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Thursday, May 9, 2013

~The Polaroid~

On December 24th, 1994, I was 8 months pregnant with my daughter. 

All of my family was together at my parents home to celebrate the holidays. 

Some friends of my parents were present as well and were taking many pictures of everyone with their Polaroid camera. 

While sitting in my parents dining room and talking with my grandma, a picture was taken of her and I. 

It was a nice photo of us.  My grandma asked me if I'd like to keep the photo and I told her, "No, you can keep it."  She was happy I let her have the picture, and said she was going to go out and buy a really nice picture frame to place it in.  

Unfortunately, it was just shortly after Christmas that my grandma was admitted to the hospital with unstable angina and never came back home from the hospital.  She passed away approximately six weeks after being admitted to the hospital.

After my grandmother passed away, I wondered what happened to that photo.  It became very important to me, and I knew I wanted it.

One night, only a few days after my grandmothers funeral I was laying in bed thinking about her.  I really missed her.  I always really enjoyed going to visit her.  Her and I would sit and drink tea and talk for hours.  I began to cry thinking about her and how much I missed her. 

My grandmother loved the smell of Chantilly.  And every birthday, Mothers Day and Christmas she always received the perfume, lotion and powder from a few family members.  It smelled really nice, and she always wore it.

While laying there crying I began to notice the distinct smell of Chantilly.  I poked my boyfriend awake who was sound asleep beside me and said, "Do you smell that?"  He sniffed and said, "Yeah, what is it?"  I said, "Doesn't it smell just like my Nana's Chantilly?"  He layed there a second or so and then said, "Holy shit.  It does."

Just then I heard my grandma's voice as clear as day in my head.  It sounded like she was in the room talking.  She told me that the picture was in the dresser that my grandpa's ashes sat on.  She told me that the photo was in the second drawer down, tucked into the front of the drawer.

I turned to my boyfriend and said, "Did you hear that?"  He said, "Hear what?"  I said, "I just heard my grandma's voice clear as day and she told me where the picture is."  I then told him what she had told me.

The next day I informed my mom about it, and a couple of days later, my mom and I checked that dresser, and sure enough, in the second drawer down, tucked up against the front of the drawer was the picture. 

I sat down on the edge of my grandma's bed looking at the picture and cried.  I did not feel sad but felt immense happiness knowing that my grandma was obviously still very much with me. 

Copyright © 2013 A Haunted Life

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