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Friday, May 17, 2013

~The Little Old Lady In Black~

If you've read any of my other posts here, you'll know that my husband was "not much into paranormal stuff", as he puts it.

He had never experienced anything that one would label "paranormal" or "ghostly".

It wasn't until we were married and living together that he experienced something that really scared him and one might label "weird" and/or "paranormal" or "ghostly".

He was all alone in the house at the time, and was in the kitchen doing dishes.

While washing the dishes he was overcome with a very strange feeling that someone was in the house with him.

He turned around, and saw what appeared to be a small elderly lady all in black wearing a black handkerchief or veil over her face.

He saw her simply walk out of our son's room, turn left (away from where my husband was standing).  She walked a few steps down the hallway and then simply disappeared.

When I eventually arrived home, I found my husband sitting on our couch looking visibly upset.

I asked him if everything was okay and he immediately began telling me about what he had just seen and experienced earlier.

He was visibly shaken and upset, but of course I burst out laughing.

I said, "Aww, my big strong husband all spooked out from a little old dead lady."

My husband smiled but was still not amused.  I hugged him and said, "Welcome to my world honey."

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

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