After a trip to the nearest hospital emergency department, I was informed that I had broken my fibula bone. A cast was placed on it and I was then sent home.
For the first few days I was in quite a bit of pain, and I found it much too difficult and painful to try and maneuver up and down the stairs, so I stayed in bed with the affected leg elevated.
I hated it. I like to be able to be up and about and doing whatever it is that I want to be doing. I hated having to rely on someone else to assist me with something as simple as getting up and off the bed. But, due to the pain, I didn't have much choice.
However, I was very thankful to have my husband to help me out, as well as my mom, who is always there whenever I need her.
It was only a few days after breaking my ankle when I was laying in bed. I had been reading a magazine and fell asleep. I woke up and was really hungry. I was contemplating calling out to my husband to ask him to make me a sandwich or something.
Just as I was contemplating it, the door to our bedroom opened up just a crack. I could see what I believed was my husband. It certainly looked like him. He was tall, strong build, dark hair. The quick glimpse of him however was just a blur since he moved so quickly.
As he closed the door I called out to him. He didn't come back in the room.
I called him again. Still nothing.
I was a bit annoyed because I knew he would have heard me. I called him a little louder this time. Still nothing. Why wasn't he answering me?
I then heard someone coming up the stairs. The bedroom door opened, but it was my mom.
I asked her where my husband went. She asked me what I was talking about so I told her about him just peeking in but when I called out to him he didn't answer or come back in the room.
My mom looked at me oddly and said, "He never came up the stairs, he's down in the basement on the computer."
I insisted that I had just seen him. My mom said, "Well I don't see how, I'm sitting in the living room and he would have had to walk right past me to come up to see you, and he never walked past me."
I called out to my husband. He then came up the stairs and I asked him if he had come up to check on me just now. He told me no, that he was downstairs on our computer. I told him about what I saw, and he said, "Well, it certainly wasn't me, I never came upstairs."
It made no sense to me. My mom and my husband of course both simply insisted that I was probably just seeing things.
Then my mom joked, "it was probably just one of your ghosts".
Shortly after this incident, my son began talking about a "spooky man" that he would only claim to see while in our basement.
You can read about that here;
I have not had the experience since, of seeing anything similar. Just what was it, or better yet, who was it I saw that day? I know that I definitely saw a man, and to me it resembled my husband, yet both my husband and my mom insisted it was not him.
Did I catch a glimpse of the same man my son would report seeing, who he called the "spooky man"? I have no idea.
I still do not know who or what it was I saw, but I know for a fact that I saw a man open up my bedroom door just a crack and look in on me. Then, he quietly closed the door.
Me with my broken ankle
Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life
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