questions about life after death, assuming I have all the answers.  Yet in reality, I really can't give them any answers because I honestly don't know the answers.

I do believe very strongly that when our body dies, our spirit; that part of us that makes us who we are, lives on and simply transforms and goes somewhere else.  

Where that "somewhere else" is, I really have no idea.  Heaven perhaps?  I honestly don't know for sure, but I tend to believe that yes, we do go on to heaven, "Nirvana" or whatever you like to call it.  I also believe that we are reunited with our loved ones that have gone before us. 

Another thing that I am quite certain of is that just as there are very kind, loving people, there are very kind, loving spirits.  

And so it only makes sense that, just as there are very mean, manipulative, evil people, there are spirits that are mean, manipulative and evil.  

There are people that would do us harm, and I believe that there are spirits that would do us harm as well.  

Now in saying that, do spirits have the ability to truly physically harm us?  I personally don't think so, but that is only based on my own personal experiences.  

However, there are people that would argue that spirits can physically harm us, and I'm sure that there are people who could give first hand accounts of being physically attacked by a spirit.  

While I have never been physically attacked by any type of spirit or "entity", I have encountered some very, very negative energies.  

I think that is one of the problems when we open ourselves up to these energies, these "spirits" or "entities".  You become like a magnet, not only for the positive energies to be drawn to you to communicate, but you will also encounter the not so positive ones. And I have encountered some very scary ones.

I had one particular terrifying encounter, one I wish to never, ever experience again as long as I live.  

I also hope that whenever the day comes that my time here on earth is complete, and my physical body dies and my spirit leaves my body, I hope I never encounter anything even remotely similar to the thing that came to me one night.

I know that what I am about to share sounds completely ridiculous and I have no way of proving that it did in fact happen.  But this experience is completely true and had a tremendous effect on me.  It affected my beliefs about "spirits" and completely changed my opinion about all spirits being loving, helpful beings.  

And no, I am not crazy.  I am not some 'whoo hoo' wacko that talks to tree spirits and shit like that.  I am just a regular person that has had some really odd "ghostly" or "paranormal" experiences or whatever you would like to call them, throughout my entire life.  

I asked myself why? for years.  Why was I having these experiences?  And to this day I still have no answer.  

All I have discovered is that there are a handful of people in my family that have, like me, what one would call "sensitive" with "psychic" abilities and who have had "visions" and prophetic dreams.  

They too have experienced deceased loved ones appearing and communicating with them.  And my family is not alone.  People all over the world share similar abilities and experiences.  

Are "sensitive"/"psychic" people any different than anyone else?  I don't think so.  I believe we all have this ability to stay connected to Source. Some people are simply more sensitive and tuned in to it than others, and that is all.  

This particular experience happened in November of 1993.  I was pregnant for the very first time.  I had only received the confirmation from my doctor that I was pregnant a week or two prior to this experience.

It was very late at night, almost 3 a.m.  I finally headed to bed and found my boyfriend fast asleep.  I crawled under the covers and layed my head down on my pillows.  

I was so exhausted and the bed felt so welcoming and comfortable.  I was laying with my eyes open, staring at the ceiling when all of a sudden, within my peripheral vision to the left of me I noticed a blackness on the wall.

I turned my head and saw what I can only describe as a swirly vortex type of blackness. It was about the size of a basketball but started spreading out and getting much larger, very quickly.  

I thought I must have been dreaming, but I was well aware of the fact that I was wide awake.

As the swirling darkness grew, it got to be about three or four feet in diameter.  

Just then I saw this small "thing", in a dark hooded garment step from the black vortex.  I say "thing" because I don't know what it was, I did not see its face or any part of its body, only its left hand.  

I was completely terrified.  I was so scared that I was frozen with fear, literally too terrified to move.  

Just then it lifted its left arm and I saw underneath the long sleeves, a disgusting bony hand. The hand looked like it belonged to a very bony human.

It was beckoning with its first finger, just as you do when you're motioning for someone to come to you.  As it continued to beckon it was coming closer to me.  

I don't know why, but I immediately knew that it was coming for the spirit of my unborn baby.  Crazy I know, but I honestly just "knew".  

I was mortified.  I yelled out, "NO! Fuck off!"  I heard it laugh.  It had a very raspy voice and the fact that I heard it, scared the ever living shit out of me.  

I immediately began praying the 'Our Father' out loud.  As soon as I did the entire thing disappeared.  The hideous "thing" and the blackness on the wall from which it came all just simply disappeared.

I sat up and screamed out my boyfriends name.  He immediately sat up and I screamed at him to turn the lights on.  

Half asleep he jumped up out of our bed and turned on the lights.  He asked me what the hell I was screaming about.  

I began telling him about what I had just experienced.  He looked completely terrified and said, "Are you fucking serious?" I asked him, "Didn't you hear me yell at it and start praying?"  He simply shook his head no.

Neither one of us fell asleep until well after the sun came up.  We were both too terrified.  

Later that day I told my parents about the experience and they both tried to convince me I was dreaming and when they could see that I was more than adamant that I was wide awake the entire time, they tried to convince me that it was pregnancy hormones.  And I definitely did not believe that excuse either.

I could not relax about my pregnancy after that.  I kept telling my boyfriend and my mom that the baby was going to die.  I told them that I knew it would not live.  

I believed that the horrible thing that came to me that night was after my baby's soul.  I prayed and prayed for my unborn baby and its spirit.  I know, sounds like the ranting of a crazy woman.

The following month I ended up suffering a miscarriage and lost the baby.  I prayed and prayed some more for its spirit, and all I could do was hope that it was at peace and far away from whatever the hell that was that I saw that horrible night.

After that experience, I no longer doubted people that said they had experienced or encountered evil, sinister spirits.  

Even now to this day, when someone insists what they experienced really did occur even though it sounds completely ridiculous, I will listen to them share their experience and I tend to believe them.  For I too have experienced something that I have no explanation for.  

And while my experience sounds completely ridiculous and could easily be ridiculed, I truly do not care what anyone thinks or says.  I know that I experienced it.  I can not convince anyone and I would never bother to try.  

I feel that all I can do is share my experiences with other people, and perhaps others who have had a terrifying experience can see that they too are not crazy, and that they too are not the only one to have experienced or encountered a very negative spirit.

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

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